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Choose Country sort order in hangar/carroussel

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I'd like to know what I can do to sort the hangar by country : i.e. by default, in Wot, for me (french wot client) : the tank are sorted like this : Chinese, French, German, UK, USA, Russians


After XVM installation (for v0.9.7), the sort order is now russian, german, french.....


Is it possible to change ? if yes; where is the macro which manage this ?


Thanks for the answers





Edited by Ghost59fr
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I'd like to know what I can do to sort the hangar by country : i.e. by default, in Wot, for me (french wot client) : the tank are sorted like this : Chinese, French, German, UK, USA, Russians


After XVM installation (for v0.9.7), the sort order is now russian, german, french.....


Is it possible to change ? if yes; where is the macro which manage this ?


Thanks for the answers






yes, it is possible to change: in config file carousel.xc, in the end of file:

    // Order of nations.
    // Порядок наций.
    "nations_order": ["ussr", "germany", "usa", "france", "uk", "china", "japan"],

are you playing on EU server?

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Many Thanks Helkar !


That's exactly what I was looking for !!


Just modified the "carousel.xc" file : works fine.


Thanks again.


and.... you're right, I'm playing on Eu Server .





i'm planning to empty the array in default config, so that XVM will sort as client defaults

everyone who is interested in custom order can fill needed values in the array, of course.

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