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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. I've removed everything except your code in code section, but problem is still there. is it about compiler? I use standard version not the enhanced one. ; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard. ; SEE THE DOCUMENTATION FOR DETAILS ON CREATING INNO SETUP SCRIPT FILES! #define MyAppName "{cm:MyAppName}" #define MyModVersion "" #define MyAppVersion "" #define MyAppPublisher "模界特調" #define MyAppURL "http://hakamod.blogspot.com/" ;--下載檔案 1 --; #include <idp.iss> [Setup] ; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application. ; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications. ; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.) AppId={{XX}) AppName={#MyAppName} AppVersion={#MyModVersion} ;AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyModVersion} AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} UsePreviousAppDir=yes ;不會重複資料夾名稱 AppendDefaultDirName=no DefaultDirName=\games\World_of_Tanks DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName} DisableProgramGroupPage=yes ;LicenseFile= InfoBeforeFile=thanksto.txt InfoAfterFile=thanksto.txt LicenseFile=License.rtf OutputDir=D:\hakaMOD-TEST OutputBaseFilename=hakaMOD_WOT_{#MyModVersion}_trial Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes WizardImageFile=hakaMOD-1.bmp WizardSmallImageFile=hakaMOD-2.bmp ;不讓圖變形,對整個介面也有影響 ;WizardImageStretch=no ;產生反安裝檔 Uninstallable =yes ;不會詢問資料夾是否已存在 DirExistsWarning=no ;再次安裝時,依然會秀出安裝位置選擇框 DisableDirPage=no DisableWelcomePage=no SetupIconFile=hakaMOD.ico SetupLogging=yes [Languages] Name: "en"; MessagesFile: "compiler:\Default.isl" ;InfoBeforeFile: "thanksto.txt"; InfoAfterFile: "thanksto.txt"; LicenseFile:"License-en.rtf" Name: "tw"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\ChineseTraditional.isl" ;InfoBeforeFile: "thanksto.txt"; InfoAfterFile: "thanksto.txt"; LicenseFile:"License.rtf" Name: "jp"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Japanese.isl" ;InfoBeforeFile: "thanksto.txt"; InfoAfterFile: "thanksto.txt"; LicenseFile:"License.rtf" [Dirs] Name: "{app}\hakaBKUP" [Code] //---作者連結 1 開始---\\ Type TItemURL = record CLBHWND: Longint; ItemCaption: String; URL: String; end; Var ItemsURL: Array of TItemURL; URLSText: TNewStaticText; Procedure URLSTextOnClick(Sender: TObject); var ErrCode: Integer; begin ShellExec('', TNewStaticText(Sender).Hint, '', '', SW_HIDE, ewNoWait, ErrCode); end; Procedure CheckListBoxOnClick_ShowItemURL(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin URLSText.Hide(); with TNewCheckListBox(Sender) do for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(ItemsURL) - 1 do if Handle = ItemsURL[I].CLBHWND then if Selected[Items.IndexOf(ItemsURL[I].ItemCaption)] then begin URLSText.Show(); URLSText.Hint := ItemsURL[I].URL; end; end; Procedure AddItemURLLink(ACheckListBox: TNewCheckListBox; const AItemCaption, AURL: String); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := GetArrayLength(ItemsURL); SetArrayLength(ItemsURL, Idx + 1); ACheckListBox.OnClick := @CheckListBoxOnClick_ShowItemURL; with ItemsURL[Idx] do begin CLBHWND := ACheckListBox.Handle; ItemCaption := AItemCaption; URL := AURL; end; end; //---作者連結 1 結束---\\ procedure InitializeWizard(); begin //--點擊元件可以顯示說明圖例結束 B--\\ //---作者連結 2 開始---\\ URLSText := TNewStaticText.Create(WizardForm); with URLSText do begin Parent := WizardForm.SelectComponentsPage; SetBounds(ScaleX(405), WizardForm.TYPESCOMBO.Top + ScaleY(160), 