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Unified Editor (World Editor) for mod creators

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27.04.2020 в 17:44, olix_vameshu сказал:



I don't know if this is the correct topic or not, but I kinda need some help.

I just converted Hangar Igr(aka bat cave) I used the original chunk files, thing is that the models have the scale 1.0 in original one and the tank has 0.5.but after adding the tank position and scale, the scale parameter is not working anymore in actual version of WOT. So, since i used original 3d models of the hangar scale is 1.0, tank should have scale size 0.5., in editor everything is ok but in game is not working. The game ignore the parameters from space.bin(the scale ones) and load the model at 1.0 scale. Can anybody help me keep the size in game that i added in editor?



As @goofy67 said, support for scaling player vehicle was removed a few patches ago due to complexity of support


So, currently you have to rescale the whole hangar or change the player vehicle scaling somehow from python.

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Man, I am crying :(, working 2 times for 1 hangar... lost time twice....ehh i don't have anything else to do so i will rescale everything and reposition all(models,particles,lights,shadows probes,decals.etc and etc end etc). Anyway thanks for people who keep supporting me.

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18 hours ago, olix_vameshu said:

Man, I am crying :(, working 2 times for 1 hangar... lost time twice....ehh i don't have anything else to do so i will rescale everything and reposition all(models,particles,lights,shadows probes,decals.etc and etc end etc). Anyway thanks for people who keep supporting me.


Have you tried just select all and scale in world coordinates?

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On 4/30/2020 at 1:56 PM, Derolik said:


Have you tried just select all and scale in world coordinates?

I'm working on it :)

On 5/1/2020 at 2:17 AM, blueferret said:

Is there a way for us to somehow use the .srt files that come with the maps and such. Says failed to load the mesh when I've tried importing it. Either that or maybe somehow we can edit them within the Unified Editor?

Drag and drop it from external folder, Asset browser does not allows you to use it.


Assets also working only if you change the view list fo grid. Only then you can add directly from assets.

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15 hours ago, olix_vameshu said:

I'm working on it :)

Drag and drop it from external folder, Asset browser does not allows you to use it.


Do you know which "res" folder I'm supposed to export other map resources to? IE if I wanted to load Sand River into the editor. There seems to be like 4 different res/resources folders scattered within the zip itself.

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Уважаемые коллеги! Может кто-то в курсе?

Раньше можно было у модели прописать в visual параметр <collisionFlags> и если параметр =255 (если правильно помню), то сквозь такой объект не проваливались гусеницы танка. Сейчас в кастомном ангаре пробую и не работает, гусеницы провисают сквозь объект. Есть какой-то сейчас способ сделать чтобы гусеницы воспринимали модель под ними как твердую поверхность?

П.С, может, конечно, я делаю что не так, всё-таки давненько я этим делом не занимался, но в старом ангаре точно настраивал, взял параметры как у пола оттуда и нет реакции, правда старый мод пятилетней давности уже :)

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I use the colissionplane.model from hangar_v3. Like this no tracks will no pass under other model, that also keep camera not to get throught.also you can use that setting inside the .visual file from colissionplane.

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13 часов назад, olix_vameshu сказал:

I use the colissionplane.model from hangar_v3. Like this no tracks will no pass under other model, that also keep camera not to get throught.also you can use that setting inside the .visual file from colissionplane.


It really works! Thank you :)

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21 час назад, olix_vameshu сказал:

You're welcome. :) i can't wait to see your hangar, or at least screen shots wit him in WIP stage.


To be honest, I’m not doing anything grand. I’m pretty predictable and again I’m doing another Miku hangar :)

There are quite a lot of animated models on the scene, and screenshots cannot convey this. Maybe later I will make a short video.












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3 hours ago, Tesh2016 said:


To be honest, I’m not doing anything grand. I’m pretty predictable and again I’m doing another Miku hangar :)

There are quite a lot of animated models on the scene, and screenshots cannot convey this. Maybe later I will make a short video.


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Wow, i know this hangar for a while, for a WIP is just perfect <3 when you have time teach me some small things for animations.

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@olix_vameshu I can't seem to figure out how to add new omni lights. They just load in as a model not as an actual light. Maybe I'm missing something? It just loads in as a model.


Just kidding. They are in the helpers folder :P


On a side note, is it possible to move/change where the tank is located in the hangar?



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