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Korean Random


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Posts posted by Eyesan

  1. Edited by Mixaill

    Hi all, 


    For some months now I've been getting an error message & having to restart the client every time I play grand battles (which isn't that often, I mostly paly below T10).  


    The error usually occurs some way into the battle, everything loads, I play for several minutes without any problem at all, then suddenly get an  error.


    I restart, rejoin the battle, sometimes I can play on, sometimes I get the same immediate error message again.


    I have no problem at all in regular random battles, nor in frontline.


    My PC is pretty good/stable.


    Any ideas?  Is it XVM or more likely one of the mods in the modpack I use?  I read something about otms likely being the cause of the problem?  


    I'm currently playing without XVM waiting to see if game goes ok next time I get a grand battle without it, after that I guess I'll try with just vanilla XVM no other mods.  

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