0, 0); Caption := 'Visit Author'; AutoSize := True; WordWrap := False; Cursor := crHand; Font.Color := clblue; Font.Size := 9; Font.Style := [fsBold]; OnClick := @URLSTextOnClick; Hide(); end; AddItemURLLink(3, 'A', 'www.google.com'); AddItemURLLink(4, 'B', 'www.facebook.com'); //---作者連結 2 結束---\\ end; [Types] Name: "full"; Description: "{cm:type_full}" Name: "compact"; Description: "{cm:type_compact}" Name: "one"; Description: "{cm:type_one}" Name: "custom"; Description: "{cm:type_custom}"; Flags: iscustom Name: "test"; Description: "{cm:type_test}" [Tasks] Name: clean; Description: "{cm:task_clean}"; Flags: exclusive Name: keep; Description: "{cm:task_keep}"; Flags: exclusive unchecked checkedonce Name: del; Description: "{cm:task_del}"; Flags: unchecked checkedonce [Components] Name: "tools"; Description: "{cm:tools}"; Types: full compact test; Flags: disablenouninstallwarning Name: "tools\mymod"; Description: "{cm:tools_mymod}"; Flags: disablenouninstallwarning Name: "test"; Description: "{cm:test}"; Flags: disablenouninstallwarning Name: "test\1"; Description: "{cm:test_1}"; Flags: disablenouninstallwarning Name: "test\2"; Description: "{cm:test_2}"; Flags: disablenouninstallwarning [Run] ;DLC AuC Filename: "{tmp}\7za.exe"; Parameters: "x -y -o""{app}\res_mods\{#MyModVersion}"" ""{tmp}\test1.7z"""; Flags: runhidden skipifdoesntexist nowait Filename: "{tmp}\7za.exe"; Parameters: "x -y -o""{app}\res_mods\{#MyModVersion}"" ""{tmp}\test2.7z"""; Flags: runhidden skipifdoesntexist nowait ;清除殘檔 Filename: "{tmp}\CleanTEMP.bat"; Flags: runhidden skipifdoesntexist Filename: "{app}\CleanORIG.bat"; Flags: runhidden skipifdoesntexist [Files] Source: "工具\readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\res_mods\{#MyModVersion}"; tasks: clean; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs uninsneveruninstall Source: "工具\readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\mods\{#MyModVersion}"; tasks: clean; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs uninsneveruninstall Source: "工具\7za.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}" Source: "工具\CleanTEMP.bat"; DestDir: "{tmp}" Source: "工具\CleanORIG.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall Source: "工具\CleanBKUP.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall Source: "工具\7za.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\hakaBKUP" Source: "工具\test.bat"; DestDir: "{app}\hakaBKUP"; Flags: deleteafterinstall Source: "工具\Copy7zLOG.bat"; DestDir: "{app}\hakaBKUP" ;Source: "工具\descctrl.dll"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "工具\InnoCallback.dll"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "modify_en.txt"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "modify_tw.txt"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "modify_en.txt"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; DestName: "modify_jp.txt"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "TheArtists.txt"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "{app}\hakaBKUP\DLC_TEST1.7z"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; DestName: "test1.7z"; Components: test\1; Flags: external recursesubdirs createallsubdirs skipifsourcedoesntexist ; ExternalSize: 123456789 Source: "{app}\hakaBKUP\DLC_TEST2.7z"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; DestName: "test2.7z"; Components: test\2; Flags: external recursesubdirs createallsubdirs skipifsourcedoesntexist ;加入說明圖片 Source: "IMG\image0.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "IMG\image1.