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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. Nice job there. However, did you do it, just with the XVM tools that come by default, or did you program other mods in combination with XVM for this to be achieveable? Because AFAIK XVM is a super linear program, meaning it doesn't recognise functions made by others in the config files, especially in the carousel file.
  2. Hi there Devs, I want to report a bug related to the 1st page of the Battle Results screen. If you have crew XP enabled in your XVM settings, then the text overlaps between the Base WoT account, and Premium WoT account columns. I have attached a screenshot so you could see, and just in case, a ZIP file for my XVM config. Please fix it, or rather, make it fixable, Devs. Thank you for reading. Looking forward to your responses. :) xvm.zip
  3. Yea I tried implementing this into the code. Since I have used the online XVM editor (how idiot i am..) I have every single setup in 1 file, which is @xvm.xc.. And copying all those into the different files... no thank you :D Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm gonna copy in the code of the "large" and the "countryFlag" function that was meant to do the trick :). I don't know which icon refers to this language in this russian editor, but I have tried ;) There is a syntax error hiding somewhere in there judging by the image I posted below, and I just cannot figure out where it is... I have been staring at it for an hour and just can't find it... "countryFlag": { "alpha": "{{alive?70|30}}", "x": -95, "y": 6, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "xvmres/icons/lang/{{region|EU}}/{{language|default}}.png", "enabled": true }, "large": { "nickFormatLeft": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{nick%.19s~...}}</font></font>", "nickFormatRight": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{nick%.19s~...}}</font></font>", "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{vehicle}}</font></font>", "vehicleFormatRight": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{vehicle}}</font></font>", "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}", "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}", "width": 110, "extraFieldsLeft": [$("countryFlag")], "extraFieldsRight": [$("countryFlag")] }, 'Error message I get when I load up a replay'
  4. Hello guys, I would have multiple questions, but I'm gonna write the one which belongs to here, which is: How can I align the image horizontally to the middle? I have reached to the point where I managed to put it there, however if u take a closer look at it, you can see that the player names have climed upwards, so it's annoying mostly with the 15th player. I want the flag and name back aligned as it was originally, but most importantly, aligned with the tank name. Now I have bottom there, however doesn't really matter what I write there, same result. 'Here is the code I used to generate this'
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