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Korean Random


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Posts posted by commo81

  1. Administrator......site wont let me attach files....wtf? ok, anyways.....i know there is not enough ppl to update the editor.....but a downloadable program would be nice that updates itsself and allows you to see exactly what is going on....it cannot be that hard to make. I installed the update last night, and now the * spotted indicators are in my contours.  I urge you ......revert back to what "worked." this new format is just making more problems than its really worth. I don't know what else to say. www.commo81.enjin.com is where you can get my modpack, I will just approve you.

    you asked how to do it and i told you how to do it?

    your config SHOULD be written with the extra fields option , else you are going to find it hard to add new items as they become available.

    the current editing software is notepad++ and NOT THE ONLINE EDITOR , that is no longer relivant for xvm.


    ref testing ,?? they are called replays ?


    you asked how to move the spotted markers and i told you the CORRECT WAY to do it.

    Online editor still works for XVM.XC

    @commo81, attach your config (zip archive of folder res_mods/xvm/configs/), we can't help you without that.

    Please email me: [email protected]

    There is a simple word - evolution.



    New implementation is more flexible and well optimized.

    I have to agree with the other guy on this one......this update is a major headache....its not optimized at all. I've reverted back to XVM for 9.4 cause its not broken. Stats still update and everything works great. The new version....lost my spotted icons, no matter what any devs say on here.....it doesnt fix it......no, spending +8 hrs on it means i dnt play. Sry guys, but you fixed something that was never broken.

  2. >bangs head on wall. ..........Everything was fine until December. .....why do ppl fix whats not broken? Well, I will just deal with the * as the spotted icon cause....I updated last night and it moves the damn things in the middle of my contour icons. Cannot get it to load spotted icons. ........I'm just going to write my own XVM config set and offer a program that ppl can use to actually view the mods they are putting on, just like the online config used to do. Spending 8+ hrs trying to configure this gets old. Everything works fine except the spotted icons, and no matter what advice i try on here it does not work. Luckily, my XVM for 9.4 still does work!

  3. Spotted markers are not working on my end.....I get these Stars instead which are semi-annoying when you look quick and don't see them cause they are white.....I use colored markers, but regardless of what I do to correct it with the XVM, it does not go away. Help? Shot 283 is last patch, what it is supposed to look like, Shot 301 is today, what it currently looks like. (Enemy player list) Checked my XVM.XC file and it directs to the correct folder to the correct icons, etc.




  4. If you belong to an english speaking country .. then this web site is not for you, you will find no help or information to help you .. 

    The fact that XVM is used by .. non russians also ... is a show of bad planning by the XVM developers .. to point you at a forum that is not english speaking .. at no point did I find anything that would support english speaking community ... I can only assume that the pro european support for the Ukrain has affected the XVM developers sense of fairness .. and remove every thing that is in english !!

    But hey .. here I go .. just incase there is an english speaking memeber of this community 


    Editor is obsolete. It is not compatible with new XVM versions. Configurations made with this editor can cause some problems. Use it at your own risk (or do not use at all).


    So what editor can I use .. no link ... no information on XVM web site .. ??? 

    No offense, but i just literally read a post from a dev and a moderator that said that it is in russian, but english-speaking users can post. So....with that said...i'm in an english-speaking country and have found tons of help and information. There is a tab in the top left with flags where you can switch from russian to english!!!! The flash editor does still work as I use it and check my word in notepad++. The reason for the warning regarding the flash editor is probably to tell you that there is no guarantee that it will work properly, so don't blame it on the devs when it doesn't work. The best way to edit your xvm.xc is to use notepad++. I know there are topics on it here with links.


    It would be nice if there was a program to download to edit your xvm.xc and check it instead of going on WOT on and off all day tho!!!! If I had the time, I would do it and donate it to the site. Unfortunately, bills come before a game!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Is anyone getting a "mirrored" Tab ingame with their XVM? I'm testing my modpack, and found loading screen fine, ingame players panels...fine.....then you hit tab.....and left ally screen is mirrored. So, I tried the "sirmax" one and had similar encounter. I made no changes to my xvm.xc file as I never have to, other than the date, game patch, etc. It is only mirrored when I hit tab.....even the clan tags and clan icons are backwards.....should display clan icon, name, then clan tag. Anyone have suggestions on this or a fix?



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