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Posts posted by Assassik

  1. i do not understand why? no metter you win or lose? 


    Final WN8 should be same (+-1) for all mods and webservices.

    I took vbadict way to calculate one battle WN8.

    When using clasic "rWin = win/loss" it will be +-100. It' big different then.

    If you think about it, one battle can't tell nothing about player winrate and it change result to much. So best way is to negate winrate influence in formula by using rWin = 1


    Maybe it should be discussed in WN8 topic, not here...

  2. error in the calculation wn8 like found, copied formula here in the next Temko, and she error =)


    no one met a site where you can count wn8 for one battle?

    and another request skinte here correct color wn8 add to the default configuration


    Look at vbadict.com

    Battle report:  http://www.vbaddict.net/battlereport/scytth-eu-bc64a5d9de17c2ae363b96119b84c5e9/arctic-region-great-britain-matilda-51906390562540243


    Also, almost finished WN8 calculation for XVM battle result page.

    Here is snippet of my code (AS3): https://gist.github.com/PavelMaca/acfa92a98e37a34e4dc7


    Use rWin = 1 for one battle, and you should get same values ​​as vbadict.com

  3. вряд ли... насколько я помню там кроме формулы еще кучка таблиц с коэффициентами которые обновляются от патча к патчу..


    You can get "expected values" in json format from: http://www.wnefficiency.net/wnexpected/

    Maybe just add it to mod like file, to make it easier for future updates?


    You can also use code from XVM server for calculating WN8 https://bitbucket.org/iBat/nodejs-xvm-proxy/src/b87537a2eb05747cde28932b4df31a287b4cf30c/updater.js?at=development#cl-488

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hello, thank you for making separate path for contour icons of allies and enemies.

    What would help me now is having also path to icons for tank crew tooltips in garage, so I could solve training room icons mirroring by making separate mirrored images.

    a) move icons to xvm/res/ folder (they will be used only with XVM), icons in hangar will be default

    b) try patched trainingRoom.swf from: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/172069-088wippogs-contour-icon-mod-3x-oxmaster/page__st__280__pid__5709918#entry5709918

  5. Странно скачал ночную сборку закинул флеш фаил, переименовал хс фаил , а не кажет, где копать? И ещё где можно посмотреть какие функции там можно реализовать?


    pls, send me yours config


    Edit: also make sure you updated all XVM .swf and .pyc files

  6. Добрый день.

    Раз уж XVM добрался до окна результатов боя, предлагаю доработать его дизайн:

    1. разделить урон по засвету и ассисту (сбитию гусли) и изменить формулировку подписи

    2а. увеличить шрифт прогресса выполнения боевых задач


    2б. в списке боевых задач обрезать бесполезные поля сверху и снизу каждой задачи, чтобы их больше помещалось на экране

    2в. сортировать задачи в списке по % их выполнения

    3. добавить отображение чистого опыта (очищенного от према, акций и рейтов)


    Пример концепта:



    1. Can do, but don't know how to describe it in title... leave it same?

    2 a+b Not sure if it's possible by current  access i have in code... this is what Mr. A want on me from beginning :)

    2c good idea


    3. taking to much space, need this space for medals (sometimes you can get lot of them)



    2a - almost done

    2b - will increase size of text, make it brighter and maybe move slightly up to middle

    Можно я тоже от себя сюда добавлю, раз уж ждем тут sirmax-a


    Выравнивание цифр должно быть вот такое, а не как сейчас:




    done while fixing something else, hope others will like it

  7. @Assassik, height without modification insufficient.




    But at the old place - left, under credits.


    2 screen in #206 is better - +2 empty strings for... potential damage and killcount, maybe

    There is no space between missions and credits.

    Must make missions section smaller (i feel it's small right now) or whole window bigger.

    Don't like any of these options.

  8. I am mighty pissed. You vodka-drinkers change file structures and variables names without noting it.

    you changed "formatLeft" to "formatLeftVehicle", you removed "damageMessage" and "blowupMessage" from ally/enemy sections (in markers files) and move them to a general section. again no fucking hint about it


    this screws up the config files big time.

    this is amateur programming.



      * possibility of editing nickname field in battleloading, Tab:
        formatLeftNick, formatRightNick

    If you need to know every change, clone svn repo and watch it there.

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