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Posts posted by cezarica

  1. Edited by cezarica

    Could someone tell me how to add a colored dot like zessm adds for spotted tanks in the players list?


    Может кто-то сказать мне, как добавить цветную точку, как zessm добавляет для пятнистых танков в списке игроков?

  2. The hangar_premium_15aug one is working just fine with goofy67's code, other ones I see in res\packages didn't. Even if got the same game version on two computers one of them has more files with hangars than the other and on this one I'm typing has only: h01_bday_2015, hangar_premium_15aug, hangar_premium_v2, hangar_premium_v2_hd, hangar_v2 and hangar_v2_hd. I haven't deleted any files so don't know what's up with that difference of files.


    I can safely assume that the code failed cos i lacked that hangar on this computer, but I still got that error even if it had that file. Anyway, will swith to the hangar_premium_15aug one cos is better than crappy stanrdard. :)

  3. Quote starting with line 172 in "scripts/client/gui/ClientHangarSpace.py"


    if ResMgr.openSection(spacePath) is None:
                LOG_ERROR('Failed to load hangar from path: %s; default hangar will be loaded instead' % spacePath)

    so if that if fails it switches to regular spaces/hangar_v2 and don't know why.

  4. Edited by cezarica

    Is it working? I was under impression it doesn't. Will give it a try then.


    Edit: Well, it works, but can't set a different garage other than hangar_premium_15aug, for instance hangar_premium_11nov or hangar_premium_28nov. It just sets the basic one:


    ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
    ERROR:   File "", line 603, in new_onBecomePlayer
    ERROR:   File "garage.py", line 11, in new_onBecomePlayer
    ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/ClientHangarSpace.py", line 172, in __init__
    ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
    NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 425): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2
    INFO: PostProcessing.Phases.fini()
  5. Edited by cezarica

    Tried with what you suggested:

    from gui.ClientHangarSpace import ClientHangarSpace
    ClientHangarSpace._DEFAULT_HANGAR_SPACE_PATH_BASIC = 'spaces/hangar_premium_4july_hd'

    and I see the mod is loaded:

    INFO: LoadMod: garage

    but still nothing changes:

    NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 425): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2

    I could make the change dirrectly in clienthangarspace.py but want this to work even with future updates.

  6. Edited by cezarica

    The original file is clienthangarspace.py found in scripts/client/gui but I want to change only a line, not entire file.


    _DEFAULT_HANGAR_SPACE_PATH_BASIC = 'spaces/hangar_v2'
  7. Edited by cezarica

    I want to change the default garage with something else and so I've tried with:

    import gui.ClientHangarSpace
    ClientHangarSpace._DEFAULT_HANGAR_SPACE_PATH_BASIC = 'spaces/hangar_premium_4july_hd'

    Compiled and put this garage.pyc in scripts/client/mods/ but I don't see the file being loaded in pythong.log file, and still loads the default one:

    NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 425): [sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_v2

    Why isn't he file loaded like any other mod? What I'm doing wrong? :|

  8. Edited by cezarica

    Yes. As for removing an ignored user g_messengerEvents.users.onUserActionReceived(_ACTION_ID.IGNORED_REMOVED, user) will do that, but still get them in the blacklist as muted so my guess would have to use g_messengerEvents.users.onUserActionReceived(_ACTION_ID.MUTE_UNSET, user) too.


    Wish I had this knowledge a while back when had 200 idiots in my blacklist and had to remove them manually one by one. :D

  9. Edited by cezarica

    Thanks Helkar.


    usersStorage().all() seems to be empty. Any other way to get that list?


    Edit: The list is populated when LobbyView_populate is triggered.

    import messenger.storage as storage
    from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.lobby.LobbyView import LobbyView
    def new_LobbyView_populate(current):
    usersStorage = storage.storage_getter('users')
    for user in usersStorage().all():
      if 'ignored' in user.getTags():
       print user.getName()
    old_LobbyView_populate = LobbyView._populate
    LobbyView._populate = new_LobbyView_populate

    Same results I got with:

    from messenger.storage import _STORAGE
    from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.lobby.LobbyView import LobbyView
    def new_LobbyView_populate(current):
    for id in _STORAGE['users']._UsersStorage__contacts:
      user = _STORAGE['users'].getUser(id)
      if 'ignored' in user.getTags():
       print user.getName()
    old_LobbyView_populate = LobbyView._populate
    LobbyView._populate = new_LobbyView_populate

    Any idea how to remove a player from the blacklist if got the id/name that I want to remove?

  10. Edited by cezarica


    import BigWorld
    import os
    from debug_utils import *
    import urllib
    from gui import SystemMessages
    from Account import Account
    ap_cr_channel = '<a href="event:http://www.twitch.tv/jeff_ich_heisse_jeff_"><font color="#E2D2A2">Watch now</font></a>'
    def new_onBecomePlayer(self):
      url = 'http://cloud1.odemmortis.com/scripts/jeffapi.php'
      file = urllib.urlopen(url)
      data = file.read()
      if data == 'online':
       sys_msg = '<font color="#7FCF00">Jeff ist live ON AIR ' + ap_cr_channel
       sys_msg = '<font color="#FF0000">Jeff ist OFFLINE!'
      LOG_ERROR('Unable to access Remote File')
      SystemMessages.pushMessage(sys_msg, SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning)
    old_onBecomePlayer = Account.onBecomePlayer
    Account.onBecomePlayer = new_onBecomePlayer
  11. Edited by cezarica

    Anyone know how can access the blacklist via Python?


    Кто-нибудь знает, как можно получить доступ к черный список с помощью Python?

  12. Edited by cezarica

    I honestly want to learn new stuff, see how someone implemented various features and not to decode other people hard work, take credit for it and sell that on whatever site to whomever offers the most. There are a lot of assholes doing that already..


    Wanted to see how (the method) one would decode that pyc file, the process of getting the code, not necesarly adri1's code. I managed to decode some of the scrips I found around, and based on a few examples managed to make my own things that kept for myself.


    Thank you anyway.

  13. Edited by cezarica

    And how to skip that? Could you elaborate?


    Oh sorry. StranikS_Scan please edit and hide the decoded code.


    А как, чтобы пропустить? Не могли бы вы пояснить?

    Ой извините. StranikS_Scan пожалуйста редактировать и скрыть декодированного кода.

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