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[Строгая модерация] Ночные сборки XVM / Nightly Builds

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Сборка 3221, в login.xc прописано "autologin": true, но самого автологина не наблюдается, python.log чист (ошибок, и посторонних записей нет).

P.S.Проверено на чистом клиенте.

Что-то ты не так сделал. Например, xvm.xc не переименовал. В общем, проблема локальная твоя, создай по ней отдельную тему.

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Что-то ты не так сделал. Например, xvm.xc не переименовал. В общем, проблема локальная твоя, создай по ней отдельную тему.

Пардон, моды переместил, распаковал xvm, и забыл переименовать xvm.xc... но! проблема то остается, с модами, автологин получается не работает, пойду искать конфликтующий мод/скрипт, как найду отпишусь тут.


Нашел в чем проблема, если в res_mods\0.8.11\scripts\client\gui\doc_loaders есть guidirreader.pyc, то автологин перестает работать, не помню от какого мода у меня этот скрипт

Edited by Future Foundation
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сори за оффтоп


Нашел в чем проблема, если в res_mods\0.8.11\scripts\client\gui\doc_loaders есть guidirreader.pyc, то автологин перестает работать, не помню от какого мода у меня этот скрипт

Вы выбрали не ту тему для рассказа о Вашей безалаберности...


client\gui\doc_loaders\guidirreader.pyc (Скрипт убирающий видео-заставку при запуске игры)...0.8.8....

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объясните в чём причина ???



BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 13:35:08 Jan 30 2014) starting on Sat Feb 15 21:31:34 2014

Checking ./res_mods/0.8.11: mods found
[XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
[XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.8.11/scripts/client/gui/mods
[XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.2 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
[XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.0.6 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
LoadMod: AutoExtinguisher
LoadMod: DamagePanel
Damage Panel 0.8.10 v.3 by GambitER
LoadMod: exel
LoadMod: FavoriteServer
LoadMod: GunConstraints
LoadMod: iamspotted
LoadMod: InfoPanel
LoadMod: MS
LoadMod: NoBinoculars
LoadMod: ProView
LoadMod: Sights
LoadMod: uragan_rendermodel
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 0 was selected.
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
[ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/managers/loaders.py, 103): Error during view xvm load. Token: 0b75797cbfa74028a079617b3ac4d687, error:Error reading ../../../xvm/mods/xvm.swf


объясните в чём причина ???



BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 13:35:08 Jan 30 2014) starting on Sat Feb 15 21:31:34 2014

Checking ./res_mods/0.8.11: mods found
[XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
[XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.8.11/scripts/client/gui/mods
[XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.2 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
[XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.0.6 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
LoadMod: AutoExtinguisher
LoadMod: DamagePanel
Damage Panel 0.8.10 v.3 by GambitER
LoadMod: exel
LoadMod: FavoriteServer
LoadMod: GunConstraints
LoadMod: iamspotted
LoadMod: InfoPanel
LoadMod: MS
LoadMod: NoBinoculars
LoadMod: ProView
LoadMod: Sights
LoadMod: uragan_rendermodel
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 0 was selected.
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
[ERROR] (scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/framework/managers/loaders.py, 103): Error during view xvm load. Token: 0b75797cbfa74028a079617b3ac4d687, error:Error reading ../../../xvm/mods/xvm.swf


Проблему решил !!!!

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Оффтоп прекращаем. Эта тема - не место для публикации сторонних модификаций и решения их проблем.


, установите XVM как положено, не перезаписывая его файлы сторонними модами. В ином случае поддержка не осуществляется.

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Сам сейчас с этим же ковыряюсь. Ситуация такая - или работает подтверждение реплеев, но не работает пропуск интро видео по кнопке, или наоборот. Один фикс портит другой. Даже не знаю что делать, может вообще интро отключить без возможности включения?

"skipIntro": false кто-нибудь использует?

