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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. oO Why? I used editor for all my xvm cfgs'? Why shouldnt work ? Close... i dont saved the whole cfg in the online editor.... :P
  2. Yea, im sure.... its all fine, its the same as before but there are just no colors and no ratings...
  3. GOD! Thanks working now! But rankings (eff, wn6, winrate) isnt working, what should i do? greetings
  4. Hello, sorry, i cant speak russian.... so i have to write in english. Ive installed the new XVM, but its really unnormaly?! Maybe u can help me? U can also write in russian :-) Its my 0.8.7 cfg, maybe thats the reason? And maybe the wrong question, but why are there 2 circles in my crosshair? Serverside crosshair is disabled... Greetz'
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