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About dizasta

  • Birthday 10/07/1977

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  1. Nice Mr13, so this is some kinda test for you and source of fun? And now I should prove what I know? Well Thanks to those who were not ignorant kids and said something constructive (be it pm or some other thread) with insight. Honestly, I did take my time to look all the available code yesterday, and found it simple enough to finish it all in an hour or two without any hurry (it's neatly written). What I consider a problem might not be what you find see as a problem. Someone was playing with mongoo and how that went I can not see, but I suppose your database survived at least without redundant data. I personaly (not that it matters to you) avoid mongodb as it is for situations where you lack hardware (it is a simple database with its client side problems which I will not go into with you) - so I asked a couple of questions here and there, as not to waste my time browsing the threads full of chatting, but to hear it in few simple lines in a form of short answers, and to concentrate faster on the right issue. Why xvm isn't working is clear at least to Mr A and it has nothing to do with 'wrong' formulas or server side php faults or client side app errors (both are fairly simple projects and very simple logic, someone just complicated it with unnecessary fragmenting but thats all). As for my remark about dokan - it has crashed with blue screen more windows 7 by now than windows 98 managed in its time. So yes, I find using that obsolete crap a shitty idea. There are other solutions and at least one easily implemented in stat application itself. To others who blatantly came with insults and are just eager to do anything but deal with this fan project, you know what? Despite my intentions, I don't want to do anything anymore nor waste my time on this. Whoever is designated for api.worldoftank can manage it himself - new data is there and how fast you figure out how to get it depends on your intelect. Do whatever the hell you want with this account, you will not be seeing me here again.
  2. That would confirm my concerns. Thanks Mr A.
  3. Can you read again what I wrote above? Of course all source is available and 'open' -.- I really do not believe you, simply because of your attitude and apparent 'knowledge' - but this is not important to me since I will not have to deal with you. Are you sure you are at least 35 y.o. ? maybe you accidently put 0 after number 2, you sound more adolescent. My skills are not your concern nor do I have to tell you anything about me, its simple - if you really need help I will try to help you in max 2 days, and if I fix it - I am gone from this 'Openness'.
  4. And you know what I know about security and openess how? I was probably coding serious shit while you weren't even concieved. What I consider a security risk is server/database access information which could be served to every joe and jack. And I do not have to explain myself to you or any ignorant little wannabe coder who only scripts some client shiat colors. I am still willing to look into this, but continue this way and farewell.
  5. I see. So you really have nothing to do than to try use your scripting 'knowledge' to spam again? Yea, apparently (hopefully not thanks to your scripting dribbles) the project is open but security has nothing to do with that, if you have any brain at all you will know what that is. I directed my questions and will continue from there, if ibat is willing. With you - no. And you know what? I could solve this, but with this attitude I can assume how things run on your side. I DO NOT NEED to help you
  6. And I sent PM to ibat. Check your database
  7. Thanks for bitbucket, didn't have that one. Was looking over source last night - it simple enough project and neatly written with enough comments where needed, with some weird decisions about variables but nothing erroneous. Didn't bother to check every bit but was mainly trying to check code for calcs, server stat update and to cut it short some stuff would speed things up, but I will direct my real questions on PM. Thanks iBAT for not beeing rude and childish as those 2 above.
  8. XlebniDizele4ku give me access and in 2 days i will deal with your incompetence. 1 day to analyze what you all messed up, several hours for fix and the rest of 2nd day enjoying my fully working xvm. How many of "XVM developers" are there ffs for this to take more than 2 weeks without solving? It seems all you do is talk and effectively spam topics with bad english (write russian cyrilic, I can read and understand, others will use google translate which will make more sence).
  9. While this is free and probably fan based mod (or wg payes them under the table, but who cares), there isn't much more you can do than just wait. For weeks. Maybe a month. Hope that they soon hire/befriend more competent staff, or that some competent coder (be it smart Chinese or some 'western capitalist', dont care) makes better and NON-DOKAN dependant mod that does the same as/and/or more than this mod.
  10. French tier X arty (probably the rest with name changes also) among others also has no stats, so how long will this database work last? Should of taken server down at least since it shows eff/wn wrong. It's simple work with merging, cmon ppl don't be so lazy; but if you are let me fix it in a day time max. -.-
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