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Carousel Extra Details Disappear

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Odd thing has just started happening. I have tank carousel set up to show tank win rate and mastery badges. This has been working fine, but about an hour or so ago I started to notice that one or both of these would disappear for no reason and that one or both would reappear.


It does not seem to be related to opening certain windows or going in/out of battle and other stats in XVM seem to be working fine, so I don't know if this could be related to any XVM network issues.


Has any one else seen this or know why it might be happening? As I said, it has never happened before, so it may just stop a sudden;y as it started, but I thought I would ask in case it is a bug.

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I was just about to start the topic but am beaten to it.


I too have noticed that when I start WoT my carousel icon extra information is completely correct, but leaving the main hangar window to look at tech tree or stats panel for example resets the carousel icons to the default.


I only have MoE progress and Mastery badges as extra information but I lose one, then the other by repeatedly changing windows.


If it helps here is my code

    // Extra cell fields (see playersPanel.xc).
    // Дополнительные поля ячеек (см. playersPanel.xc).
    "extraFields": [
      // Sign of mastery.
      // Знак мастерства.
      { "x": -1, "y": 10, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='23' height='23'>" },
	  // Damage Rating
	  { "x": 116, "y": 65, "format": "<font face='Tahoma' size='10' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%4.2f~%}}</font>", "shadow": { "alpha": 90, "angle": 45, "blur": 7.5, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 0, "enabled": true, "strength": 7}}

Any ideas or is it a known problem?

Edited by beercritch
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Same problem here. Noticed that my mastery icons were gone. So I went looking for the problem, but the line for the extra field is still there. BUT i can not find the actual icons anywhere in my wot folder. the location that the extra field points to, does not exist i guess, which would explain the missing icons in the carousel... 

Can I download those icons somewhere? 



After restarting the game, the icons in the garage are back. I wonder, where XVM finds them... 

Edited by Khaelamensha
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is still happening for me with 6.1.2


When game first loads, carousel icons are fine but switching to Service Record/Depot/Barracks etc and then back to Garage usually results in a little bit of the carousel info disapppearing each time.


Logs and configs attached. My carousel.xc has been copied over from a previous patche, at least 9.7, maybe older.

config folder.zip




I tried to post a couple of images but I kept getting an error saying "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." That was with the images saved as PNG and JPEG



So links are below instead

This is what it looks like to start with





This is what it looks like after a while



Edited by manpleb
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Same thing even with nightly build (

Going to Depot/Store/ServiceRecord/TechTree/Barracks/Stronghold and then returning to Garage first ExtraField dissapears. Going to Depot/Store/ServiceRecord/TechTree/Barracks/Stronghold second time and returning to Garage second ExtraField dissapears and so on

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Hm, I have that flash errors too.


ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DAAPIModule.py, 133): Error during <gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.lobby.hangar.TankCarousel.TankCarousel object at 0x3E32BD10> flash disposing
ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/entities/DAAPIModule.py, 133): Error during <gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.lobby.hangar.TankCarousel.TankCarousel object at 0x223C3F70> flash disposing

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