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Korean Random


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Everything posted by meltedgun

  1. This is a suggested update to the "Be able to sort by battles" update you had made. (Thanks for that!). It is working perfectly, thank you! The updated config code below goes into the carousel.xc file and cleans up a few things. // Tank sorting criteria, available options: (minus = reverse order) // Критерии сортировки танков, доступные значения: (минус = в обратном порядке) // "nation", "type", "level", "-level", "maxBattleTier", "-maxBattleTier", "premium", "-premium", // "winRate", "-winRate", "markOfMastery", "-markOfMastery", "xtdb", "-xtdb", "xte", "-xte", // "damageRating", "-damageRating", "marksOnGun", "-marksOnGun","battles","-battles" // ** Use for Games Played "sorting_criteria": ["nation", "type", "level"], // ============================================================= // Use one of the items below in the string above, or make your own // "sorting_criteria": ["nation", "type", "level"], // "sorting_criteria": ["-winRate"], // "sorting_criteria": ["battles"], // ==============================================================
  2. Dear XVM Community, Here is a small tweak to the carousel code in XVM that allows sorting of the carousel by battles played (battlecount). Would it be worth adding this as an XVM capability? Nothing is lost and the code is right here. Thanks, MG _________________________________________________________________________________________________ This mod allows the addition of “battlesCount” to sort criteria: \World_of_Tanks\res_mods\mods\xfw_packages\xvm_tankcarousel\python\tankcarousel.py In the section: if sort_criterion in ['winRate', 'markOfMastery']: (down to just before elif statement) Make this change if sort_criterion in ['winRate', 'markOfMastery', 'battlesCount']: itemsCache = dependency.instance(IItemsCache) vehicles_stats = itemsCache.items.getAccountDossier().getRandomStats().getVehicles() # battlesCount, wins, markOfMastery, xp stats = vehicles_stats.get(vehicle.intCD) comparisonKey.append(factor if stats else 0) if stats: if sort_criterion == 'winRate': comparisonKey.append(float(stats.wins) / stats.battlesCount * factor) elif sort_criterion == 'markOfMastery': comparisonKey.append(stats.markOfMastery * factor) elif sort_criterion == 'battlesCount': comparisonKey.append(stats.battlesCount * factor) This mod sorts the carousel by winrate or battles played D:\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\carousel.xc Set the sort order from: "sorting_criteria": ["nation", "type", "level"], To one of the following: Games played low to high "sorting_criteria": ["battlesCount", "level"], Games played high to low "sorting_criteria": ["-battlesCount", "level"], Winrate High to Low "sorting_criteria": ["-winRate"], Winrate Low to High "sorting_criteria": ["winRate"],
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