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How can I display WN7 instead of Wargaming Rating in player's panel with default config?

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There is no WG rating or WN7 macros in XVM


In players panel, battle loading screen and statistic form:
      {{nick}}        - player nickname with clan name
      {{name}}        - player nickname without clan name
      {{clan}}        - clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)
      {{clannb}}      - clan name without brackets
      {{vehicle}}     - vehicle name
      {{vehiclename}} - internal vehicle name (usa-M24_Chaffee)
      {{vtype}}       - vehicle type
      {{c:vtype}}     - color depending on vehicle type
      + statistics macros (see below)

Statistics macros ('rating/showPlayersStatistics' must be enabled):
      {{avglvl}}      - average level (tier) of tanks
      {{eff}}         - player efficiency: http://wot-news.com/index.php/stat/calc/en/
      {{eff:4}}       - player efficiency aligned from left to 4 chars
      {{teff}}, {{e}} - player per-vehicle efficiency: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/1643-
      {{wn}}          - WN6 rating: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/2575-
      {{xeff}}        - XVM Scale for efficiency (values 00-99, XX for Tops)
      {{xwn}}         - XVM Scale for WN6 (values 00-99, XX for Tops)
      {{rating}}      - GWR (Global Win Ratio)
      {{rating:3}}    - GWR aligned from left to 3 chars
      {{battles}}     - total battles count
      {{wins}}        - total wins count
      {{kb}}          - number of kilo-battles (total battles count divided by 1000)
      {{kb:3}}        - number of kilo-battles aligned from left to 3 chars
      {{t-rating}}    - vehicle win ratio
      {{t-rating:3}}  - vehicle win ratio aligned from left to 3 chars
      {{t-battles}}   - total battles count for current vehicle
      {{t-battles:4}} - number of battles for current vehicle aligned from left to 4 chars
      {{t-wins}}      - total wins count for current vehicle
      {{t-kb}}        - number of kilo-battles for current vehicle
      {{t-kb-0}}      - number of kilo-battles for current vehicle with leading zero
      {{t-kb:4}}      - number of kilo-battles for current vehicle aligned from left to 4 chars
      {{t-hb}}        - number of hecto-battles for current vehicle (hecto = 100)
      {{t-hb:3}}      - number of hecto-battles for current vehicle aligned from left to 3 chars
      {{tdb}}, {{tdb:4}} - average damage for current tank - damage/battles
      {{tdv}} - average damage efficiency for tank - damage/(battles*maxHP)
      {{tfb}} - average frags per battle for current tank
      {{tsb}} - average number of spotted enemies per battle for current tank
      {{c:tdb}}, {{c:tdv}}, {{c:tfb}}, {{c:tsb}} - dynamic colors for this macros
      {{c:eff}}       - color depending on player efficiency
      {{c:e}}         - color depending on player per-vehicle efficiency
      {{c:wn}}        - color depending on WN6 rating
      {{c:xeff}}      - color depending on XVM Scale for efficiency
      {{c:xwn}}       - color depending on XVM Scale for WN6
      {{c:rating}}    - color depending on GWR
      {{c:kb}}        - color depending on kilo-battles
      {{c:avglvl}}    - color depending on average level of tanks
      {{c:t-rating}}  - color depending on current vehicle win ratio
      {{c:t-battles}} - color depending on current vehicle battles

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