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Updating XVM color scale help

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I'm trying to use the WotLabs color scale on XVM but in the most recent few versions of XVM it no longer works when I copy their colors.xc file into the folder.

Could someone help me with how to update the file, I tried copying the values across but it did not work?




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Remove the "WN6" and "e" sections of WotLab's colors.xc -- if you were to compare that file with the default colors.xc that comes with your XVM download, you would have noticed that those sections no longer exist in the latter.

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Actually, thinking about it further, having extraneous sections in WotLab's colors.xc wouldn't crash your XVM config.

The question is what it is missing in colors.xc, that the other parts of your config requires.

There is an expanded "dmg_kind" section, as well as new sections for "spotted", "totalHP", "wtr", "wn8effd", "damageRating", and "hitsRatio", which are not in the WotLabs file.

If you put all those in and it still doesn't work, then you need to post your xvm.log for us to help figure out the issue more specifically.

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This is my current default colors.xc file, below is the colour scheme I'm trying to bring across.


 * Color settings.
 * Настройки цветов.
  // Color values for substitutions.
  // Значения цветов для подстановок.
  "def": {
    "al": "0x96FF00", // ally       / союзник
    "sq": "0xFFB964", // squadman   / взводный
    "tk": "0x00EAFF", // teamKiller / тимкиллер
    "en": "0xF50800", // enemy      / противник
    "pl": "0xFFDD33", // player     / игрок
    // Dynamic color by various statistical parameters.
    // Динамический цвет по различным статистическим показателям.
    "colorRating": {
      "very_bad":     "0xFE0E00",   // very bad   / очень плохо
      "bad":          "0xFE7903",   // bad        / плохо
      "normal":       "0xF8F400",   // normal     / средне
      "good":         "0x60FF00",   // good       / хорошо
      "very_good":    "0x02C9B3",   // very good  / очень хорошо
      "unique":       "0xD042F3"    // unique     / уникально
    // Dynamic color by remaining health points.
    // Динамический цвет по оставшемуся запасу прочности.
    "colorHP": {
      "very_low":         "0xFF0000",   // very low       / очень низкий
      "low":              "0xDD4444",   // low            / низкий
      "average":          "0xFFCC22",   // average        / средний
      "above_average":    "0xFCFCFC"    // above-average  / выше среднего
  "colors": {
    // System colors.
    // Системные цвета.
    "system": {
      // Format: object_state
      // Object:      ally, squadman, teamKiller, enemy
      // State:       alive, dead, blowedup
      // ----
      // Формат: объект_состояние
      // Объект:      ally - союзник, squadman - взводный, teamKiller - тимкиллер, enemy - противник
      // Состояние:   alive - живой, dead - мертвый, blowedup - взорвана боеукладка
      "ally_alive":          ${"def.al"},
      "ally_dead":           "0x009900",
      "ally_blowedup":       "0x007700",
      "squadman_alive":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_dead":       "0xCA7000",
      "squadman_blowedup":   "0xA45A00",
      "teamKiller_alive":    ${"def.tk"},
      "teamKiller_dead":     "0x097783",
      "teamKiller_blowedup": "0x096A75",
      "enemy_alive":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_dead":          "0x840500",
      "enemy_blowedup":      "0x5A0401",
      "ally_base":           ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_base":          ${"def.en"}
    // Dynamic color by damage kind.
    // Динамический цвет по типу урона.
    "dmg_kind": {
      "shot": "0xFFAA55",            // shot / попадание
      "fire": "0xFF6655",            // fire / пожар
      "ramming": "0x998855",         // ramming / таран
      "world_collision": "0x228855", // world collision / столкновение с объектами, падение
      "death_zone": "0xCCCCCC",      // death_zone / опасная зона
      "drowning": "0xCCCCCC",        // drowning / затопление
      "other": "0xCCCCCC"            // other / другое
    // Dynamic color by vehicle type.
    // Динамический цвет по типу техники.
    "vtype": {
      // Цвет для легких танков.
      "LT":  "0xA2FF9A",
      // Цвет для средних танков.
      "MT":  "0xFFF198",
      // Цвет для тяжелых танков.
      "HT":  "0xFFACAC",
      // Цвет для арты.
      "SPG": "0xEFAEFF",
      // Цвет для ПТ.
      "TD":  "0xA0CFFF",
      // Цвет для премиумной техники.
      "premium": "0xFFCC66",
      // Включить/выключить использование премиумного цвета.
      "usePremiumColor": false
    // Dynamic color by spotted status
    // Динамический цвет по статусу засвета
    "spotted": {
      "neverSeen":      "0x000000",
      "lost":           "0xD9D9D9",
      "spotted":        "0xFFBB00",
      "dead":           "0xFFFFFF",
      "neverSeen_arty": "0x000000",
      "lost_arty":      "0xD9D9D9",
      "spotted_arty":   "0xFFBB00",
      "dead_arty":      "0xFFFFFF"
    // HP color depending on the ratio of ally and enemy teams hp.
    // Цвет ХП в зависимости от отношения хп союзной и вражеской команд.
    "totalHP": {
      "bad":     "0xFF0000",
      "neutral": "0xFFFFFF",
      "good":    "0x00FF00"
    // Color settings for damage.
    // Настройки цвета для урона.
    "damage": {
      // Format: src_dst_type.
      // Src:  ally, squadman, enemy, unknown, player.
      // Dst:  ally, squadman, allytk, enemytk, enemy.
      // Type: hit, kill, blowup.
      // ----
      // Формат: источник_получатель_тип.
      // Источник:   ally - союзник, squadman - взводный, enemy - противник, unknown - неизвестный (не виден игроку), player - игрок.
      // Получатель: ally, squadman, enemy, allytk - союзник тимкиллер, enemytk - противник тимкиллер.
      // Тип:        hit - попадание, kill - убийство, blowup - боеукладка.
      "ally_ally_hit":              ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_ally_kill":             ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_ally_blowup":           ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_hit":          ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_kill":         ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_blowup":       ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_enemy_hit":             ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemy_kill":            ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemy_blowup":          ${"def.en"},
