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  1. Why do you think ive said :" in my xvm.xc file"? Dont you? Really? I tryed, but i dont know it doesnt work... :( Ive tryed many times to solve it by my own, but i could not fix it, so I give up, after years with the same config, I resign and will use the current one. Thx anyway mate ;) And thx for the mod guys!
  2. Its the current xvm. 'Complete text' Thx for anwering ;)
  3. Hi guys, I am still having the square draw distance instead of the circle... i dont know how to change it in my xvm.xc file. Could you help me? I think this is the coerrect section: "minimap": { "enabled": true, "cameraAlpha": 100, "circles": { "enabled": true, "major": [ { "alpha": 45, "color": 16764006, "distance": 445, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.75 }, { "alpha": 100, "color": 16777215, "distance": 50, "enabled": false, "thickness": 1 } ], "special": [ { "su_18": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gw_mk_vie": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 850, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "t57": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 553, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "renaultbs": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 483, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb25_loyd_carrier": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 509, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "su_26": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1218, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "bison_i": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 602, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "wespe": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m7_priest": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "lorraine39_l_am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 983, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb27_sexton": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb78_sexton_i": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "su_5": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 613, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "sturmpanzer_ii": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 602, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "pz_sfl_ivb": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m37": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "amx_ob_am105": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1288, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb26_birch_gun": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "su122a": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1201, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "grille": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 836, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m41": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1294, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "amx_105am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1288, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "_105_lefh18b2": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1000, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb28_bishop": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "su_8": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1345, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "hummel": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1260, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m44": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1294, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "amx_13f3am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1381, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb77_fv304": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "s_51": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "su14_1": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "g_panther": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1300, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m12": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "lorraine155_50": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1350, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb29_crusader_5inch": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1327, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "su_14": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gw_tiger_p": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m40m43": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1336, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "lorraine155_51": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1368, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb79_fv206": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1405, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "object_212": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "g_tiger": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "m53_55": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1291, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "bat_chatillon155_55": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb30_fv3805": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1354, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "object_261": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1470, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "g_e": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "t92": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1411, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "bat_chatillon155_58": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }, { "gb31_conqueror_gun": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1007, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } } ] }, Thx in advice!
  4. Hey guys! First of all, many many thx for the mod! you´re cool! I´m still using same config for years, in a single file xvm.xc, you know. Everything is ok, but the spotted markers have changed, and has appeared a bulb on current spotted tanks in enemy panel... is a bit annoying for me.. and i dont know how to preplace it for my old config. I´ve tried to fix it by my own, but I have limited knowledge... here it is my playerspanel section on my xvm.xc file: }, "playersPanel": { "alpha": 60, "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 }, "iconAlpha": 100, "large": { "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font> {{nick}}", "nickFormatRight": "{{nick}} <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font>", "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "vehicleFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "width": 170, "extraFieldsRight": [ {"x": -22, "y": -2, "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "alpha": 100}//spotted ] }, "medium": { "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{nick}}</font>", "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{nick}}</font>", "width": 46, "extraFieldsRight": [ {"x": -22, "y": -2, "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "alpha": 100}//spotted ] }, "medium2": { "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "width": 65, "extraFieldsRight": [ {"x": -22, "y": -2, "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "alpha": 100}//spotted ] }, "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false, "removeSquadIcon": false }, Ops! sorry for doubled the post. I fixed already. thx anyway ;)
  5. Worked ;) many thx Helkar, that comma worked in previous updates... Have another cuestion, its not a problem endeed, but its a bit annoying because of its uselessness. In battle stats panel, it marks the win ratio with 12-13 digits after coma (55,145234562213%) How could i reduce it?
  6. X. Its too long for paste in the forum... but here it is: https://mega.nz/#!NVBmgTjS!QK2R4cJjx3rFuMIq8CQmw-XIuosrYMLvMe4zTxgqDeQ By the way, in the battle loading screen appears this sentence: ('PARSER:<EOF> expected, got "," at 2080:4', 'res_mods/configs/xvm/xvm.xc')
  7. Hello and thx for keep developing XVM, wot experience would be much more boring without it. My question is, im using a xvm.xc file with my own config for years, and replace it in each xvm update, but in this one, my config doesnt load... probably there are something i should change but i dont know... could you help me? thx in advice
  8. WORKED!!! all perfect!! oh dear... it was hard for me... I really apreciate your help nixxxie and sech_92, I´ve never done without your help guys. I run out of positives... Hope next time i could do it by myself. Thx again :)))
  9. I wrote it at the end of the array in an empty block as you told me, nixxxie: (...) "ussr-T-46": { "name": null, "short": "T46" }, "ussr-T-50": { "name": null, "short": "T50" }, "ussr-T-54": { "name": null, "short": "54" }, "ussr-T-60": { "name": null, "short": "T60" }, "ussr-T-70": { "name": null, "short": "T70" }, "ussr-T150": { "name": null, "short": "T150" }, "ussr-T44_122": { "name": null, "short": "T44-122" }, "ussr-T44_85": { "name": null, "short": "T44-85" }, "ussr-T62A": { "name": null, "short": "62A" }, "ussr-T80": { "name": null, "short": "T80" }, "ussr-T_50_2": { "name": null, "short": "50-2" }, "ussr-Tetrarch_LL": { "name": null, "short": "Tetr" }, "ussr-Valentine_LL": { "name": null, "short": "ValLL" } }, "language": "en", "region": "auto" }, "texts": { // Text for {{spotted}} macro. "spotted": { "neverSeen": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#DDDDDD'>*</font>", "lost": "", "revealed": "", "dead": "", "neverSeen_arty": "", "lost_arty": "", "revealed_arty": "", "dead_arty": "" } }
  10. Oh finally they moved to the correct position!!! :) I had some problems with comas, but solved it. What happens now is the *´s works like new update, none-unspotted, green-spotted, and grey-vanished, not how i wrote in texts section... But its a great step, thx nixxie!!
