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@ Kurzdor 

In your autoequipmentreturn there is an error with a 2 configuration setup of the accessories. The accessories are only installed automatically in the setup that is selected when I click on the tank. For example, if setup 1 is selected, the accessories are automatically installed, setup 2 remains empty. I then have to click on another tank first, then back to the first one, so that the accessories are automatically installed in setup 2.

Edited by Heliomalt
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Works better now, but I have to select the other setup first for the selected tank to be equipped. Simply clicking on the tank and both setups are fully equipped does not yet work. What is no longer necessary is that I first have to click on another tank and then click back on the tank I want to play.

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Additional feedback:


After playing around a lot yesterday, I noticed that if a tank has no crew and at the same time accessories are to be installed by the mod, then in most cases the crew is not deployed by the crew autoreturn function of XVM, sometimes the crew autoreturn function also interrupts the deployment of accessories, so that not all 3 slots are equipped. Then you have to switch briefly between 1 and 2 for the accessories, but to deploy the crew you first have to click on another tank and then back.


Another question, why only a test version limited to 10 days?


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