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Everything posted by llVIU

  1. I'd say most changes are due to wg changing the game, and xvm has to adapt... plus, it's not their job, so it's hardly motivating to just slave away countless hours to fix the irritating bugs caused by wg or whatever else... they might just make a simple single file bug-free and editor yet again... but maybe next month the next updates fucks everything up again and they might have to start from scratch...
  2. thanks, I eventually found out and came here to edit, but saw your reply... HOWEVER for someone else who is googling this... "extraFieldsRight": [ { "alpha": ${"playersPanel.spottedMarkersAlpha"}, "x": 0, "y": 5, "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "shadow": {} }], that's what I put to actually activate the feature. And this section "enemySpottedMarker": { "Xoffset": -35, "Yoffset": -10, "format": { "artillery": { "neverSeen": "", "revealed": "<FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='25' COLOR='#FF0000'>> </FONT>", "lost": "<FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='25' COLOR='#DDDDDD'> ●</FONT>", "dead": "" }, "neverSeen": "<FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='25' COLOR='#FF0000'> ●</FONT>", "revealed": "", "lost": "<FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE='25' COLOR='#DDDDDD'> ●</FONT>", "dead": "" }, "enabled": true }, is now useless 100%, however I didn't remove it, and it doesn't mess up anything.... also, yes, texts.xc however it doesn't accept my format that you see above, I will upload the text files of both (but note, I need to keep testing) http://pastebin.com/EcU59X4w http://pastebin.com/FpZF07z5 if only the editor still worked... instead of having to edit the files in notepad like a caveman... btw pity that I can't use ● anymore or "Xoffset": -35, "Yoffset": -10, to put it close to tank icon, but that's how it always is... each wot update messes up some mod, somehow...
  3. How can I turn it on? I don't understand how I should fix this... I used to just have one single easy to use file with all the configs, "xvm.xc", and I could easily open and edit it using the online editor http://www.koreanrandom.com/z/sirmax/xvm-editor/XVMEditor.swf however, whatever I tried, I couldn't get garage to show 2 rows instead of one... so I got a convertor to have a whole big folder with 33 files in it... hard to edit, hard to find anything... but that was the only way to edit the garage carousel... but now with 9.5, I got a new problem. Enemy spotted status markers don't work. The default one works... mine doesn't. my "playersPanel.xc" http://pastebin.com/uUMk0sRa (it's strange that "enabled": true is outside the { } thingy, but that's how it was... I didn't put it there... and it worked in 9.4. If I put it in the { } thingy, it doesn't work) my "text.xc" http://pastebin.com/4M9nqAAe After searching and searching... I found that the enemy spotted status marker section was supposed to be in text.xc... this is the default "spotted": { "neverSeen": "", "lost": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#999999'>*</font>", "revealed": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#FFFFFF'>*</font>", "dead": "" } However, if I add these lines in MY text.xc, it doesn't work. Putting the whole default file in my config doesn't work. Adding that "enabled": true thingy doesn't work Whatever I try, doesn't work. Please help, This would greatly help me in battle
  4. it obviously doesn't work for him, and neither it did for me, that's why we posted here. There's no need to be rude. If I remember correctly, for some stupid reason (ask the devs), they decided to not let some of the tags work in the player pannel/marker text fields or such... some tags were made to work only in certain places
  5. I've been waiting patiently and hoping for a fix for this ever since wg reworked the game with that service record update... ever since then, we can't see the player's wn7 next to their names in company or clan wars... or maybe I'm stupid and it's just me? I did check around plenty of times. The only thing that works is when you click the company, and click "load statistics", you can see player's wn7 for the companies, but when you get IN one of those companies... it doesn't work... any info? it's been so many months, and this would be incredibly useful for me, because I'm the one leading a clan and companies, so I have to know who's good enough and who isn't... thanks
  6. I asked some xvm developer and he told me that the folder with default clan icons shown are the top 150 clans, and this top 150 are taken from the worldoftanks.eu portal, he was a bit vague on the last part... so where is this top 150 clans list? I can't find it anywhere, and what is it based on?
  7. I just got the new version and I'm interested in this... I can't find any explanation on what these are: so {{level}} is current vehicle, in battle, tier, arabic, and {{rlevel}} is roman... {{vtype}} is light, med, heavy, td or spg... but {{battletier-min}} and {{battletier-max}} don't seem to work... not in the editor ( here ) and neither in the game... how do I get it to work, and does it work? also, what does it do? I'm really interested because I really need a macro that shows the player's maximum tier, it would be of great use to me... I heard somewhere around here there's a place where I can put this suggestion, for this macro?
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