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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. Dear XVM, please first let me thank you for your stats work and the xvm interface, it is much appreciated. I registered and activated my account when it was required and all worked well. In the last few days I upgraded my version of XVM. Initially, I had no XVM statistics any more and the error "bad token" in the garage. Then I added pc, deactivated then reactivated and there was no change - still no stats. I deleted some of the content form the tokens subfolder of xvm and now I get full statistics but the error: Error:www.modxvm.com Unknown status {"status": "requested", "cnt": 8, "start_at": 1397028495074, "expires_at": 1398238095074, "tokens": [{"token": "00a4e03a-fbd2-4746-9e81-04800bf8ec5d", "_id": {"$oid": "5344f68fb6faddee0b93a1ec"}, "created": 1397028495074}, {"token": "11f16b71-7479-4151-aff3-e421b5aa5f25", "_id": {"$oid": "5344f693b6faddee0b93a1ee"}, "created": {"$ts": 0, "$inc": 0}}], "_id": 514145958} Please can you let me know if this is a bug I should ignore or a problem with the implementation of your new activation system when updating versions. Regards Andreas
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