      "ally_allytk_hit":            ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_allytk_kill":           ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_allytk_blowup":         ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_enemytk_hit":           ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemytk_kill":          ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemytk_blowup":        ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_ally_hit":             ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_ally_kill":            ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_ally_blowup":          ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_hit":         ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_kill":        ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_blowup":      ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_enemy_hit":            ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemy_kill":           ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemy_blowup":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_allytk_hit":           ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_allytk_kill":          ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_allytk_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_enemytk_hit":          ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemytk_kill":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemytk_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_ally_hit":           ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_ally_kill":          ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_ally_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_hit":       ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_kill":      ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_blowup":    ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_enemy_hit":          ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemy_kill":         ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemy_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_allytk_hit":         ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_allytk_kill":        ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_allytk_blowup":      ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_enemytk_hit":        ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemytk_kill":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemytk_blowup":     ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_ally_hit":          ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_ally_kill":         ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_ally_blowup":       ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_squadman_hit":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_squadman_kill":     ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_squadman_blowup":   ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemy_hit":         ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemy_kill":        ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemy_blowup":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_allytk_hit":        ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_allytk_kill":       ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_allytk_blowup":     ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemytk_hit":       ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemytk_kill":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemytk_blowup":    ${"def.sq"},
      "player_ally_hit":            ${"def.pl"},
      "player_ally_kill":           ${"def.pl"},
      "player_ally_blowup":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_hit":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_kill":       ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_blowup":     ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_hit":           ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_kill":          ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_blowup":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_hit":          ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_kill":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_blowup":       ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_hit":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_kill":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_blowup":      ${"def.pl"}
    // Values below should be from smaller to larger.
    // Значения ниже должны быть от меньшего к большему.
    // ----
    // Dynamic color by remaining absolute health.
    // Динамический цвет по оставшемуся здоровью.
    "hp": [
      { "value": 200,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.very_low"     } }, // color for HP <= 200
      { "value": 400,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.low"          } }, // color for HP <= 400
      { "value": 1000, "color": ${"def.colorHP.average"      } }, // color for HP <= 1000
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorHP.above_average"} }  // color for HP > 1000
    // Dynamic color by remaining health percent.
    // Динамический цвет по проценту оставшегося здоровья.
    "hp_ratio": [
      { "value": 10,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.very_low"     } },  // color for HP <= 10%
      { "value": 25,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.low"          } },  // color for HP <= 25%
      { "value": 50,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.average"      } },  // color for HP <= 50%
      { "value": 100, "color": ${"def.colorHP.above_average"} }   // color for HP > 50%
    // Dynamic color for XVM Scale
    // Динамический цвет по шкале XVM
    // http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/2625-/
    "x": [
      { "value": 16,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },  // 00 - 16 - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 33,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },  // 17 - 33 - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 52,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },  // 34 - 52 - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 75,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },  // 53 - 75 - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 92,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },  // 76 - 92 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }   // 93 - XX - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by efficiency
    // Динамический цвет по эффективности
    "eff": [
      { "value": 598,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 598  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 874,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  599 - 874  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 1079, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  875 - 1079 - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 1540, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // 1080 - 1540 - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 1868, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 1541 - 1868 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 1869 - *    - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by WTR rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WTR
    "wtr": [
