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What World of Tanks UI and Features could look like...!

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If they just put in a little effort...



I'm of course not stating that everything needs to be "just like this", and I know people have their "preferences", that's not the point.
The point is, if they had an actual "designer", someone with a little basic intelligence working for them, they could make a nice UI, similar to how Armored Warfares UI is.

This game, I had to mod it multiple ways from the first moment I started playing it, even it's UI, while the other game, I don't have to touch.
It could still use a few things and minor modifications, but I don't have to touch it, even if I could (we can't mostly).
But WOT, I had to mod the entire UI to make it nice and readable, informative, nice features, etc.


Anyway, this just gives you an idea of what the game could be like (or similar, so don't spaz).
It's easy to tell what things are, good color contrasts, but not overblown (like I toned down XVM's colors, but there was still good contrast, readable).
[LAMP] no longer exists.... I left the game some 9 months ago, the "Physics" was the last straw, I like to play quality, not crap, and I got tired of constantly have to develop a full mod pack just to play the game.

It would have been okay if I only had to do it every 3-4 months, but usually it was 80 hours of work every 2 1/2 months, and that was usually because of regular micro-patches which often broke stuff, as well as improvements and needed changes.


So, before many of you comment, I would recommend you start up the game, both the Garage and a Replay etc. and compare the two side by side, and you will see how much better things are, how easy things are to read, to tell quickly what things are, informative features, etc.  The game doesn't have to be like this, AW's isn't, but QUALITY Design is what's important, and WOT lacks it.

If they ever fix the UI, and fix the crappiness they've made tanks perform, I will likely come back, but sadly I know they won't ever do so.  Till then, that's history....

BTW, I didn't fully show some things, and a couple of things were missing, but you've got the idea.

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