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Posts posted by HerbertNimble

  1. So, my first post here, sorry if it is covered elsewhere but I don't understand cyrillic.


    I'm using XVM but there are some things I would like to change. I'm a complete noob at XVM but I do know some programming and as such I'm not completely phased by looking at the XVM files.


    I'll post some screenshots to show what I would like to change and hopefully someone could help me change it (if possible).




    I don't really need the exact numbers on there, it would be enough with the colour-ratings.


    So, three things I'd like to change.

    1. Is it possible to make the player name colour-coded according to his/her general rating

    2. Is it possible to make the player-vehicle name colour coded according to his/her rating with that tank?

    3. How do I remove the three columns with numbers?




    I also need to change the location of the damage-log (1).


    First of all it needs to be further to the left on the screen so that it is not covered by anything else. It also needs to go down a bit (see next screenshot) for the same reason.




    The last thing I'd like to change is the tank-icons on both teams. I would much rather have the tank-classification icons than the tank-profiles on both sides. Is that possible to change?


    Thank you in advance.

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