      { "value": 2631,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 2631 - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 4464,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, // 2632 - 4464 - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 6249,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, // 4465 - 6249 - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 8141,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // 6250 - 8141 - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 9460,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 8142 - 9460 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 9461 - *    - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by WN8 rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WN8
    "wn8": [
      { "value": 397,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 397  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 914,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  398 - 914  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 1489, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  915 - 1489 - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 2231, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // 1490 - 2231 - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 2979, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 2232 - 2979 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 2980 - *    - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by WG rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WG
    "wgr": [
      { "value": 2578,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //     0 - 2578  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 4521,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  2579 - 4521  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 6630,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  4522 - 6630  - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 8884,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, //  6631 - 8884  - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 10347, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, //  8885 - 10347 - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 10348 - *     - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by win percent
    // Динамический цвет по проценту побед
    "winrate": [
      { "value": 46.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //  0   - 46.5  - very bad  (20% of players)
      { "value": 48.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, // 46.5 - 48.5  - bad       (better than 20% of players)
      { "value": 52.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, // 48.5 - 52.5  - normal    (better than 60% of players)
      { "value": 57.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // 52.5 - 57.5  - good      (better than 90% of players)
      { "value": 64.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 57.5 - 64.5  - very good (better than 99% of players)
      { "value": 100,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 64.5 - 100   - unique    (better than 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by kilo-battles
    // Динамический цвет по количеству кило-боев
    "kb": [
      { "value": 2,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },  //  0 - 2
      { "value": 6,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },  //  3 - 6
      { "value": 16,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },  //  7 - 16
      { "value": 30,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },  // 17 - 30
      { "value": 43,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },  // 31 - 43
      { "value": 999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }   // 44 - *
    // Dynamic color by average level of player tanks
    // Динамический цвет по среднему уровню танков игрока
    "avglvl": [
      { "value": 1,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 2,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 4,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 6,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 8,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 10, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by battles on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по количеству боев на текущем танке
    "t_battles": [
      { "value": 99,    "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 99
      { "value": 249,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  100 - 249
      { "value": 499,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  250 - 499
      { "value": 999,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, //  500 - 999
      { "value": 1799,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 1000 - 1799
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 1800 - *
    // Dynamic color by average damage on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по среднему урону за бой на текущем танке
    "tdb": [
      { "value": 499,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 749,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 999,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1799, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2499, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by average damage efficiency on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по эффективности урона за бой на текущем танке
    "tdv": [
      { "value": 0.6, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by average frags per battle on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по среднему количеству фрагов за бой на текущем танке
    "tfb": [
      { "value": 0.6, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by average number of spotted enemies per battle on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по среднему количеству засвеченных врагов за бой на текущем танке
    "tsb": [
      { "value": 0.6, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by WN8 effective damage
    // Динамический цвет по эффективному урону по WN8
    "wn8effd": [
      { "value": 0.6, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by damage rating (percents for marks on gun)
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу урона (процент для отметок на стволе)
    "damageRating": [
      { "value": 20,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, // 20% of players
      { "value": 60,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, // better than 20% of players
      { "value": 90,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, // better than 60% of players
      { "value": 99,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // better than 90% of players
      { "value": 99.9, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // better than 99% of players
      { "value": 100,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // better than 99.9% of players
    // Dynamic color by hit ratio (percents of hits)
    // Динамический цвет по проценту попаданий
    "hitsRatio": [
      { "value": 47.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 60.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 68.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 74.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 78.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 100,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }



WotLabs color.xc


 * WoTLabs Version for WN8 and Win Rate
 * Color settings.
 * Настройки цветов.
  // Color values for substitutions.
  // Значения цветов для подстановок.
  "def": {
    "al": "0x96FF00", // ally       / союзник
    "sq": "0xFFB964", // squadman   / взводный
    "tk": "0x00EAFF", // teamKiller / тимкиллер
    "en": "0xF50800", // enemy      / противник
    "pl": "0xFFDD33", // player     / игрок
    // Dynamic color by various statistical parameters.
    // Динамический цвет по различным статистическим показателям.
    "colorRatingNew": {
      "very_bad":            "0xBAAAAD",   // bad
      "bad":            "0xf11919",   // bad
      "below_average":    "0xff8a00",   // below average
      "average":        "0xe6df27",   // average
      "above_average":    "0x77e812",   // above average
      "good":            "0x459300",    // good
      "very_good":        "0x2ae4ff",    // very good
      "great":            "0x00a0b8",    // great
      "unicum":            "0xc64cff",    // unicum
      "super_unicum":    "0x8225ad"    // super_unicum
    "colorRating": {
      "very_bad":     "0xFE0E00",   // very bad   / очень плохо
      "bad":          "0xFE7903",   // bad        / плохо
      "normal":       "0xF8F400",   // normal     / средне
      "good":         "0x60FF00",   // good       / хорошо
      "very_good":    "0x02C9B3",   // very good  / очень хорошо
      "unique":       "0xD042F3"    // unique     / уникально
    // Dynamic color by remaining health points.
    // Динамический цвет по оставшемуся запасу прочности.
    "colorHP": {
      "very_low":         "0xFF0000",   // very low       / очень низкий
      "low":              "0xDD4444",   // low            / низкий
      "average":          "0xFFCC22",   // average        / средний
      "above_average":    "0xFCFCFC"    // above-average  / выше среднего
  "colors": {
    // System colors.
    // Системные цвета.
    "system": {
      // Format: object_state
      // Object:      ally, squadman, teamKiller, enemy
      // State:       alive, dead, blowedup
      // ----
      // Формат: объект_состояние
      // Объект:      ally - союзник, squadman - взводный, teamKiller - тимкиллер, enemy - противник
      // Состояние:   alive - живой, dead - мертвый, blowedup - взорвана боеукладка
      "ally_alive":          ${"def.al"},
      "ally_dead":           "0x009900",
      "ally_blowedup":       "0x007700",
      "squadman_alive":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_dead":       "0xCA7000",
      "squadman_blowedup":   "0xA45A00",
      "teamKiller_alive":    ${"def.tk"},
      "teamKiller_dead":     "0x097783",
      "teamKiller_blowedup": "0x096A75",
      "enemy_alive":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_dead":          "0x840500",
      "enemy_blowedup":      "0x5A0401"
    // Dynamic color by damage kind.
    // Динамический цвет по типу урона.
    "dmg_kind": {
      "attack": "0xFFAA55",          // attack / атака
      "fire": "0xFF6655",            // fire / пожар
      "ramming": "0x998855",         // ramming / таран
      "world_collision": "0x228855", // world collision / столкновение с объектами, падение
      "other": "0xCCCCCC"            // other / другое
    // Dynamic color by vehicle type.
    // Динамический цвет по типу техники.
    "vtype": {
      // Цвет для легких танков.
      "LT":  "0xA2FF9A",
      // Цвет для средних танков.
      "MT":  "0xFFF198",
      // Цвет для тяжелых танков.
      "HT":  "0xFFACAC",
      // Цвет для арты.
      "SPG": "0xEFAEFF",
      // Цвет для ПТ.
      "TD":  "0xA0CFFF",
      // Цвет для премиумной техники.
      "premium": "0xFFCC66",
      // Включить/выключить использование премиумного цвета.
      "usePremiumColor": false
    // Color settings for damage.
    // Настройки цвета для урона.
    "damage": {
      // Format: src_dst_type.
      // Src:  ally, squadman, enemy, unknown, player.
      // Dst:  ally, squadman, allytk, enemytk, enemy.
      // Type: hit, kill, blowup.
      // ----
      // Формат: источник_получатель_тип.
      // Источник:   ally - союзник, squadman - взводный, enemy - противник, unknown - неизвестный (не виден игроку), player - игрок.
      // Получатель: ally, squadman, enemy, allytk - союзник тимкиллер, enemytk - противник тимкиллер.
      // Тип:        hit - попадание, kill - убийство, blowup - боеукладка.
      "ally_ally_hit":              ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_ally_kill":             ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_ally_blowup":           ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_hit":          ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_kill":         ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_squadman_blowup":       ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_enemy_hit":             ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemy_kill":            ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemy_blowup":          ${"def.en"},
      "ally_allytk_hit":            ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_allytk_kill":           ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_allytk_blowup":         ${"def.tk"},
      "ally_enemytk_hit":           ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemytk_kill":          ${"def.en"},
      "ally_enemytk_blowup":        ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_ally_hit":             ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_ally_kill":            ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_ally_blowup":          ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_hit":         ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_kill":        ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_squadman_blowup":      ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_enemy_hit":            ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemy_kill":           ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemy_blowup":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_allytk_hit":           ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_allytk_kill":          ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_allytk_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
      "enemy_enemytk_hit":          ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemytk_kill":         ${"def.en"},
      "enemy_enemytk_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_ally_hit":           ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_ally_kill":          ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_ally_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_hit":       ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_kill":      ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_squadman_blowup":    ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_enemy_hit":          ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemy_kill":         ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemy_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_allytk_hit":         ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_allytk_kill":        ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_allytk_blowup":      ${"def.al"},
      "unknown_enemytk_hit":        ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemytk_kill":       ${"def.en"},
      "unknown_enemytk_blowup":     ${"def.en"},
