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Posts posted by GaussDeath

  1. Edited by GaussDeath

    Thank you, the clock is now gone. :)


    Regarding the tier indicator, here is what I see right now: 




    And here is the image of the settings (which I originally had pre-XVM) showing the tank icon with the tier on it. 




    I would like to get the tank+tier icon back or barring that any indication of the tier. 


    Again, thank you for your time. 

  2. 1) I just got the basic XVM download (5.3.4) and noticed a clock in the top left corner of the game. How do I remove it? I found the method to change the format in the battle.xc file but nothing to turn it off. 


    2) I like the new layout (compared to default) for the icons above the tanks but it is missing the tier. How do I add the tier icon back in?


    Thank you for your time. 

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