Вообщето я использую :)  У меня есть персональные глюи видиокарты и матери без интро очень долго игра стартует :)

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BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 13:35:08 Jan 30 2014) starting on Tue Feb 18 00:05:12 2014

Checking ./res_mods/0.8.11: mods found
[XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
[XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.8.11/scripts/client/gui/mods
[XPM] Loading mod: kwg_waiting_fix 0.2 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/11630-/?do=findComment&comment=151768)
[XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.0.6 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 4 was selected.
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 275): The quality = 3 was selected.
[ERROR] (scripts/common/items/vehicles.py, 1386): (compact descriptor to XML mismatch?) ('A6\\\x00"\x00\xcd\x00\x0b\x00H\x00:\x00\x07\x13\x00\x19\x00\x04\x00',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 1724, in updateArena
File "scripts/client/ClientArena.py", line 206, in update
File "scripts/client/ClientArena.py", line 268, in __onVehicleListUpdate
File "scripts/client/ClientArena.py", line 383, in __vehicleInfoAsDict
File "scripts/client/ClientArena.py", line 380, in
File "scripts/common/items/vehicles.py", line 365, in __init__
File "scripts/common/items/vehicles.py", line 1308, in __initFromCompactDescr
File "scripts/common/items/vehicles.py", line 5675, in _descrByID
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/37_caucasus
[ERROR] (scripts/common/items/vehicles.py, 1386): (compact descriptor to XML mismatch?) ('A6\\\x00"\x00\xcd\x00\x0b\x00H\x00:\x00\x07\x13\x00\x19\x00\x04\x00',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 98, in prerequisites
File "scripts/common/items/vehicles.py", line 365, in __init__
File "scripts/common/items/vehicles.py", line 1308, in __initFromCompactDescr
File "scripts/common/items/vehicles.py", line 5675, in _descrByID
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 119, in onEnterWorld
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keepPrereqs'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/daapi/view/BattleLoading.py", line 104, in isSpaceLoaded
File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 526, in onSpaceLoaded
File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 2550, in __onInitStepCompleted
File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 591, in startVisual
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start'
Message: (-1, 'Screenshot saved: shot_009.jpg')
Message: (-1, 'Screenshot saved: shot_010.jpg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 145, in onLeaveWorld
File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py", line 792, in __stopExtras
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'extras'