  11. Deleted nixxxie, but nothing happened... :( "playersPanel": { "extraFieldsRight": [ {"x": -22, "y": -2, "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "alpha": 100}//spotted ], "alpha": 60, "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 }, "iconAlpha": 100, "large": { "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font> {{nick}}", "nickFormatRight": "{{nick}} <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font>", "vehicleFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "vehicleFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "width": 170 }, "medium": { "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{nick}}</font>", "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{nick}}</font>", "width": 46 }, "medium2": { "formatLeft": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "formatRight": "<font color='{{c:xwn}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>", "width": 65 }, "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false, "removeSquadIcon": false },
  12. Now i understand some issues... I preffer using a file, with all the information together... many files are overwhelming for me. I did what sech said, in xvm.xc file but still not working... maybe i forget something? "playersPanel": { "extraFieldsRight": [ {"x": -22, "y": -2, "bindToIcon": true, "format": "{{spotted}}", "alpha": 100}//spotted ], "alpha": 60, "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 }, "enemySpottedMarker": { "Xoffset": -22, "Yoffset": -2, "enabled": true, "format": { "artillery": { "dead": "", "lost": "", "neverSeen": "", "revealed": "" }, "dead": "", "lost": "", "neverSeen": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#DDDDDD'>*</font>", "revealed": "" } }, and: "texts": { // Text for {{spotted}} macro. "spotted": { "neverSeen": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#DDDDDD'>*</font>", "lost": "", "revealed": "", "dead": "", "neverSeen_arty": "", "lost_arty": "", "revealed_arty": "", "dead_arty": "" } }
  13. I see... so before, xvm.xc file managed all configuration, and now is only used for "start" the configuration divided in sections in config/default folder or something like that, doent it? The problem sech_92 is what my xvm.xc file hasnt texts and extrafieldright sections 0_o, that only appears in texts.xc and playerspanel.xc in default folder. Ive tryed to write it in those files, but nothing happened...
  14. It contains settings I have been customizing though the updates. This update xvm config works fine but doenst the spottedmakers how I wrote in xvm.xc xvm.xc spottedmarkers section, this is how it worked: "playersPanel": { "alpha": 60, "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 16, "show": true, "w": 16, "x": 0, "xr": 0, "y": 6, "yr": 6 }, "enemySpottedMarker": { "Xoffset": -22, "Yoffset": -2, "enabled": true, "format": { "artillery": { "dead": "", "lost": "", "neverSeen": "", "revealed": "" }, "dead": "", "lost": "", "neverSeen": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"24\" COLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">*</FONT>", "revealed": "" } A white * appeared in the left of the enemy icon tank in player panel, and if it were spotted, the * desappears. Now it works different: When the tank is spotted, a yellow * appears, and if tank vanishs, a grey * one instead. (in the right of the tank icon) Tests.xc confing for spottedmarkes is the following: }, // Text for {{spotted}} macro. // Текст для макроса {{spotted}} "spotted": { "neverSeen": "", "lost": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#999999'>*</font>", "revealed": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#00DE00'>*</font>", "dead": "", "neverSeen_arty": "", "lost_arty": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#999999'>*</font>", "revealed_arty": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='24' color='#DE0000'>*</font>", "dead_arty": "" } } } In playerspanel: { // Enemy spotted status marker format for substitutions in extra fields. // Подстановка для дополнительного поля с маркером статуса засвета "enemySpottedMarker": { // Opacity percentage of spotted markers in the panels. 0 - transparent (disabled) ... 100 - opaque. // Прозрачность в процентах маркеров засвета в ушах. 0 - полностью прозрачные (отключены), 100 - не прозрачные. "alpha": 100, // x position. // положение по горизонтали. "x": -85, // y position. // положение по вертикали. "y": 8, // true - x position is binded to vehicle icon, false - binded to edge of the screen. // true - положение по горизонтали отсчитывается от иконки танка, false - от края экрана. "bindToIcon": true, // enemy spotted status marker format. // формат маркера статуса засвета. "format": "{{spotted}}", // shadow (see below). // настройки тени (см. ниже). "shadow": {} }, No matter what the changes I make, doent no changes in game. Allways the new spottedmarkes config. I hope it helps. Due to i have no idea of programming or whatever it is, but with a massive effort during months and months doing trial and error, finally I got undersand some features. Thats why I dont want to ask and ask in forum for every single number, i preffer do it by my own and try to understand how it works, and Thats why i do not know, what exactry you people need to help me. If you are a good programmer or developer or xvm expert: congratulations.
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