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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. Guys, just one more thing: can you upgrade my code with a colored wn8 number too (i mean with the traditional 6 colored scale xvm uses)? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi guys, I need only one thing, which is: how can I edit markersAliveNormal.xc to show ally/enemy wr above the tanks with all other info before (e.g.56,45%) constantly, not just when I press ALT? Only thing I've done was to copy the code part from markersAliveExtended.xc (the folder which contains info with the press of the ALT key) but it didn't work. // Text field with win ratio. // Текстовое поле с процентом побед. { "name": "Win Rate", "visible": true, "x": 0, "y": -46, "alpha": 100, "color": "{{c:rating}}", "font": { "name": "$FieldFont", "size": 11, "align": "center", "bold": true, "italic": false }, "shadow": { "alpha": 100, "color": "0x000000", "angle": 45, "distance": 0, "size": 6, "strength": 200 }, "format": "{{rating%2d~%}}" } ] }, All I need is that xvm show me that one plus info, ally/enemy winrate, without pressing ALT. Thanks in advance
  3. Thank you. So banal mistake. It worked. Case solved.
  4. Hi guys, sorry for the quiestion but honestly i dont know where to ask it since i don't speak russian. My question is: I downloaded the latest xvm ( and since I extract the zip in the wot folder it stopped working. More precisely, its working, only it doesn't show colors, only the hitlog and I see the xvm version on the main battlescreen too. So what should I do? I did these things: 1. res_mods folder erased, remodded 2. reinstall 3. text,scripts,gui,etc. folders copied from res_ folder to res_mods (since the micropatch yesterday) 4.activate,update,add client on modxvm site 5. xvm.xc.sample renamed to xvm.xc (I did not have to do this in any previous xvm btw) And still not working :( Any ideas mates? I don't use other mods only xvm so far..
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