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "IMG\image2.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "IMG\image3.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "IMG\image4.bmp"; Flags: dontcopy [Messages] tw.LicenseLabel3= en.LicenseLabel3= jp.LicenseLabel3= [CustomMessages] tw.MyAppName=模界特調_戰車世界_{#MyModVersion}_下載測試 jp.MyAppName=模界特調_戰車世界_{#MyModVersion}_下載測試 en.MyAppName=hakaMOD_WOT_{#MyModVersion}_下載測試 tw.wrong_folder=Oops! 選錯位置了喔!請選擇"戰艦世界"遊戲的安裝位置,再試一次。 jp.wrong_folder=Oops! Wrong folder! Please chose game installed folder, Try again. en.wrong_folder=Oops! Wrong folder! Please chose game installed folder, Try again. ;Tasks tw.task_clean=乾淨安裝 刪除已裝模組(推薦) jp.task_clean=乾淨安裝 刪除已裝模組(推薦) en.task_clean=Clean Install--Delete existing mods(Recommand) tw.task_keep=進階安裝 保留已裝模組 jp.task_keep=進階安裝 保留已裝模組 en.task_keep=Advanced Install--Keep existing mods tw.task_del=安裝前,刪除已下載DLC檔案(非必要) jp.task_del=安裝前,刪除已下載DLC檔案(非必要) en.task_del=Delete downloaded DLC files before install tw.type_full=推薦安裝 jp.type_full=推薦安裝 en.type_full=Recommand Install tw.type_compact=簡單安裝 jp.type_compact=簡單安裝 en.type_compact=Simple install tw.type_one=單選安裝 jp.type_one=單選安裝 en.type_one=Chose One by One tw.type_custom=自選安裝 jp.type_custom=自選安裝 en.type_custom=Custom install tw.type_test=模界測試 jp.type_test=模界測試 en.type_test=For Tester ;Components tw.tools=------hakaMOD Tools / 模組安裝工具------ jp.tools=------hakaMOD Tools / 模組安裝工具------ en.tools=-------------hakaMOD Tools------------ tw.tools_mymod=安裝 自備模組 jp.tools_mymod=安裝 自備模組 en.tools_mymod=Install Player's Own Mods tw.test=---------test / 下載測試-------- jp.test=---------test / 下載測試-------- en.test=---------test-------- tw.test_1=測試 1號 jp.test_1=測試 1號 en.test_1=test 1 tw.test_2=測試 2號 jp.test_2=測試 2號 en.test_2=test 2
  2. Thanks, Kotyarko_O. It doesn't work for me. An error message pops up when I run the installer.
  3. Hi All, It's me again, I figure out a method that allows user to link to different author's page, not perfectly but works. Here is my code: [code] var AuthorURL :TNewStaticText; procedure AuthorURLClick(Sender: TObject); var ErrorCode:integer; begin if WizardForm.ComponentsList.Selected[3] then begin ShellExec('open','http://www.facebook.com','','',SW_SHOWNORMAL,ewNoWait,ErrorCode); end; if WizardForm.ComponentsList.Selected[4] then begin ShellExec('open','http://www.blogspot.com','','',SW_SHOWNORMAL,ewNoWait,ErrorCode); end; end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin AuthorURL:= TNewStaticText.Create(WizardForm); AuthorURL.Parent := WizardForm.SelectComponentsPage; AuthorURL.Top:=WizardForm.TYPESCOMBO.Top + ScaleY(160) ; AuthorURL.Left:=ScaleX(405); AuthorURL.Caption:='Visit Author'; AuthorURL.AutoSize:=True; AuthorURL.Cursor:=crHand; AuthorURL.Font.Color:=clblue; AuthorURL.Font.Size:=9; AuthorURL.Font.Style := [fsBold]; AuthorURL.OnClick:=@AuthorURLClick; end; My queston is : If I want the caption ' Visit Author ' invisible when user selects nothing or highlights an item without link. how should I do?
  4. Thanks for the tip, I'll figure it out. Also wanna thank you for your source code which help me a lot.
  5. Hi All, Я дважды читал эту тему. Есть ли какой-нибудь пример, показывающий, как добавлять ссылки для некоторых конкретных компонентов, которые позволяют нам посещать сайт модератора? (Sorry for using Google translation!) I've read this thread twice. Is there any example for showing how to add links for some specific components which allow us to visit modder's site?
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