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Service Record Message

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I´ve managed to get an Service record message tab wich notifies about live streaming Clan Members.

I would like to annouce live streaming with a little message wich is working by now.


Last thing is i would like this message not to show up if the selected streamer is offline wich should be handled witch the else function.

import BigWorld
import os
from debug_utils import *
import GUI
import ResMgr
import json
import urllib2
import urllib, socket
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from subprocess import check_output
import json
ap_cr_channel = '<a href="event:http://www.twitch.tv/jeff_ich_heisse_jeff_"><font color="#E2D2A2">Watch now</font></a>'
    url = 'http://cloud1.odemmortis.com/scripts/jeffapi.php'
    file = urllib.urlopen('http://cloud1.odemmortis.com/scripts/jeffapi.php')
    data = file.read()
    LOG_ERROR('Unable to access Remote File')

from gui import SystemMessages
sys_msg = ''

def modpack():
        if len(sys_msg) != 0:
            if SystemMessages.g_instance is None:
                BigWorld.callback(4.0, modpack)
            elif data == 'online':
                SystemMessages.pushMessage(sys_msg, type=SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Information)
                SystemMessages.pushMessage(sys_msg, type=SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning)


if data == 'online':
    sys_msg = '<font color="#7FCF00">Jeff ist live ON AIR ' + ap_cr_channel
    sys_msg = '<font color="#FF0000">Jeff ist OFFLINE!'
from Account import Account

def _First(msg):
    SystemMessages.pushMessage(msg, SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning)

def new_onBecomePlayer(self):

old_onBecomePlayer = Account.onBecomePlayer
Account.onBecomePlayer = new_onBecomePlayer

could anybody help me with this ?

I tried to simply remove the red marked else function but the result wasnt that great

    sys_msg = '<font color="#FF0000">Jeff ist OFFLINE!'


Long story shor:


Would like to have an message when streamer is online and no message if he is not.


Thanks a lot guys


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import BigWorld
import os
from debug_utils import *
import urllib
from gui import SystemMessages
from Account import Account
ap_cr_channel = '<a href="event:http://www.twitch.tv/jeff_ich_heisse_jeff_"><font color="#E2D2A2">Watch now</font></a>'
def new_onBecomePlayer(self):
  url = 'http://cloud1.odemmortis.com/scripts/jeffapi.php'
  file = urllib.urlopen(url)
  data = file.read()
  if data == 'online':
   sys_msg = '<font color="#7FCF00">Jeff ist live ON AIR ' + ap_cr_channel
   sys_msg = '<font color="#FF0000">Jeff ist OFFLINE!'
  LOG_ERROR('Unable to access Remote File')
  SystemMessages.pushMessage(sys_msg, SystemMessages.SM_TYPE.Warning)

old_onBecomePlayer = Account.onBecomePlayer
Account.onBecomePlayer = new_onBecomePlayer
Edited by cezarica
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Thx a lot managed to get it the way it should be :)


Is there an easy way to change the coloring and / or background of the System message ?

I just had a look at the messenger.xml file wich should do the job.


Are there any other types of system messages i could use for this kind of announcement ?




Solved the problem by defining a new type of system message and editing the messenger.xml afterwards

Edited by Technowolf
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