2014-02-18 00:05:12: xvm 1.0.6 (http://www.modxvm.com/) for WoT 0.8.11
2014-02-18 00:05:12: Revision: 3223
2014-02-18 00:05:17: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:19: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2014-02-18 00:05:19: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2014-02-18 00:05:19: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2014-02-18 00:05:19: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: prebattleComponents.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:010] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:011] [XVM] Preloading swf: TankCarousel.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:012] [XVM] Preloading swf: nodesLib.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:017] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-loginlayout.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:018] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:019] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:020] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:021] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-tcarousel.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:022] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-techtree.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:023] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: login
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:024] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: login
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:025] [XVM:LOGINLAYOUT] processView: login
2014-02-18 00:05:20: [X:026] [XVM:PING] processView: login
2014-02-18 00:05:23: [X:027] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2014-02-18 00:05:23: [X:028] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.1.0 for WoT 0.8.11
2014-02-18 00:05:23: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2014-02-18 00:05:23: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/511927944=513,507640086=5377,509088151=11521,510374553=7441,505635183=3649,503621978=9489,503549729=6209
2014-02-18 00:05:23: [iNFO] Time: 425 ms, Size: 1576 (5102) bytes
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:029] ========== begin chance calculation ===========
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:030] playerNames: bobbie1298, rangersman400, Irisd, goldengame999, gyaruru, JTE_Roughneck, xXBooBXx
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:031] teamsCount=3/4
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:032] battleTier=10
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:033] Ka=132.67658420065 Ke=308.8909155551261
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:034] RESULT=Chance to win: 20%. Battle tier: 10
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:035] obj: [
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
"e": 953,
"def": 1815,
"w": 1686,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 53,
"frg": 2367,
"cap": 5202,
"b": 3408,
"spo": 2472,
"dmg": 2629540,
"wn": 958
"cmp": {
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"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 1,
"name": "bobbie1298",
"clan": "DP-NL",
"vehicles": null,
"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
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"cl": "HT",
"data": "[object VehicleData]",
"teff": null,
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"lvl": 5.9856220657277,
"def": 1815,
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"dmg": 2629540,
"cap": 5202,
"hip": 53,
"spo": 2472,
"w": 1686,
"b": 3408,
"nm": "bobbie1298",
"up": 1392224097,
"cr": 1362755112,
"dt": "2014-02-17T14:39:08.738Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 509088151
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
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"def": 1481,
"w": 1091,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 32,
"frg": 1052,
"cap": 5667,
"b": 2358,
"spo": 793,
"dmg": 554058,
"wn": 388
"cmp": {
"e": 0,
"def": 0,
"w": 0,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 0,
"frg": 0,
"cap": 0,
"b": 0,
"spo": 0,
"dmg": 0,
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"clanstat": {
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"def": 0,
"w": 0,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 0,
"frg": 0,
"cap": 0,
"b": 0,
"spo": 0,
"dmg": 0,
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"xwn6": 15,
"xeff": 22,
"r": 46,
"turretType": null,
"maxHealth": null,
"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 2,
"name": "rangersman400",
"clan": null,
"vehicles": null,
"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
"l": 7,
"cl": "HT",
"data": "[object VehicleData]",
"teff": null,
"te": null,
"dv": null,
"sb": null,
"fb": null,
"db": null,
"r": 43,
"u": null,
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"f": null,
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"w": 146,
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"cid": null,
"wn8": 273,
"wn6": 388,
"e": 704,
"lvl": 4.741730279898219,
"def": 1481,
"frg": 1052,
"dmg": 554058,
"cap": 5667,
"hip": 32,
"spo": 793,
"w": 1091,
"b": 2358,
"nm": "rangersman400",
"up": 1392062143,
"cr": 1372966269,
"dt": "2014-02-12T18:12:48.751Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 511927944
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
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"def": 1688,
"w": 1866,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 35,
"frg": 1163,
"cap": 2516,
"b": 4176,
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"dmg": 448012,
"wn": 155
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"def": 0,
"w": 0,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 0,
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"spo": 3,
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"turretType": null,
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"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 2,
"name": "Irisd",
"clan": null,
"vehicles": null,
"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
"l": 8,
"cl": "HT",
"data": "[object VehicleData]",
"teff": null,
"te": null,
"dv": null,
"sb": null,
"fb": null,
"db": null,
"r": 40,
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"s": null,
"f": null,
"d": null,
"w": 3,
"b": 17,
"id": 5377
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"wn8": 48,
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"lvl": 3.751795117280996,
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"cap": 2516,
"hip": 35,
"spo": 2565,
"w": 1866,
"b": 4178,
"nm": "Irisd",
"up": 1391705792,
"cr": 1357402035,
