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Korean Random


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  1. it s working fine :) thanks to both of you: vlad_cs_sr (aka leecher88) and sech_92 Thank you for your patience with me :) Respect.
  2. ok if i got it right the only thing i need to change is the place for // ? //"format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}", "format": "{{hp}}", "format": "{{hp}} / {{hp-max}}", //"format": "{{hp}}",
  3. Ok thank you very much M8 :) it is working fine i did a bit of more mod on it :) it looks now like this: http://tinypic.com/r/11rsns3/8 and on the end i have one more request :) how can i make the health bar to look like this: with the max hp and the hp remaining
  4. hello again :) well :( :( i have tried for 4 days to make it work but :( i am to stupid for that so please if someone can help me :( i want it to look like this. configs: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=68899 thank you.
  5. I will try to do it :) alone! If i can t i will be back tomorrow :) thank you for your help m8.
  6. ok i go and try. yep it is working !!! :) Now i have to mod the hp bar :) to make it like this
  7. Can you Tell me how to add to eff marker so That i have on the right Side for Enemy and on the left for Side marker ally eff like this in PIC: here is my file: markersAliveNormal (2).xc
  8. ok,sry for posting this here i did not realized that this is not an English forum. but the file you have give me dose not work-the eff is not there .
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