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HTTP запрос, JSON


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Помогите как сделать http-запрос на любой url, затем получить данные с помощью JSON и вывести полученный текст?


Мне удалось по-примеру создать сообщение в Центре Уведомлений, где "Text Message" должна быть полученный со сервера текст. Это все для примера.



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from urllib import urlopen
import json

text = urlopen('http://**********/test.json').read()
obj = json.parse(text)

   "items": {
      "item1":"Test item"
from notification.NotificationListView import NotificationListView

old_populate = NotificationListView._populate

def new_populate(self):
    message = {
        'typeID': 1,
        'message': {
            'bgIcon': '',
            'defaultIcon': '',
            'savedData': 0,
            'timestamp': -1,
            'filters': [],
            'buttonsLayout': [
                    'action': 'action_1',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 1'
                    'action': 'action_2',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 2'
            'message': 'Test Message',
            'type': 'black',
            'icon': '',
        'entityID': 99999,
        'auxData': ['GameGreeting']

NotificationListView._populate = new_populate

old_onClickAction = NotificationListView.onClickAction

def new_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action):
    if action == 'action_1':
        print 'action_1'
    elif action == 'action_2':
        print 'action_2'
        old_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action)

NotificationListView.onClickAction = new_onClickAction

Вот код, который я пользуюсь для примера. Можете совместить? Я раньше не писал на питоне, поэтому не уверен в себе.

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from BigWorld import wg_openWebBrowser
from urllib import urlopen
import json
text = urlopen('http://**********/test.json').read()
obj = json.parse(text)

from notification.NotificationListView import NotificationListView
old_populate = NotificationListView._populate
def new_populate(self):
    message = {
        'typeID': 1,
        'message': {
            'bgIcon': '',
            'defaultIcon': '',
            'savedData': 0,
            'timestamp': -1,
            'filters': [],
            'buttonsLayout': [
                    'action': 'action_1',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 1'
                    'action': 'action_2',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 2'
            'message': obj['items']['item1'],
            'type': 'black',
            'icon': '',
        'entityID': 99999,
        'auxData': ['GameGreeting']
NotificationListView._populate = new_populate
old_onClickAction = NotificationListView.onClickAction

def new_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action):
    if action == 'action_1':
        print 'action_1'
    elif action == 'action_2':
        print 'action_2'
        old_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action)
NotificationListView.onClickAction = new_onClickAction


Edited by Dark_Knight_MiX
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Можете совместить?

from notification.NotificationListView import NotificationListView
from urllib import urlopen
from json import load
   obj = load(urlopen('http://<some_url>/test.json'))
except Exception:
   obj = {u'items':{u'item1':'Error in get file!'}}
old_populate = NotificationListView._populate
def new_populate(self):
    message = {
        'typeID': 1,
        'message': {
            'bgIcon': '',
            'defaultIcon': '',
            'savedData': 0,
            'timestamp': -1,
            'filters': [],
            'buttonsLayout': [
                    'action': 'action_1',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 1'
                    'action': 'action_2',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 2'
            'message': obj['items']['item1'],
            'type': 'black',
            'icon': '',
        'entityID': 99999,
        'auxData': ['GameGreeting']
NotificationListView._populate = new_populate
old_onClickAction = NotificationListView.onClickAction
def new_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action):
    if action == 'action_1':
        print 'action_1'
    elif action == 'action_2':
        print 'action_2'
        old_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action)
NotificationListView.onClickAction = new_onClickAction
Edited by ShadowHunterRUS
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from BigWorld import wg_openWebBrowser
from urllib import urlopen
import json
text = urlopen('http://**********/test.json').read()
obj = json.parse(text)

from notification.NotificationListView import NotificationListView
old_populate = NotificationListView._populate
def new_populate(self):
    message = {
        'typeID': 1,
        'message': {
            'bgIcon': '',
            'defaultIcon': '',
            'savedData': 0,
            'timestamp': -1,
            'filters': [],
            'buttonsLayout': [
                    'action': 'action_1',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 1'
                    'action': 'action_2',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 2'
            'message': obj['items']['item1'],
            'type': 'black',
            'icon': '',
        'entityID': 99999,
        'auxData': ['GameGreeting']
NotificationListView._populate = new_populate
old_onClickAction = NotificationListView.onClickAction
def new_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action):
    if action == 'action_1':
        print 'action_1'
    elif action == 'action_2':
        print 'action_2'
        old_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action)
NotificationListView.onClickAction = new_onClickAction



