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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. (1240-1040/(MIN(TIER,6))^0.164)*FRAGS Then that means Tier 1-6 get more WN6 for each kill????
  2. One important question: (1240-1040/(MIN(TIER,6))^0.164)*FRAGS - in this case MIN() means minimum tier 6 (so kills get more valuable from tier 7 on) That part is clear. But: (6-MIN(TIER,6))*-60 - in this case MIN() means maximum tier 6 (so all players below tier 6 get penalty) or it means minimum tier 6 (that means all players above tier 7 get a bonus)
  3. Nice formula, although I think now people will start driving Tier 6 Arty to boost the stats. Maybe the question is silly but can you explain me what "e" stands for?
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