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Korean Random

HP circles on the minimap

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So in the XVM for 1.0.2 you have changed something related to bundled fonts (added dynamic font?) and the config for hp circles on the minimap stopped to work properly. It's showing wrong characters now. 


This was my code in minimapLabelsTemplates.xc

 "hpCircles": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "ally", "enemy", "squadman", "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='18' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|&#xE6;}}</font>",
      "x": -8.4,
      "y": -10.5
 "hpCirclesLost": {
      "$ref": { "path":"def.defaultItem" },
      "flags": [ "ally", "squadman", "enemy", "teamKiller", "lost", "alive" ],
      "format": "<font face='dynamic' size='18' color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.lostDot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.436a|&#xE6;}}</font>",
      "x": -8.4,
      "y": -10.5,
      "alpha": 75


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Interesting, as I have been using the 335a indexing for some time.   I found a problem with indexing on 436a after an XVM upgrade some time ago -- but then again, @Aslain, i stole the concept from you quite some time ago.  I even got around to writing up an entire web segment on the concept and why it worked the way it did -- I needed to in order to understand how it worked.

Edited by kupjones
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