from notification.NotificationListView import NotificationListView
from urllib import urlopen
from json import loads
   text = urlopen('http://**********/test.json').read()
   obj = loads(text)
except Exception:
   obj = {"items":{ "item1":"Error in get file!" }}
old_populate = NotificationListView._populate
def new_populate(self):
    message = {
        'typeID': 1,
        'message': {
            'bgIcon': '',
            'defaultIcon': '',
            'savedData': 0,
            'timestamp': -1,
            'filters': [],
            'buttonsLayout': [
                    'action': 'action_1',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 1'
                    'action': 'action_2',
                    'type': 'submit',
                    'label': 'Button 2'
            'message': obj['items']['item1'],
            'type': 'black',
            'icon': '',
        'entityID': 99999,
        'auxData': ['GameGreeting']
NotificationListView._populate = new_populate
old_onClickAction = NotificationListView.onClickAction
def new_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action):
    if action == 'action_1':
        print 'action_1'
    elif action == 'action_2':
        print 'action_2'
        old_onClickAction(self, typeID, entityID, action)
NotificationListView.onClickAction = new_onClickAction

Спасибо! Я нашел другой способ. А вы случайно не знаете как получить ID аккаунта в клиенте?

import BigWorld
import json
from urllib import urlopen
from gui import SystemMessages
from Account import Account

link = Account.onBecomePlayer

text = urlopen('https://api.worldoftanks.ru/wot/account/list/?application_id=demo&search=Aydomir').read()
obj = json.loads(text)

def _First(self):
        wn8 = obj['status']
        msg = '<font color="#cc9933"><b>'+wn8+'</b></font>'
        type = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning
        SystemMessages.pushMessage(msg, type)
        Account.onBecomePlayer = link

Account.onBecomePlayer = _First
Edited by Aydomir
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Спасибо! Я нашел другой способ. А вы случайно не знаете как получить ID аккаунта в клиенте?

from gui.shared import g_itemsCache
import BigWorld
from gui import SystemMessages
from Account import Account

from json import load
from urllib import urlopen

plId = g_itemsCache.items.getAccountDossier().getPlayerDBID()
if not plId:
   plId = BigWorld.player().id

obj = load(urlopen('http://api.worldoftanks.ru/wot/account/info/?application_id=demo&account_id={0}'.format(plId)))

link = Account.onBecomePlayer
def _First(self):
   wn8 = obj['status']
   msg = '<font color="#cc9933"><b>'+wn8+'</b></font>'
   type_ = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning
   SystemMessages.pushMessage(msg, type_)
   Account.onBecomePlayer = link

Account.onBecomePlayer = _First
Edited by ShadowHunterRUS
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from gui.shared import g_itemsCache
import BigWorld
from json import load
from urllib import urlopen
from gui import SystemMessages
from Account import Account

link = Account.onBecomePlayer

plId = g_itemsCache.items.getAccountDossier().getPlayerDBID()

obj = load(urlopen('http://api.worldoftanks.ru/wot/account/info/?application_id=demo&account_id={0}'.format(plId)))

def _First(self):
        wn8 = obj['status']
        msg = '<font color="#cc9933"><b>'+wn8+'</b></font>'
        type_ = SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning
        SystemMessages.pushMessage(msg, type_)
        Account.onBecomePlayer = link

Account.onBecomePlayer = _First

Интересно, а я нашел такой способ 

text = urlopen('https://api.worldoftanks.ru/wot/account/list/?application_id=8dda4d6a0ab9e1299d3a4318d5a277f6&search='+BigWorld.player().name).read()
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Интересно, а я нашел такой способ

Для начала поместите ваши цитаты под спойлер.

Во вторых Вы делаете лишний запрос для того, чтобы узнать account_id, хотя можно сразу грузить стату по playerId

Edited by ShadowHunterRUS
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Для начала поместите ваши цитаты под спойлер.
Во вторых Вы делаете лишний запрос для того, чтобы узнать account_id, хотя можно сразу грузить стату по playerId


Да, это я понимаю. Я уже использую Ваш пример.

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