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Korean Random


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Posts posted by DarthWanderer

  1. hey Serz, nice updates :) kudos...


    i was wondering, if you could make optional EU style enemy panel in the yellow color of RU version. or at least those stripped fields, i am sure you have some templates in PSD to change color easily :D i am now using the "optional" version of EU, with blue for allies, and red for enemies. it would look much better with yellow for enemies


    and one more thing - is it possible to set border (width and color) for font element? i'd like to add WN stat to the name field, but those colors do not look well with red or blue background, so i want to test the font with 1px white border to make it visible...


    many thanks :)

  2. for me so cool))

    but I try not to deviate from the original concept



    sure, thats understandable :) i will play with it bit more, it allows you to do some great things... like those US 7x7 version. would be nice to have a script that would let you cahnge configuration dynamically according to battle type - so you can have an extra config for 7x7/ESL without the need of editing xvm files


    Так будет выглядеть выделение взвода и игрока в WG League EU 
    Выделять ли текст, если во взводе?


    at the expense spotted markers needed macros without in any way 


    did only because you wrote 



    thanks Serz, great job you did there... i took the liberty to alter your panels a bit, to save some space and some more info :)




    but i still do have feeling like those HP in players panel steal some FPS :( i dropped between 5-10 FPS while using HpInPlayersPanel feature :(

  4. StranikS_Scan, тут в Европе человек твой мод трупов нашёл у Дронго и с версии 8.5 сам тащит. :gg:

    Зайди, приколись. :heh:

    Я там ссылочку сюда оставил. Правда тема, вроде, уже умерла...


    well i did what i could :D the topic is dead because i am too lazy to process all the textures with each patch again :)


    and back to topic - Stranik, will you do dead tank textures for new HD vehicles? i like your beige filters much more than mine... and since doing the overlays is not so difficult like drawing hitzones, it should be doable, right?


    keep up the good work

    • Upvote 1
  5. @DarthWanderer, yes, it does not work now. Developers wrote that they should work with some things, and then test will be started again. ))


    thx :) i usually do read koreanrandom with google translator, but sometimes, the important things hide behind less usefull chat :D does it mean stats should be working regardless the settings, or not?

  6. I said this macro is temporary. Currently we have no scale for WN8. When we will have it, {{wn}} will be replaced to WN8.


    so the decision was to replace WN6 without any "transfer" period, during which both WNs coexist? any ETA?? so far i've noticed, that only about half of EU players have WN8 calculated

  7. попробуй поставить black не помню в какой версии добавил этот цвет 


    или вот последняя версия со всеми изменениями...



    -ачивки переехали в sysmsg.json и изменился формат

    -подобрал сопли с округлением и пр.

    -строки по ремонту и облуживанию не добавляются в сообщение о резултатах боя если затраты равны нулю


    he jeroohn, happy new year :) are there any changes in macro names since 8.10.4, or we can use old config?

  8. mod you used 'VBAAddict' it part  called "ATS.py"  not ready for work in 8.10 it crashed while trying to work with dossier couse of it crash my mod can't get dossier too. It seems that you use old version i just decompyle version 3.0 as i can see it must work fine with my mod


    true, i am using vBAddict tools to upload my battle stats and replays. first i though it is ATS issue as exel stopped counting battles after i run that tool, but after that i noticed other ppl have similar issues like not counting all battles etc.


    anyway, i sent same error log to the author of ATS, lets see. how is work on 8.10.5 going?

  9. And why you do not like dumping at 0.00 UTC, unless you have a server, not at the same time relieve combat missions and x2 experience?


    well, ther reset time is set to 0.00 UTC, which equals 2.00 CEST - but EU server reset time is set to 7.00 CEST, equaling 5.00 UTC. it gives sense to add reset time option, as different zone servers have different reset time


    so, please, would you be so kind to add it in next release? many thanks

    • Upvote 1
  10. Версия

    - Добавлена возможность деления строки "format" на части, заключенные в кавычки, через запятую

    - Добавлена проверка смены аккаунта для загрузки правильного кэша без перезапуска клиента

    - Добавлены новые макросы:

       {{lossesCount}} - Количество поражений

       {{drawsCount}} - Количество ничьих


    thanks :) any chance to add {{drawsRate}} and {{lossRate}} macros so we can color the numbers? please... :D

  11. Новый макрос

    {{spottedCount}} - Кол-во обнаруженных противников

    Кеш удалить или добавить секцию с любым значением

    <spottedCount>	0	</spottedCount>



    hey dellux, i really appreciate your work! keep it comming :) can we expect any kind of {{spottedRatio}} macro, like spotted per battle??


    thx, regards

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