      "squadman_ally_hit":          ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_ally_kill":         ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_ally_blowup":       ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_squadman_hit":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_squadman_kill":     ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_squadman_blowup":   ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemy_hit":         ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemy_kill":        ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemy_blowup":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_allytk_hit":        ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_allytk_kill":       ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_allytk_blowup":     ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemytk_hit":       ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemytk_kill":      ${"def.sq"},
      "squadman_enemytk_blowup":    ${"def.sq"},
      "player_ally_hit":            ${"def.pl"},
      "player_ally_kill":           ${"def.pl"},
      "player_ally_blowup":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_hit":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_kill":       ${"def.pl"},
      "player_squadman_blowup":     ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_hit":           ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_kill":          ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemy_blowup":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_hit":          ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_kill":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_allytk_blowup":       ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_hit":         ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_kill":        ${"def.pl"},
      "player_enemytk_blowup":      ${"def.pl"}
    // Values below should be from smaller to larger.
    // Значения ниже должны быть от меньшего к большему.
    // ----
    // Dynamic color by remaining absolute health.
    // Динамический цвет по оставшемуся здоровью.
    "hp": [
      { "value": 201,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.very_low"     } },      // Цвет для значений менее 201
      { "value": 401,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.low"          } },      // Цвет для значений менее 401
      { "value": 1001, "color": ${"def.colorHP.average"      } },      // Цвет для значений менее 1001
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorHP.above_average"} }       // Цвет для остальных значений
    // Dynamic color by remaining health percent.
    // Динамический цвет по проценту оставшегося здоровья.
    "hp_ratio": [
      { "value": 10,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.very_low"     } },       // Цвет для значений менее 10 проц
      { "value": 25,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.low"          } },       // Цвет для значений менее 25 проц
      { "value": 50,  "color": ${"def.colorHP.average"      } },       // Цвет для значений менее 50 проц
      { "value": 101, "color": ${"def.colorHP.above_average"} }        // Цвет для остальных значений
    // Dynamic color for XVM Scale
    // Динамический цвет по шкале XVM
    // http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/2625-/
    "x": [
      { "value": 16.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },   // 00   - 16.5 - very bad   (20% of players)
      { "value": 33.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },   // 16.5 - 33.5 - bad        (better then 20% of players)
      { "value": 52.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },   // 33.5 - 52.5 - normal     (better then 60% of players)
      { "value": 75.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },   // 52.5 - 75.5 - good       (better then 90% of players)
      { "value": 92.5, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },   // 75.5 - 92.5 - very good  (better then 99% of players)
      { "value": 999,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }    // 92.5 - XX   - unique     (better then 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by efficiency
    // Динамический цвет по эффективности
    "eff": [
      { "value": 610,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },  //    0 - 609  - very bad   (20% of players)
      { "value": 850,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },  //  610 - 849  - bad        (better then 20% of players)
      { "value": 1145, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },  //  850 - 1144 - normal     (better then 60% of players)
      { "value": 1475, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },  // 1145 - 1474 - good       (better then 90% of players)
      { "value": 1775, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },  // 1475 - 1774 - very good  (better then 99% of players)
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }   // 1775 - *    - unique     (better then 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by WN6 rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WN6
    "wn6": [
      { "value": 410,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },  //    0 - 409  - very bad   (20% of players)
      { "value": 795,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },  //  410 - 794  - bad        (better then 20% of players)
      { "value": 1185, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },  //  795 - 1184 - normal     (better then 60% of players)
      { "value": 1585, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },  // 1185 - 1584 - good       (better then 90% of players)
      { "value": 1925, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },  // 1585 - 1924 - very good  (better then 99% of players)
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }   // 1925 - *    - unique     (better then 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by WN8 rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WN8
    "wn8": [
      { "value": 300,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_bad"         } },
      { "value": 450,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.bad"             } },
      { "value": 650,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.below_average"    } },
      { "value": 900,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.average"            } },
      { "value": 1200, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.above_average"    } },
      { "value": 1600, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.good"                } },
      { "value": 2000, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_good"        } },
      { "value": 2450, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.great"            } },
      { "value": 2900, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.unicum"            } },
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.super_unicum"        } }
    // Dynamic color by WG rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WG
    // TODO: update values
    "wgr": [
      { "value": 2000,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },  // very bad   (20% of players)
      { "value": 4000,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },  // bad        (better then 20% of players)
      { "value": 6000,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },  // normal     (better then 60% of players)
      { "value": 8000,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },  // good       (better then 90% of players)
      { "value": 10000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },  // very good  (better then 99% of players)
      { "value": 20000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }   // unique     (better then 99.9% of players)
    // Dynamic color by TEFF (E) rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу TEFF (E)
    "e": [
      { "value": 3,    "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 6,    "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 7,    "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 8,    "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 9,    "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 20,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by win percent
    // Динамический цвет по проценту побед
    "winrate": [

