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Korean Random


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Posts posted by Porkie


    @n0str0m0, ты меня пугаешь. В моих конфигах нет иконок засвета, а только звездочка, т.к. я их не добавлял. Я выше писал как добавить себе иконки, но ты ответил, что у тебя этот способ не работает. После этого я попробовал протестировать у себя в конфиге, и у меня все работает.

    Структуру папок я с последнего патча менял . Я даже сейчас взял и установил вчистую папку рес_модс xvm и конфиг из архива со всем содержимым. Все работает.

    Теперь скачал твой архивчег. Закинул свой конфиг. Все работает=)attachicon.gifres_mods.rar

    иконки кстати скачай, я обновил давно.



    @Porkie, good job=) i speak in english a very bad=)

    @Porkie, You made a mistake in the config. Should be so (in text.xc).

    "vtype": {
          "LT":  "LT",        
          "MT":  "MT",        
          "HT":  "HT",       
          "SPG": "SPG",    
          "TD":  "TD"         

    Yeah thanks for that, I noticed the hitlog was not showing the icons properly, I wasn't sure how to fix it.

    Fixed it in my original post.

  2. Edited by Porkie


    , you're scaring me. In my config no icons glare, but only an asterisk, as I did not add them. I wrote above how to add icons yourself, but you said that you have this method does not work. After that, I tried to test in my config, and I have works.

    I have a folder structure with the latest patch changed. I even picked up and is now established outright folder res_mods xvm and configuration of the archive with all its contents. Everything works.

    Now download your arhivcheg. Threw the config. Everything works =) res_mods.rarattachicon.gif

    icons download all the way, I updated a long time.

    shot_169.jpg [/ Spoiler]attachicon.gif



    , good Job =) i speak in english A very bad =)

    , You Made A Mistake in the config. Should be so (in text.xc).

    "Vtype": {
          "LT": "LT",        
          "MT": "MT",        
          "HT": "HT",       
          "SPG": "SPG",    
          "TD": "TD"         


    Hi, Thanks for this great config I love it. I did make some Changes Though. I broke down the config into new Format Added A Carousel with stats, changed the eff value to WN8 value in the battleloading and statistic form and edited the Russian Parts to English.


    I hope the OP does not mind but I just wanted to make a really great config better for me :) I've attached it if anyone is interested.


    Edit: added my contours and the image files for the bonus config, I forgot to add them.

    Edit: Fix that Minooz point out, thx.

    bonus and contours.rar

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