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Everything posted by MaverS_71

  1. Difference between WN7 vs. W6 is for Average tank lvl (TIER): WN6: -60*(6-MIN(TIER,6)) WN7: -[(5 - MIN(TIER,5))*125] / [1 + e^( ( TIER - (GAMESPLAYED/220)^(3/TIER) )*1.5 )] IF Average tank lvl (TIER) always >=6 then =======> WN6=WN7
  2. Question: How is calculated WN7 (+2 SPG) ? Please write formula
  3. Is possible change WN6 ---> WN7 in http://wot-news.com/stat/calc/en/ru ?
  4. Ok. Now. Conclusions: rebalanced penalty part formula WN7... especially for players with low number of battles. For >1000 and more it doesn't matter. But WN7 penalty is bigger than WN6. Penalty part formula doesn't matter for players with Average tank level >5 for WN7 ... and >6 for WN6.
  5. by author Praetor77 was originally: -5 - MIN(TIER,5))*125] / [1 + e^( ( TIER - (GAMESPLAYED/220)^(3/TIER) )*1.5 ) I wrote in excel like in graphics: ((-5-MIN(TIER;5))*125)/(1+EXP((TIER-(BATTLES/220)^(3/TIER))*1,5))
  6. Please explain last part formula ... It is penalty for playing low tiers? is written correct? WN6: -60*(6-MIN(TIER,6)) WN7: ((-5-(MIN(TIER;5)))*125)/(1+EXP((TIER-(Battles/220)^(3/TIER))*1,5)) _copy from excel
  7. P.S.I apologize for mistake. Analisys shoud be between WN7(WN6) vs. newEFF New "efficiency rating" formula: DAMAGE * (10 / (TIER + 2)) * (0.21 + 3*TIER / 100) FRAGS * 250 + SPOT * 150 + log(CAP + 1,1.732) + DEF * 150; WN7 formula: (1240-1040/(MIN(TIER,6))^0.164)*FRAGS +DAMAGE*530/(184*e^(0.24*TIER)+130) +SPOT*125*MIN(TIER, 3)/3 +MIN(DEF,2.2)*100 +((185/(0.17+e^((WINRATE-35)*-0.134)))-500)*0.45 -5 - MIN(TIER,5))*125] / [1 + EXP( ( TIER - (GAMESPLAYED/220)^(3/TIER) )*1.5 )] My conclusions to WN7(WN6) vs. newEFF (DMG part formula): * changes dependent on the DMG rebalanced from tiers (WN7(WN6) vs. newEFF) * bonus part of WN7 formula (DMG part) for tiers: 1 to 7 ... higher tiers which generate more dmg --> value of part of WN7 formula (DMG part) is markedly cuted vs. newEFF
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