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Korean Random


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Posts posted by Nikodemsky

  1. I know it's not directly xvm related topic, but i can't thought of better place to ask this.


    So basically i wanted to create stand-alone "mirrored icon fix" - i know it's possible with xvm, but i wanted to make one for users who can't/wont use xvm for some reason.


    I thought that this place would be best to ask that question, since xvm can remove icon mirroring - i was already looking for proper values in vanilla .swf files, but couldn't find those - since i'm not really familiar with action script... i'm using JPEXS decompiler and i think it's shows code pretty much nice and i can change few values without much interfering with file itself.


    The question is - what values exactly are responsible for icon mirroring in those .swf files?


    Would really appreciate any help in that case.


    Thanks in advance.

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