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Posts posted by richman4545

  1. While watching the replay in vanilla WoT my fps (in brackets) never drops below 110 frames, While watching the replay with all of xvm installed (Including the Py file I said earlier was contributing to the problem) my fps (in brackets) matched my actual in game fps mostly and dropped at similar points. I came to a similar conclusion about the CPU before making this post, however id consider that extremely unlikely given a number of variables.

    I did not experience any problems before update 9.19 while still using the same CPU/game/mod. I have zero fps drop in vanilla, not sure how intensive XVM could be on the cpu, but going from a stable 120 frames 4k ultra to 20 frames would have to be a pretty big hit being exclusively dealt by XVM. Lastly with my stated cpu, the Intel core i7-6950x, its very unlikely to be the culprit. Just for the sake of argument I did play a game at standard graphics and the issue still occurred at full severity, 120 down to 20 at key points.

  2. Edited by richman4545

    Hey thanks for the reply, as of making this post and this reply XVM has been the only mod or 'tweak' installed in my WoT.


    After trying your original fix I was still having the issue, I will attach the replay again. If you are still unable to see the FPS drops in the replay I can record my perspective (If that would benefit you). This replay has alot more times the frames drop then my original so it may be more obvious/pronounced, It did seem that all the frame drops happened around when damage was received or given. So in trying your second suggestion I continued to remove PY files until I saw a result (Non where added back):


    1. Removed repairTime.py - Issue remained, replay i'm providing now was that game.
    2. Removed damage_log.py - Issue seemed improved? Cant entirely rule out it was gone but seemed better, if the other poster on here could replicate this and let us know if they saw improvements.
    3. Removed score_panel.py - Same result as #2, no change from previous.
    4. Added back damage_log.py - Issue returned at full severity. Definitely can confirm that removing it provides some improvement.


    It seems that damage_log.py is linked to the issue, at least in part. These set of tests seems to provide a more refined area of where the problem lies, so unless you would like me to test the removal of each and every PY file ill just leave you with my results. If you would like any further information or would like me to test any other scenarios you may find useful just let me know.


    Note: I had to put the replay file in the original post as I could not find a way to send it in this reply, It is the one labeled "20170617_1216_germany-G110_Typ_205_23_westfeld.wotreplay"

  3. Edited by richman4545

    I have been using XVM on and off for the past year in WoT with no real issues of this nature. Ever since update 9.19 using the most up to date version of XVM would cause massive frame drops during key points in a battle. Without XVM installed and the associated issue effecting frames I am steady at 120fps without any drops or dips beyond 10 fps. With XVM installed frames can drop below 20 causing large issues with the play-ability. These issues seem to happen close to the second half of a battle, loading in and driving to an engagement my frames are as they should be. After some brawls begin,I start going in and out of sniper mode, tanks get lit/unlit, and tanks start dying ill randomly and instantly drop to 20 frames for the majority of the remaining battle. I'm giving multiple situations as I have yet to find specific points in the battle that cause the frame drops. I am running the game at max settings in 4k resolution, however with provided computer specs I dont see this as a likely source of frame drops. If any more information or details are needed let me know, I provided everything I could see as helpful.


    - Currently running game version with XVM, however this has happened with all current builds since 9.19.

    - XVM is the only mod installed, it is installed manually from the .zip.

    - My config is default and unedited.

    - I am running windows 10 and have gotten the issue to occur with no antivirus installed except for default windows programs.

    - Attached both my log and a replay. First frame drop starts at 11 minutes left in the battle.

    - Relevant computer specifications: 2 1080's in SLI, Intel core i7-6950x, 32 gb ram, and SSD Storage. 




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