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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. So I have a linux server (based on CentOS), I would like to set it up so my server looks up stats instead of the online version (since it doesn't work 75% of the time), and I am sure if a few people did this and hosted it for their clans, it could help reduce the server load and make it available more often for others who do not have that option... I downloaded nodejs-xvm-proxy (as well as making sure nodejs and such is installed and usable on the server).... The problem is that there is no documentation on how to set it up on a local server and how to point the XVM client to the LAN XVM server, or anything else. As it is now, I have nodejs-xvm-proxy downloaded from bitbucket into /etc/nodejs-xvm-proxy/ so the next part is setting nodejs-xvm-proxy up initially, making it ready to see connections from the LAN, and changing whichever file for the client to point to this LAN server instead of the online server. Any help please?
  2. Any update on english translation for ingame items? Любое обновление английский перевод внутриигровых предметов?
  3. Love this mod, possible to get full english version? I've looked through the .xc files and cannot find anywhere to change/translate the text. Перевод: Мы любим этот мод, это возможно, чтобы получить полную английскую версию? examples:
  4. Is there a way to create our own local XVM server on our home network, and set installed XVM to use that local network server for XVM instead of online?? I am just looking at this option since the stats have been down every few days lately, and I have several old unused systems that would work perfectly for this purpose. I have a gigabit router and 30Mb connection so speed and bandwidth is not an issue. Any help with this would be great!
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