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markers - HealthBars color - unchangable to dynamic

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Hi, with new PC i have spent the whole weekend (and burned 1 keyboard) learning with new windows and xvm after about 2 years.

My old configs are useless, i hardly managed to implement 10% of game improvements i had.

Now all i ask for is the damn Color of healthbars.

I didnt find any help on internet or in this forum.


I have nearly no mods (2) (xvm, xvm aslains, YasenKrasen results, xvm aslains removed, xvm).

But the healthbar color didnt seem to ever work.



I can change transparencies, border( = background) color, but not the most important color in the middle. I have proved for myself taht even the macro {{c:hp-ratio}} works, even in lcolor sometimes, but i can't make the primary color Dynamic in markersAliveNormal.xc

//       HP TEXT FORMAT, (picture), no problem 
//       "format": "{{hp}}<font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'> / {{hp-max}}</font> {{c:hp-ratio}}"

    "healthBar": {
      "enabled": true,               
      "alpha": 80,                   
      "border": { "alpha": 35, "color": "0xCC0000", "size": 1 },
      "color": "{{c:hp-ratio}}",                   //<--- no effects (constantly red/green)
//    "color": "0x0000FF",                         //                <--static change works
      "damage": { "alpha": 100, "color": "{{c:dmg}}", "fade": 1 }, 
      "fill": { "alpha": 87 },
//    "fill": { "alpha": 87, color: "{{c:hp-ratio}}" },                      <<------ ERROR
      "height": 2,                     
//    "lcolor": null,                   
      "lcolor": "{{c:hp-ratio}}", // <--- secondary color works WHEN PRIMARY IS NOT DYNAMIC
           // (with decreasing hp it starts to replace the primary static(here blue) color)
      "width": 85,                      
      "x": -43,                         
      "y": -33                       



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To be more exact, setup of 

"healthBar": {

doesnt work at all, now i reconsider if the secondary "Lcolor" was ever working....


I dont believe anymore. Shame that healthbars can't have dynamic color here.


Any ideas how to create my own: (linear, moving, and color-changing ) healthbars are welcome. Thanks.







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I've been hitting my head to the wall with this issue as well. I figured it's not hard to make my own, but the problem is, how to make it show the damage in the same way as the regular healthbar?

I tested and I was able to add extrafields to work as healthbar and the {{c:hp-ratio}} works on that so it does work on Vehicle Markers. It's just not working with the healthBar colors. I could also change the healthbar color manually to any single color I wanted and also change it's size, alpha etc. It's just that the macro doesn't work as a color. I'm puzzled why this is and why it hasn't been fixed yet...

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this is slightly confusing ? are you looking to change the healthbar colors in over tank markers or players panels ?

both can be done but it will take a little work.

i will expalin over tank markers then you should be able to work out how to do it in players panels.

first you need to decide the dimensions of the healthbar say you go for  width = 80 height = 8


you now need to be able to use something like paint.net and create a blank template to that size.


what your going to do is make 10 different healthbars but color them to your preferd color scale for damage so for instance purple 100% red under 10%


the 100% healthbar would need to be filled left to right. (dark purple)

the 90% healthbar would need to be filled 90% from left to right (light purple)

the 80% healthbar would need to be filled 80% from left to right (dark blue)

etc. etc. etc. until you have all ten bars filled at the percent you need and colored to your wishes.


now here comes the boring bit , for your 100% bar save it to a pre made folder (call it healthbars) and save it 9 times naming each 100,99,98,97,96,95,etc untill you get to 90 , you then save the next bar in line (light purple) naming them 90-81 so on and so forth until you have 100 saved bars , you can alter them as much as you like.



something like i have for custom healthbars in picture above. (bear in mind above example is for enemy health left side only pay attention to naming etc.)


once you have your 100 bars then all you have to do is in markersalivenormal.xc


in your text fields part of the file add this code




"alpha": "120",

 "color": null,

"format": "<img src='cfg://your own config/name of folder where bars are stored/{{hp-ratio}}.png' width='80' height='8'> ",

"shadow": { "alpha": "80", "angle": 90, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 0, "blur": 2, "strength": 10 },

 "enabled": true,

"x": 0,

"y": -10



what this does is calls each image depending on the health ratio of the vehicle , you may have to set default healthbars to false. this system does work btw i have used it before although saving those 100 .pngs are a pain

i use the same thing to display players wn8 values from 0-100


Edited by soulza

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