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Korean Random


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Everything posted by bfcm

  1. Добрый день. Собственно, сабж. Скриншот: http://gyazo.com/3786c0b78fb29fb00fde9b7972cec8bf Проблемы: а) не грузит статистику б) фриз при загрузке боя ровно на величину таймаута (поэтому выставил 1000). Пробовал ставить большой таймаут - проблема остается, только время фриза при загрузке боя увеличивается (при таймауте 20000 я, например, вообще пропускаю начало боя). XVM последний, ОС - вин7 64-бит 2012.12.11 20:57:12 WoT XVM Proxy v3.0.2.22487 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] MountPoint: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\.stat 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] Unmount previous mount 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] Create MountPoint directory 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] try to delete old Dokan link 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] Creating server thread 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] Starting server thread 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [D] Dokan thread: Starting main loop 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [i] Timeout: 1000, MountPoint: .stat 2012.12.11 20:57:12 [i] Game Region: RU (detected) 2012.12.11 20:57:17 [D] Dokan thread is alive 2012.12.11 20:57:17 [i] Starting game process: WorldOfTanks.exe 2012.12.11 20:57:17 [D] Check game process 2012.12.11 20:57:22 [D] Wait for process to exit 2012.12.11 20:57:27 [i] Exception: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at wot.Server.loadUrl(String url, String members, Int64& duration, Boolean test) at wot.Server.GetProxyAddresses() 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] [000] xvm-> [ "BattleLoading" ] 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] [001] xvm-> [ "BattleLoading", "BattleLoadingItemRenderer" ] 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] => @VAR WINDOW_SIZE=1366,746 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] Unknown command: @VAR 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] => @GET_VERSION 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [D] _result: RU C:\Games\World_of_Tanks 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] Read 26 bytes 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] => @VAR WINDOW_SIZE=1366,746 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] Unknown command: @VAR 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] [002] Config: Loaded (BattleLoading.as) 2012.12.11 21:05:42 [i] [003] [BattleLoading] XVM_VERSION=3.2.0 MAX_PATH=199 GameRegion=RU configVersion=1.5.0 showPlayersStatistics=true loadEnemyStatsInFogOfWar=false useStandardMarkers=false 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] => @SET 1734539=_ITANK_&E-50,8598642=SERYI_KARDINAL&BAT_CHATILLON155,3951084=CALINCHICU&LORRAINE155_51,3760530=SAMDURAK75&IS8,3396765=BLAZE1985[_IRS_]&IS8,974523=BFCMYXA[KITTY]&T_50_2&1 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [D] _result: {"resultId":0} 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] Read 14 bytes 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] => @ADD 2738046=ZERAM1989[STAL3]&LORRAINE155_51,1558237=OUCH_ALL[_BLR_]&IS-7,1310891=SAYBAN[C-BS]&LORRAINE155_51,6428236=ZIBOROV_1975&VK2801,4056581=KWAKER33&IS-7,4557121=IVAN_TMP&G_TIGER 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [D] _result: {"resultId":0} 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] Read 14 bytes 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] => @ADD 629763=PAVLINCHEG13&AMX_13_90,2368045=KILLERLOOPS&IS8,904094=ROMAN160176&OBJECT_261,582007=IO_[-MH-]&VK4502P,3325685=SARDAN373&VK4502P,1225621=ABRRIKOS&E-100 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [D] _result: {"resultId":0} 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] Read 14 bytes 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] => @ADD 4394726=DMITRIY1332[TDIS]&IS-7,6112057=ZVOBR&LORRAINE40T,6483930=1515ENOT&ST_I,1013302=PALCAN&T95,4380057=STOLNICHEK1&T62A,2435305=IRHTR&M40M43,6455025=MIHAIL_KV&T-54 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [D] _result: {"resultId":0} 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] Read 14 bytes 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] => @ADD 3741340=OLEGFRAIMARK[SOW_E]&LORRAINE155_51,4400033=KV609&IS8,5378794=UNCLE_PHOENIX&T110,6717783=CTAPMEX_81&OBJECT_261,5245764=GRISHANDI&GB12_CONQUEROR 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [D] _result: {"resultId":0} 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] Read 14 bytes 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] => @RUN 2012.12.11 21:05:44 [i] HTTP: 1734539=E-50,8598642=BAT_CHATILLON155,3951084=LORRAINE155_51,3760530=IS8,3396765=IS8,974523=T_50_2=1,2738046=LORRAINE155_51,1558237=IS-7,1310891=LORRAINE155_51,6428236=VK2801,4056581=IS-7,4557121=G_TIGER,629763=AMX_13_90,2368045=IS8,904094=OBJECT_261,582007=VK4502P,3325685=VK4502P,1225621=E-100,4394726=IS-7,6112057=LORRAINE40T,6483930=ST_I,1013302=T95,4380057=T62A,2435305=M40M43,6455025=T-54,3741340=LORRAINE155_51,4400033=IS8,5378794=T110,6717783=OBJECT_261,5245764=GB12_CONQUEROR 2012.12.11 21:05:57 [i] Exception: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at wot.Server.loadUrl(String url, String members, Int64& duration, Boolean test) at wot.Server.PrepareStat(Request req) 2012.12.11 21:05:57 [D] _result: {"players":[],"info":null} 2012.12.11 21:05:57 [i] Read 26 bytes 2012.12.11 21:06:00 [i] => @VAR WINDOW_SIZE=1366,746 2012.12.11 21:06:00 [i] Unknown command: @VAR 2012.12.11 21:06:14 [i] [000] xvm-> [ "PlayersPanel" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:14 [i] [001] xvm-> [ "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] [002] xvm-> [ "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle:main" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] [003] xvm-> [ "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle:main", "BattleStatItemRenderer" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] [004] xvm-> [ "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle:main", "BattleStatItemRenderer", "PlayerListItemRenderer" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] => @GET_VERSION 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [D] _result: RU C:\Games\World_of_Tanks 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] Read 26 bytes 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] [005] Config: Loaded (BattleStatItemRenderer.as) 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] => @GET_LAST_STAT 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [D] _result: {"players":[],"info":null} 2012.12.11 21:06:15 [i] Read 26 bytes 2012.12.11 21:06:16 [i] [000] xvm-> [ "VehicleMarkerProxy" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:16 [i] => @GET_VERSION 2012.12.11 21:06:16 [D] _result: RU C:\Games\World_of_Tanks 2012.12.11 21:06:16 [i] Read 26 bytes 2012.12.11 21:06:17 [i] [001] Config: Loaded (VehicleMarkerProxy.as) 2012.12.11 21:06:17 [i] [002] xvm-> [ "VehicleMarkerProxy", "XVM" ] 2012.12.11 21:06:17 [i] => @GET_LAST_STAT 2012.12.11 21:06:17 [D] _result: {"players":[],"info":null} 2012.12.11 21:06:17 [i] Read 26 bytes Лог Апдейт: Проблема решена :)
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