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Korean Random

Arena Map Boundaries and Map Coordinates not compatible on some maps


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Could anyone explain how positions from tanks on the minimap are set outside of the boundaries of the arena?


For example, on Outpost, the boundaries are LEFT:-600, RIGHT: 400, TOP: 400, BOTTOM: -400


However when tanks appear on the minimap, the position of the player can be outside these boundaries...


For example, on one game on output, I had 4 tanks outside the boundaries at:

(454, -411)

(488, -148)

(498, -99)

(528, 103)


Other coordinates don't map correctly either.

The arena for Outpost with standard battles shows the base locations as:



But if you plot those 2 bases on a map that is 1000x800 they are nowhere near where they should be.


When I see other maps, all the points for the bases and where tanks appear properly plot.


I should explain a bit more.... I am creating a mod that will work when players appear on the minimap.


In the mod, I've made an event that begins like this:


@xfw.registerEvent(ArenaVehiclesPlugin, '_setActive')
def arenaVehiclesPlugin_setActive(avPlugin, entryID, active):

    if not active:
    for vehicleID, entry in avPlugin._entries.iteritems():
        if entry.getID() == entryID:
            position = Math.Matrix(entry.getMatrix()).translation


Its the position tuple in that last line that returns a tuple that doesn't actually fit the map.

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