"dt": "2014-02-07T12:31:09.249Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 507640086
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
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"def": 9604,
"w": 4822,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 65,
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"b": 10524,
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"r": 46,
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"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 1,
"name": "goldengame999",
"clan": "GOTAK",
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"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
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"cl": "MT",
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"fb": null,
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"up": 1391633955,
"cr": 1350739175,
"dt": "2014-02-07T15:26:46.087Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 505635183
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
"e": 780,
"def": 5254,
"w": 3023,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 49,
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"xwn6": 25,
"xeff": 28,
"r": 47,
"turretType": null,
"maxHealth": null,
"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 1,
"name": "gyaruru",
"clan": "LMFX",
"vehicles": null,
"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
"l": 9,
"cl": "HT",
"data": "[object VehicleData]",
"teff": null,
"te": null,
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"fb": null,
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"r": 42,
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"cid": 500030932,
"wn8": 517,
"wn6": 616,
"e": 778,
"lvl": 5.53315566703245,
"def": 5254,
"frg": 3250,
"dmg": 2389495,
"cap": 10136,
"hip": 49,
"spo": 4164,
"w": 3027,
"b": 6379,
"nm": "gyaruru",
"up": 1391723386,
"cr": 1367428531,
"dt": "2014-02-07T03:07:27.030Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 510374553
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
"e": 1438,
"def": 13406,
"w": 6291,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 72,
"frg": 12699,
"cap": 22066,
"b": 11664,
"spo": 9468,
"dmg": 17160411,
"wn": 1428
"cmp": {
"e": 152,
"def": 0,
"w": 0,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 59,
"frg": 1,
"cap": 0,
"b": 7,
"spo": 4,
"dmg": 540,
"wn": 1
"__v": 2,
"clanstat": {
"e": 0,
"def": 0,
"w": 0,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 0,
"frg": 0,
"cap": 0,
"b": 0,
"spo": 0,
"dmg": 0,
"wn": 0
"xwn8": 68,
"xwn6": 67,
"xeff": 74,
"r": 54,
"turretType": null,
"maxHealth": null,
"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 2,
"name": "JTE_Roughneck",
"clan": "JTE",
"vehicles": null,
"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
"l": 10,
"cl": "HT",
"data": "[object VehicleData]",
"teff": null,
"te": null,
"dv": null,
"sb": null,
"fb": null,
"db": null,
"r": 54,
"u": null,
"s": null,
"f": null,
"d": null,
"w": 266,
"b": 490,
"id": 9489
"emblem": null,
"cid": 500010467,
"wn8": 1756,
"wn6": 1427,
"e": 1437,
"lvl": 7.735412561048753,
"def": 13406,
"frg": 12700,
"dmg": 17160951,
"cap": 22066,
"hip": 72,
"spo": 9472,
"w": 6291,
"b": 11671,
"nm": "JTE_Roughneck",
"up": 1392424624,
"cr": 1337445560,
"dt": "2014-02-15T11:31:57.681Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 503621978
{ // com.xvm.types.stat::StatData
"solo": {
"e": 1568,
"def": 21891,
"w": 8635,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 71,
"frg": 20008,
"cap": 25777,
"b": 16044,
"spo": 16278,
"dmg": 25871985,
"wn": 1606
"cmp": {
"e": 339,
"def": 0,
"w": 5,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 60,
"frg": 8,
"cap": 0,
"b": 23,
"spo": 20,
"dmg": 7090,
"wn": 184
"__v": 2,
"clanstat": {
"e": 0,
"def": 0,
"w": 0,
"wn8": null,
"hip": 0,
"frg": 0,
"cap": 0,
"b": 0,
"spo": 0,
"dmg": 0,
"wn": 0
"xwn8": 79,
"xwn6": 78,
"xeff": 83,
"r": 54,
"turretType": null,
"maxHealth": null,
"ready": false,
"alive": true,
"team": 2,
"name": "xXBooBXx",
"clan": "JTE",
"vehicles": null,
"v": { // com.xvm.types.stat::VData
"l": 10,
"cl": "HT",
"data": "[object VehicleData]",
"teff": null,
"te": null,
"dv": null,
"sb": null,
"fb": null,
"db": null,
"r": 53,
"u": null,
"s": null,
"f": null,
"d": null,
"w": 128,
"b": 241,
"id": 6209
"emblem": null,
"cid": 500010467,
"wn8": 2046,
"wn6": 1603,
"e": 1566,
"lvl": 7.7232837492998,
"def": 21891,
"frg": 20016,
"dmg": 25879075,
"cap": 25777,
"hip": 71,
"spo": 16298,
"w": 8640,
"b": 16067,
"nm": "xXBooBXx",
"up": 1392424241,
"cr": 1336927842,
"dt": "2014-02-15T12:40:58.893Z",
"st": "ok",
"_id": 503549729
2014-02-18 00:05:24: [X:036] ========== end chance calculation ===========
2014-02-18 00:05:26: [DEBUG] FlashInit: battle.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:26: [DEBUG] FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:26: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [V:001] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [V:003] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [V:002] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [V:004] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:002] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:005] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:006] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [b:007] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2014-02-18 00:05:27: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2014-02-18 00:05:48: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:48: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
2014-02-18 00:05:49: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf



бой так и не загрузился )) это я реплей смотрел

Edited by ciscoasa

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File "scripts/client/Vehicle.py"

Часто встречается в python.log.

Может некорректный мод "Received Damage Announcer" пакостит?

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бой так и не загрузился )) это я реплей смотрел
возможно реплей от 0810 попался, они через один только работают 

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Версия 3223


Выделение процента побед цветом:


Угу, самое интересное у кого-то работает, у кого-то нет. У меня не работает причем на 3х разных провайдерах (ростелеком, билайн и мегафон) и разных компах.

Могу сделать скриншот

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Угу, самое интересное у кого-то работает, у кого-то нет. У меня не работает причем на 3х разных провайдерах (ростелеком, билайн и мегафон) и разных компах. Могу сделать скриншот

я имел ввиду цвет выделения побед в списке танков

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