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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Tytoo

  1. Hello =) I'm in the process of adding the remaining HP of tanks on the player panels on my XVM configuration and i'm having trouble with the formating. I would like to format the HP like so: [1250] //In a case where the HP is 4 digit long [ 850] // In a case where the HP is 3 digit long Yet, i think i can make it work when the HP is 4 digit long with: {{hp%4d|N/A}} This give me a nicely aligned column. However, with 3 digit HP number, it's not working anymore All the column are disorganized. It's not good I found a way around it by padding "0". However, i would like a cleaner way of doing it. Thanks in advance for anyone trying to help me out. Also, i would appreciate if anyone have nice documentation about formatting for XVM. I'm unsure what language formatting system i should use.
  2. I did a simple bot over IRC for one of my friend streamer. It access the basic WG API information to provide several command and tools for his chat. It let viewer vote on wich is the next tank he should play for example. I wanted to implements something to access player WNX. Thanks for the quick answer. I will work my way around this problem i guess ^^
  3. Hi, I'm working on a small project and i was looking around to see if there's an API available to access XVM data. Could not see any reference of it on this forum or on the official website, but i would like to be sure before giving up on this portion ^^ Do we have access by any mean to the data by any kind of API ? I know i could extract from the mod, but i'm not interested in doing so. Thanks :)
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