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Korean Random


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  1. Hey, thx sech_92 for the support. Now (!) it works, while before when I tried -3, I only got game starting without xvm completely. Folder is correct, checked it 2-3 times before I asked in this forum. Anyhow, problem solved. Cheers!
  2. Hi, got following InGame error notice: XVM 5.3.5 #3203 Unbekannter Status {"status": "requested", "cnt": 0, "start_at": 1397329953452, "issued": 6, "expires_at": 1413124235821, "token": "e27d64fc-*****-***-***-68534**7a777", "verChkCnt": 13, "_id": 501241399} Any idea about?
  3. Sorry AlaCraD, I want to sort by TANK LEVEL, which is '3' ... plus I want to sort it DESCENDING, what can't be '-3' as it isn't working. Any other ideas?
  4. Hi, checking userInfo.xc planning to sort tank level descending. // number of column for sorting by default. Sort order: >0 - ascending, <0 - descending I tryed it with 'sortColumn: <3' but then xvm isn't working any longer. ...also tried '-3' and '3-' same as '3 <' but probably I missed something. Any idea? Thx in advance!
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