      { "value": 46,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_bad"        } },
      { "value": 47,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.bad"            } },
      { "value": 48,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.below_average"    } },
      { "value": 50,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.average"        } },
      { "value": 52, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.above_average"    } },
      { "value": 54, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.good"            } },
      { "value": 56, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_good"        } },
      { "value": 60, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.great"            } },
      { "value": 65, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.unicum"            } },
      { "value": 101, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.super_unicum"    } }
    // Dynamic color by kilo-battles
    // Динамический цвет по количеству кило-боев
    "kb": [
      { "value": 2,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },   //  0 - 1
      { "value": 5,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },   //  2 - 4
      { "value": 9,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },   //  5 - 8
      { "value": 14,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },   //  9 - 13
      { "value": 20,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },   // 14 - 19
      { "value": 999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }    // 20 - *
    // Dynamic color by average level of player tanks
    // Динамический цвет по среднему уровню танков игрока
    "avglvl": [
      { "value": 2,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 3,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 5,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 7,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 9,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 11, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by battles on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по количеству боев на текущем танке
    "t_battles": [
      { "value": 100,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, //    0 - 99
      { "value": 250,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, //  100 - 249
      { "value": 500,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, //  250 - 499
      { "value": 1000,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, //  500 - 999
      { "value": 1800,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 1000 - 1799
      { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // 1800 - *
    // Dynamic color by average damage on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по среднему урону за бой на текущем танке
    "tdb": [
      { "value": 500,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 1000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1800, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2500, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 3000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by average damage efficiency on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по эффективности урона за бой на текущем танке
    "tdv": [
      { "value": 0.6,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by average frags per battle on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по среднему количеству фрагов за бой на текущем танке
    "tfb": [
      { "value": 0.6,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }
    // Dynamic color by average number of spotted enemies per battle on current tank
    // Динамический цвет по среднему количеству засвеченных врагов за бой на текущем танке
    "tsb": [
      { "value": 0.6,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 0.8,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1.0,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 1.3,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2.0,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 15,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }


As you can see there's a few more sections in the WotLabs file.

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Based on the 2 files you've copy-pasted above:


1. Sections that appear only in the WotLabs file:

- "def" > "colorRatingNew": this introduces a new color scheme and is only referenced by the "WN8" and "winrate" sections later on in the file

- "colors" > "wn6": this was removed some weeks back from the official XVM build, and replaced by "wtr"

- "colors" > "e": this was removed some weeks back from the official XVM build


2. Sections that are missing from the WotLabs file:

- "colors" > "spotted"

- "colors" > "totalHP"

- "colors" > "wtr"

- "colors" > "wn8effd"

- "colors" > "dmgRating"

- "colors" > "hitsRatio"


3. Sections that are different:

- "colors" > "system": the WotLabs file is missing "ally_base" and "enemy_base"

- "colors" > "dmg_kind": the WotLabs file is missing "shot", "death_zone", and "drowning"


I think it's the third category above that's crashing your XVM (but again I can't be completely sure without seeing your xvm.log).

Edited by scyorkie

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