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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Dumadidak

  1. Ok guys, with your priceless help, I finished my carousel for now! The XVM developers and community here is wonderful and helpful! Thx everyone for help. Now I "only" need to change position of filters and arrows. Sooo swf changes now! Now I have something like this:
  2. Sadly, also doesn't work :( First I wanted to do it in shadow part (so second field would be unnecessary, and ofc. eneble/disable option too) But: "color": "{{v.premium?#F5BE4B|#000000}}", doesn't work. I have no idea how could I made glow under the premium name, only premium. Edited: OMG. "alpha": "{{v.premium?100|0}}" is working... I probably doesnt put changes with JSGME to the WoT... to many WoT runs... sorry guys for disturbing u. Ok. Now I know that it doesn't work just in shadow part. So I could disable main oneonly. But it is enough! Thx.
  3. Ok, so i have next trouble. I have code like this: I need different shadow for type of vehicle premium/notpremium, and there is a problem which I had earlier. How i could disable all part (no comment lines). I thought that I could use macro {{v.premium?100|0}} to turn off this part, but it's not working in "alpha" line.
  4. Thanks Sirmax :) Good to hear it! So I'm first one to wait for it :) Problem solved! Sorry for so many questions! I'm pain in the ass, again and again. Btw. I can't believe that U are sooooo helpful, thx for your time!
  5. Thx Sirmax, ofc that "w" and "h" is working good. I have one more question, is it some option in code to disable some part of "extrafields"? For example i have this one, and i want disable it: I know there are 2 options: - I could use "//" at the beginning of all lines... - or set "alpha" to 0 But I'm looking for option rather like "enable", "visible". Why this options doesn't work in extrafields? And one more question, because i also made some little modification ("clean up" in text/lc_messages/menu.mo) It looks like this, but also I have issue about image quality. Maybe it's not a 'big deal' about difference of qualities... but I'm wondering, that, is it possible to take some data from game and make macros like this? Ofc it is only some idea, i don't want to cause any troubles for U. But maybe someone want use it also? I also feel the lack of this macro {{v.c_premium}}... maybe or is it other way to make text "gold"? I done "name of tank" in extrafield becouse in the main part i couldnt put short name of it, and that was important for me.
  6. Sirmax :( I found my mistake. Everything was about align="right", probably if i had other coordinates i could see the flag, and i won't start this topic. For now it is working fine. But Sirmax, I have to tell u, that u helped me a lot, becouse quality of "src" is MUCH better, than put this into the "format". Could u tell me something more? How could i change the width or height of that img? The difference: (probably u should change in the default config, part about masterybadge in carusel.xc) Part about mastery badge doesn't work for me:
  7. Hello guys, again. I have a little question. How could I put image of nation (flag) into the carousel? I done something like this: But I was using flash file (Flags.swf), sadly it interacts with other hangar places like "about the tank" or in "tech tree". So i have to do it in my XVM config carousel.xc. I tired to use this macro: {{v.nation}} in carousel.xc And ofc i add my icons to the res folder called for example "nation_china.png". It doesn't work. I think, that when macros hiding numbers (like in mastery badge or color code) it is working fine. But when there is text (china, ussr or other) it doesn't work properly. If someone will have some idea how could I fix it, it will be fabulous :) Greetings Dumadidak
  8. Sirmax, it will be awesome, and ofc u could do that, but Seriych is telling something very important (if i understand good). There is so many different resolutions in game, and it should be done better (for all player). For now I done it for my resolution: 1680x1050. For such a low resolution, I don't wanna be rude, but probably like for calculators, it doesn't work. Maybe it is some way to do that better, u have free hand for do that Sirmax if u want. I used to rly like my clock (adjusted from Locastan, with swf file), that's why i ask for help here to do that the same in XVM config. Greatings!
  9. Guys! I have final "product". But for sure, I can tell u that without duv21 it can't be possible. He is AWESOME. duv21! I tried do it with your separator and your config numbers, but I had to change a lot, and it takes me a lot of time to do it accurate (i'm wird guy that like do it to 1px accuracy)... that "valign" option is working very bad for now... But duv21 without you i couldn't do it, so i'm so grateful for your help! If someone wanna try this clock, there is a little package from me: MEDIAFIRE SENDSPACE Greatings and thx for help (or even try) for everyone! Konrad (Dumadidak)
  10. Hi guys! U are awesome about your interesting about this little problem. Duv21 u solved a lot of my problems about clock. And it is working for me (after few little adjustment to be more accurete in pixels)! U are sended by God! (doesnt matter that i'm ateist) :P Here is my config (with your help Duv21): And there is how accurat it is work for me: I still need to add separator... but for now it fucked up everything when i'm putting in source "img" tag...
  11. Hi! It is rly hard to do it without "extrafields" (like in carousel.xc). Here is separator of my try :) Upper ofc, or use this link: http://i.imgur.com/q5wU708.png
  12. Hello, could i ask when comment will work in battle (playerspanel), and if it will be possible to add/edit comments in other windows (clan window) or in battle? I'm wondering also when "groups" will come to XVM ;) It is also amazing feature! Btw. Comments working for me fine! It is awesome! I love u guys! There is my garage:
  13. Hello guys, i just registered here, because i'm a little bit desperate... I have question for u, maybe someone could help me... I have done something like this (without any clock.xc config), i was using hangarclock from locastan modpack and i adjust config "a little bit": (that red square is only for mark the clock, don't worry :) BUT..... Now, I'm trying to do it again but in xvm config.... but it is probably too difficult for me... I have done this, but it is far away from my first one clock... It's difficult for me because i want this separator (im middle of ping and the clock), and i could even try without date.. but in clock.xc option "textVAlign": "center" doesn't work for this clock.... Maybe U have some suggestions for me? How could i break the date texts, and how could i put a little bit higher clock and date (the separator is in good position). I tried many formatting tags but it doesn't work... There is source of my config for now: 'clock.xc' It will be awesome, if someone learn me how could i deal with it :) I have also question about space between ping (EU1 EU2)... I tried to do this pings in the same fontsize like "Premium, Przedłuż etc"... But i have no idea how could i do this space thinner. I was thinking about RowGap or something like this, but there is nothing like this in config (only ColumnGap)... There is source of pings: 'space between pings.xc' I will be grateful for any help! Greetings for All from (sadly) "Siema Pl-land" Konrad (Dumadidak)
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