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Korean Random


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  1. Hmm, nope, that's definitely not Tahoma. Above is from game, below is generated by me.
  2. Thanks, again. $FieldsFont isn't very descriptive, which is why asked.
  3. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54281287/WoT/shot_366.jpg What's the font used there? If possible, could You also tell me the font settings being used? Thank You in advance.
  4. Don't edit the @Default settings, you may overwrite them later unintentionally, but rather copy them to the xvm folder and rename the @xvm.xc file.
  5. I would rather suggest to copy the settings from the xvm\configs\@Default to xvm folder and rename the @xvm.xc file to xvm.xc and then edit the necessary files. This way you don't overwrite the modified "default" config every time you update.
  6. No need to be sorry, I'm just commenting on what I see there. If a dev has marked a line as a TODO, it means that it's not a finished implementation yet.
  7. # TODO You mean that line? Isn't it self-explanatory?
  8. I noticed that there's now a l10n folder for the XVM with translations inside. I would like to volunteer for the Estonian translation (as I'm also the official translator for the Estonian langage for Wargaming). I took the liberty of translating the latest version on the Google Code project, but I would have one request: to change " to " from " to " to "{{count}} to {{target}}", "%(count)s to %(target)s" or something similar so that it would be possible to set the text exactly where it's needed (the latter format is what WoT uses for its translations). et.xc
  9. I seem to have an odd issue, where the xvm-stat doesn't exit after the game has exited and it just hangs at the message "Stopping server". Everything else is working normally except that. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54281287/WoT/xvm/XVM.log Got ideas?
  10. I thought we did show our ideas already. What is it that you would like to refine or change? For example, I would prefer the mouse-tracking description, but do like the highlight of the map areas (thought about it, but not enough to actually go and figure out how to implement that).
  11. First guestion, I think, is that which solution do you like better or if you want to combine the two solutions, for example with taking some from one, some from the other. Personally, I think that Crus should take the task, since he is a native Russian speaker, so he can communicate with you guys a lot better.
  12. At first, would need to test it out on the end system, to where you want to integrate it into.
  13. I did some work on the idea: http://mikk36.eu/XVM_page_test/index.html Page creation is really simple, since all the description texts are set right on the area elements. If the idea suits, it's only a matter of slight touchup on the styling and then the creation of all the necessary images and areas with texts.
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