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Korean Random


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  1. Right, for the contour icon mod isn't an update available so far, but without it is it still the same With the kurzdor.elitelevelsremover_1.1.0 is it better I'm wondering that statisticForm.xc still looks fine, which has nearly the same content Thanks for the response
  2. battleLoading screen corrupted since update Did something change? Or will it be fixed in a stable version? https://ibb.co/JxVCkFQ battleLoading screen should show -number of kilo-battles (total battles count divided by 1000) -total battles count for current vehicle -xwn8 rating my battleLoading.xc /** * Parameters of the Battle Loading screen. * Параметры экрана загрузки боя. */ { "templates": { "clanIcon": { "enabled": true, "x": 65, "y": 6, "width": 16, "height": 16, "align": "center", "alpha": 90, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "{{clanicon}}" } }, "battleLoading": { "clockFormat": "H:i:s", "removeSquadIcon": false, "removeRankBadgeIcon": false, "vehicleIconAlpha": 100, "removeVehicleLevel": false, "removeVehicleTypeIcon": false, "nameFieldShowBorder": false, "vehicleFieldShowBorder": false, "squadIconOffsetXLeft": 0, "squadIconOffsetXRight": 0, "nameFieldOffsetXLeft": 0, "nameFieldWidthDeltaLeft": 0, "nameFieldOffsetXRight": 0, "nameFieldWidthDeltaRight": 0, "vehicleFieldOffsetXLeft": 25, "vehicleFieldWidthDeltaLeft": 0, "vehicleFieldOffsetXRight": 25, "vehicleFieldWidthDeltaRight": 0, "vehicleIconOffsetXLeft": 30, "vehicleIconOffsetXRight": 30, "darkenNotReadyIcon": true, "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13' vspace='-2'> {{name%.12s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "formatRightNick": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> {{name%.12s~..}} <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13' vspace='-2'>", "formatLeftVehicle": "<font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> | <font color='{{c:t-battles}}'>{{t-battles}}</font> | {{vehicle}} | <font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}'> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8|----}}</font></font>", "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}'> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8|----}}</font> </font> | {{vehicle}} | <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> | <font color='{{c:t-battles}}'>{{t-battles}}</font>", "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"templates.clanIcon"} ], "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"templates.clanIcon"} ] } } below a 4 year old screenshot that shows how it looked before the patch https://ibb.co/qJFKRSK attachment contains my complete xvm config res_mods-12210-LongJohn-ChuckNorris.zip
  3. XVM config editor is outdated since years Also, only pussys need an extra xvm editor People with brain use simple text editor (notepad.exe) or an advanced text editor like notepad++
  4. Мне нужна Статистика для большой боевой картежник таблица I would like to have xvm stats for playerpanel as well as for battleloading screen of Super Battles I think the most important feature of xvm is, to have the statistics for the playerpanel and the 3 Super Battles are regular maps and modes since 2 years xvm for overhead markers are working already in Super Battles (mostly)
  5. I never could do a usefull camera zoom by xvm I install PMOD for that and modify the zoomX.json
  6. https://de.wot-life.com use xvm data to build own statistics so you have to write complains to https://en.wot-life.com/imprint/ originally xvm is here at main menue on top of that site can you find the link to official xvm forum btw. i'm not developer and i'm not spammer
  7. and why not? is there any work in progress or discussion about it?
  8. The playerpanel when i play Grand Battle doesn't show xvm modifications, the overhead markers, however, does. Is this playerpanel not supported or do i something wrong?
  9. Later i enabled and disabled the anonymizer, because of this entry about "anonymized your name" I thought maybe it would reset something Is it right that i need to wait then 12 hours before xvm works again? Today everything works fine
  10. ok meanwhile i installed the nightly build xvm worked for the first game second game not at beginning, but ups later it worked xvm.log why do i have this entry? <font color="#FF4040">You anonymized your name, and therefore you cannot see the statistics of other players in battle. If you disable anonymizer, this restriction will be removed <b>after 12 hours</b>.</font></textformat> i didn't anoymize my name update again 4 battles after game restart xvm didn't work xvm.log
  11. It's bad today, it worked a few times, but mostly not in addition, i have today error that indicates an issue at closing the game i didn't change anything since 21.Oct.2020 xvm.log
  12. Any changes depending to battleLoading.xc ? I updated wot to and updated my mods, especially xvm-7.7.7 Everything works ok Only the Battleloading screen is totally clear, only a black transparent field My battleLoading.xc: /** * Parameters of the Battle Loading screen. * Параметры экрана загрузки боя. */ { "templates": { "clanIcon": { "enabled": true, "x": 65, "y": 6, "width": 16, "height": 16, "align": "center", "alpha": 90, "bindToIcon": true, "src": "{{clanicon}}" } }, "battleLoading": { "clockFormat": "H:i:s", "removeSquadIcon": false, "removeRankBadgeIcon": false, "vehicleIconAlpha": 100, "removeVehicleLevel": false, "removeVehicleTypeIcon": false, "nameFieldShowBorder": false, "vehicleFieldShowBorder": false, "squadIconOffsetXLeft": 0, "squadIconOffsetXRight": 0, "nameFieldOffsetXLeft": 0, "nameFieldWidthDeltaLeft": 0, "nameFieldOffsetXRight": 0, "nameFieldWidthDeltaRight": 0, "vehicleFieldOffsetXLeft": 25, "vehicleFieldWidthDeltaLeft": 0, "vehicleFieldOffsetXRight": 25, "vehicleFieldWidthDeltaRight": 0, "vehicleIconOffsetXLeft": 30, "vehicleIconOffsetXRight": 30, "darkenNotReadyIcon": true, "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13' vspace='-2'> {{name%.12s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>", "formatRightNick": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> {{name%.12s~..}} <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13' vspace='-2'>", "formatLeftVehicle": "<font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> | <font color='{{c:t-battles}}'>{{t-battles}}</font> | {{vehicle}} | <font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}'> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8|----}}</font></font>", "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='mono' size='{{xvm-stat?13|0}}'> <font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8|----}}</font> </font> | {{vehicle}} | <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> | <font color='{{c:t-battles}}'>{{t-battles}}</font>", "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"templates.clanIcon"} ], "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"templates.clanIcon"} ] } }
  13. i downloaded xvm-7.6.5.zip and found a folder with name system within 40 dlll files, also some dll files in the main folder looks strange to me should that all go to game dir?
  14. what does it mean? i didn't found "offsetX", "offsetY" in new default hangar.xc, but i found "shiftX" and "shiftY"
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