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Posts posted by Rado_BGR

  1. Edited by Rado_BGR

    Hello i have some problem with XVM, i was using custom (dev) xvm in the 1-st day  when 0.9.9 patch was added to official servers , havent play for 2-days (reinstal Windows...) and now when i start game and try even with old xvm (dev) and even with new one from the site my XVM not working, also strange is in garage\service record looklike it has not load statistics view (looklike like WOT without xvm). I get this message : XVM 6.1.3 (4649)  Network services inactive.  enable . I tought that my antivirus program (KIS2015) can block XVM, so i add game wot.exe to exclusions, but still have this problem. I go the site and press update service and prolog (as i remember it have some ADD Client button but not sute, i dont see it), but same... any ideas how to fix this ? Where i must press to Enable XVM?

    Its ok now. It become available button Activate services (strange never notice prolog\Activate services is same button who change somehow)...when i press it start to work.

  2. Edited by Rado_BGR

    Just download and instal XVM (WoT client and i do big mistake . Something is very wrong with garage panel. The row where must be the tanks is missing, my contacts in contact list are missing, when i open missions menu missions are stuck on loading. And what to do now ? I delete old version and cant find it, atlest to use it...



  3. Edited by Rado_BGR

    Hello i download XVM 6.1.2 for wot 0.9.8. and have some missing stats like now i see only: win % and wn8 , but settings that i use in 0.9.7 show: win% + eff + wn8 + number of battles fight. I use same confing file like 097 but....show same only win % and wn8. How to fix it ?


    Here are screen caps:

    In green rectangular i marked what is the difference , its looklike xvm for 098 dont read/use my config file :(


    XVM in wot 097 :






    XVM in wot 098 :




    Plese help me i want to see full statitics like in wot 097.



    Problem fixed.

    I change lines in Loading and Tab (in config editor) to looklike this :

    <font face='Arial' size='12'>{{vehicle}}<font face='Arial' size='13'> {{kb%2d~k|--k}} <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff%2d}} {{wn8}} {{rating%2d~%|--%}} (dont know why website convert this like with this symbol & ..)

    Mean i must change : old kb:3 to {{kb%2d~k|--k}} and old {{eff:3}} to {{eff%2d}} .

  4. Hello, i try all this and my light build and dead skulls still work.


    alpha.xc find "spotted" and change all digits in it to 0 (done no effect)


    Battle.xc - allowSpottedStatus: false

     "allowSpottedStatus": false,                                       (done no effect)

     "allowHpInPanelsAndMinimap": false,                       (done no effect)


    bluestealth config.7z                                                   (done no effect)


    In order to turn the bulbs and the skull off I can just comment out playerPanels.xc - ${"enemySpottedMarker"}. (find this $ but have no idea what to do with it)


    Even save the empty row in conf.editor:

    Hit log-> marked for dead (no effect)

    And in conf,editor the mark for spotted tanks is star but...in game is bulbs


    Any ideas why ?

  5. Edited by Rado_BGR

    Thanks alot almost everything work fine now. I use this row in configurator, it show:

    tank name, number of the battles (in K), effective(full) , wn8 (full) , personal win % (in %), :

    for left:

    {{vehicle}}<font face='Arial' size='13'> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}} <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font>

    for right:

    <font face='Arial' size='13'><font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}} <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> </font>{{vehicle}}

    For Tab:

    for left:

    {{vehicle}}<font face='Arial' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}} <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font>

    for right:

    <font face='Arial' size='12'><font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}} <font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{wn8}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> </font>{{vehicle}}

    Players panel 2:

    Large panel:

    Left: <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> {{nick}}

    Right: {{nick}} <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font>

    In my configuration all the stats are opposite / symmetric like: My team 12:21 Enemy team.


    Only the problem when i press ALT key exist, where personal win ration is show up over player name with many digits , cant fix it:


    Any idea what row in configuration editor change this ?

  6. Edited by Rado_BGR


    1. in files battleloading.xc & statisticform.xc change:

    'from default config'

        // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt).
        "formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}}<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}'> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:r}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
        // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt).
        "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}'><font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:r}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> </font>{{vehicle}}"


    2. in files  markersaliveextended.xc,  change macro "{{rating}}" to "{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}"

    No effect.

    playerspanel.xc and markersdeadextended.xc dont have : >> macro "{{rating}}" << to "{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}"

  7. Edited by Rado_BGR

    Download this file: @oldMacrosToNew 1.3.js.zip , but what to do with it, i use Microsoft Based script host to activate the file and then ?


    I try to dont use xvm.xc , but :

    1.I have clock in the battle (i dont need it)

    2.Server ping in LogIn screen is missing (i use true to enable it without effect)

    3.In battle and loading-battle screen it show personal rating not wn8 and eff as i set in the @default files

    4.Gun beam(gun direction) (i dont need this, even i stop it from game/settings) dont know how to hide it from xvm

    5.Cant stop spoting Lamp(bulbs) and dead skull who show spoted and destr tanks. Even i modified: Dynamic transparency by spotted status to set 0

    6.The left and right panels (years) when they are with players name are too long.How to make them small?

    7.Hits that i make are with -(minus) example (-120) and my ally hits are blue like (-120) how to make this ?


    I wonder why u must ruin all of this program, before 9.7 my XVM work perfectly only with XVM.xc now it sux!

  8. Edited by Rado_BGR

    Will try it. Thanks. Btw i am using XVM.xc file (modified with the online editor and till now was working corretly) i still use it cause its more simple to config XVM with him and, can setup visuality for xvm like i wanna...


    2.This is missing: macro "{{rating}}" in this files: playerspanel.xc, markersaliveextended.xc, markersdeadextended.xc .Files are default (official)...

  9. Hello, just download XVM(official) for 0.9.7 , but it have something wrong, the personal winning %  is missin from the loading table (for allys and enemys) and when i am in battle and press ALT key it show it over the name but with many digits like 12.1212121221212. Can this be fixed like all way where you see the the playee win percent in battle load screen and to be removed over the names. Here are screenshots:








  10. Edited by Rado_BGR

    I make a new config file and now work, but players with less then 1000 battles are show strange , before was example: ABC T-34 0K 0 0% <-> (player name, tank , battles, eff, wins) now from 0.9.0 is ABC       T-34  , only this , how can make to show old style cause some player less then 1000 battles have some eff and win rate ?? See the mauses and amx havent stats:



    Cheked the left maus, player have 10k battles...

  11. Блин, жопа какая-то с ХВМ.

    Было так:




    Hello i have the same problem, how to fix it i try:

    1. Download XVM from official site not help

    2. Download moded xvm, not help

    3. Even i keep only xvm.swf and battle.swf to use my 6-sense only and this mess stil keep showing...

    4. Minimap not work corectly too, dont show tha last position and dont show the names.


    pls help

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