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Korean Random


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Everything posted by UnstableMutant

  1. I see this has been implemented: http://dev.modxvm.com/xvm/commits/38ec328a03e78a728ad96240c1cd42b1ae54face. Thank you.
  2. I'm assuming it is possible to do things like: {{revealed?"#FF0000"| {{lost?"#CCCCCC"|"#444444"}} }}Otherwise it gets tricky. But you could still use alpha = 0 to selectively hide fields that are on top of each other.
  3. I don't think that's true. I'm already using "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}"in extra fields of the players panel to hide things for dead players and it does update correctly. The suggested macros should work similarly. I'm not actually sure if you can chain them or how else to manage multiple variables / states. Current spotting marker functionality could stay as it is, just add some more macros for those who want something more or different. BTW, I'm not opposed to having it implemented as {{c:spotted}} and {{a:spotted}}, especially if the colors are configurable. I'm not quite sure which would be more flexible and powerful.
  4. Hello, EnemySpottedMarker has fields neverSeen, lost, revealed and dead. It would be nice to have these available as macros. ({{dead}} is not really needed since {{alive}} already exists.) I want to use them to color parts of player panels in ways that enemySpottedMarker can't handle. Probably also useful in statistics form, hit log and pretty much anywhere else that {{alive}} can be used. I'm not sure what they should return for allies. Allies could count as revealed, unless out of radio range. In fact {{inRadioRange}} might be useful for allies. Perhaps {{inDrawRange}} for everyone. The last two came to mind right now and I don't have a need for them, but might be nice if easily implemented.
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