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Posts posted by mintik

  1. 19 hours ago, kupjones said:

    Yes, that would be it.  Here you can see the functions exported (exposed) to XVM.  This would be copied to the py_macro folder, as in "\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\py_macro"


    @xvm.export('sight.piercingActual', deterministic=False)
    def sight_piercingActual():
        return piercingActual

    @xvm.export('sight.hitAngle', deterministic=False)
    def sight_hitAngle():
        return math.degrees(math.acos(hitAngle)) if hitAngle is not None else None

    @xvm.export('sight.normHitAngle', deterministic=False)
    def sight_normHitAngel():
        return normHitAngle if (normHitAngle is None) or (normHitAngle < 0) else math.degrees(math.acos(normHitAngle))

    @xvm.export('sight.armorActual', deterministic=False)
    def sight_piercingActual():
        return armorActual

    @xvm.export('sight.c_piercingChance', deterministic=False)
    def sight_c_piercingChance():
        return colorPiercingChance.get(shotResult, None)

    @xvm.export('sight.piercingChance', deterministic=False)


    Ok, thank you for checking the config for me.
    It works again!




  2. I don't get why it always takes so long to release a stable version of the latest patch when it goes live.

    I figure that last day of the test server is pretty much the live version of the patch so why can't the xvm team

    release a version that was stable on the last day of the test server?

  3. 13 hours ago, SmashPuppet said:

    At first glance, the character encoding for the xc files is not UTF-8. It appears to be UTF-8-BOM. But other than that, they look OK.
    Perhaps your nickFormats and vehicleFormats in your playersPanel files would be more telling?


    Just dropping these files into a config won't give you the results you're looking for if they aren't called the way you want it to be.

    Did you check your playersPanel.xc file to see if you are calling the alpha values correctly?




    Yeah I checked the changelog and it says: (colors.xc, alpha.xc)
      * disabled original color and alpha settings for ratings since XVM scale is used by default


    So nvm, can't use custom colors anymore.

  4. Hi,


    I have problems with the use of alpha rating for wn8 color ratings.

    My wn8 colors aren't showing up correctly. It's the default wn8 color value instead of my custom one.


    I'll attach the config files. Can anybody please take a look?


    These are the default colors:



    These are the colors I normally use but they don't work because my alpha.xc config is wrong somehow:







  5. Hi,


    I have a problem showing stock turret markers properly. I created an extra text field for turret markers but the problem is

    that the tank names either have 'HV' or 'LV', high or low vulnerability, next to them in the text field. If I don't put 'HV' and 'LV'

    in the markers config then I don't have the turret markers anymore. I'll post the code below so you know what I mean.


    "turretMarkers": {
          // Subject has stock turret and top gun can not be mounted. Subject is highly vulnerable.
          // ??????? ????? ???????? ????? ? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ???????????. ??????? ?????? ??????.
          "highVulnerability": "HV",
          // Subject has stock turret and top gun can be mounted. Subject is somewhat vulnerable.
          // ??????? ????? ???????? ????? ? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???????????. ??????? ??????? ??????.
          "lowVulnerability": "LV"


    // Text field for turret marker
        "turret": {
          "name": "turret",              //  ???????? ?????????? ????, ?? ?? ??? ?? ??????
          "enabled": true,                //  false - ?? ??????????
          "x": 45,                        //  ????????? ?? ??? X
          "y": -34,                       //  ????????? ?? ??? Y
          "alpha": 100,                   //  ???????????? (??????????? ????????????? ???????????? ????????????, ??. macros.txt)
          "align": "left",
          "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/stock turret markers/{{squad?sq|{{tk?tk|{{ally?al|en}}}}}}{{turret}}.png' width='36' height='36'>"  //  ?????? ??????. ??. ???????? ???????? ? macros.txt

    EDIT: Nevermind, think I've found the problem.


    "tankName": {
          "name": "Tank name",
          "enabled": true,
          "x": 0,
          "y": -36,
          "alpha": 100,
          "align": "center",
          "textFormat": {
            "font": "$FieldFont",
            "size": 13,
            "color": null,
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false
          "shadow": {
            "enabled": true,
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 45,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "alpha": 100,
            "blur": 6,
            "strength": 2
          "format": "{{vehicle}}{{turret}}"



    stock turret markers.zip


  6. This is WG bag (not XVM).

    Now fix in last micropatch (on RU-region)

    Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой звук горения танка был слышен даже после того, как пожар был потушен.
    Fixed an issue - for which the sound of burning tank was heard even after the fire was extinguished.

    Write to the customer support in your area, maybe there will make a correction on the server.


    Thanks for the reply!

  7. Hello,


    I'm having problems with the XMQP features. I used to see when players enabled this feature ingame by the orange bars

    next to their name. But now this is not working together with the spotting status. No lightbulb showing above their markers anymore.

    I have searched my config to find any disabled stuff but I couldn't find any. It happened since last patch (9.15).


    XVM version:







    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.




  8. Yep, just keep it in mind - or at this topic. I know that it's more complicated, so no rush, but I had to share this idea with you, because this can help many ppl to save a time.

    Another reason: I have poor memory.... and even notes are for me hopeless :P Have a nice day/night.


    You have awesome suggestions! Nice work!

    Also thanks to the XVM team to implement all these features. ;)

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