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About locastan

  • Birthday 02/01/1982

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  1. Sorry I was quite busy with other mods and website trouble. I see you found what needed fixing though (was only a problem in the last function anyway). Good work! :)
  2. I fixed the in battle popups and also added raw credits and Xp to the popup, if you are interested. Feel free to decompile and use whatever you need, as usual. :) http://www.mediafire.com/download/s6qzjlqmnqpaqfd/SessionStatistic_minimal_loca_97a.zip
  3. I keep seeing these errors in python.log when I open and close notifications center: [ERROR] (scripts/client/notification/NotificationListView.py, 31): Invalid state of the Notifications Model Any idea what to change to get rid of it?
  4. Not sure if already reported. If I use the following elements.xc: { // Options for player statistics (only with xvm-stat). "elements": [ { "messenger": { "_visible": false } } ] } It causes the camera zoom to be stuck in replays (maybe in live game too, have not checked). If I change it to: { // Options for player statistics (only with xvm-stat). "elements": [ { "messenger": { "_alpha": 0 } } ] } It works fine, but I wanted to report this anyway in case it may have an effect on other parts of xvm if it goes unnoticed. :)
  5. This is quite funny, we came up with a similar mod almost at the same time. :) I went with a little bit different approach and also included html code to be added in the healthbar format. You can have a look at it here: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/374447-090-team-hp-pool-bar/ As soon as we get 0.9.1 over here (tomorrow) I will update the mods flash component (FragCorrelation.swf) and then maybe this will also be to your benefit.
  6. Sure, take what you want. I am also sure the code can be optimized a lot as I spent most time to just look at what you are doing and then add what I wanted. ^^ On the eyecandy: The achievement images are mainly there, because for the life of me I could not find how to get the proper achievement names out of the game. Descriptions, Icons, Ranks all there,but only generic naming like "warrrior" and such. I just could not find the proper request. >.< And ofc. potential damage received had to be added, as WG removed it from the detailed battle results. ^^
  7. Hello tratatank, I have no idea if you still want to extend this mod, but I have done some additions to allow better control of the battle results: It is part of this package: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gsaxa5oo44iao44/ Feel free to decompile and add what you want to your mod or contact me to get the sourcecode or talk about questions. :) Greetings locastan.
  8. Just if you are interested: Download: Version 8.8.12 with DarthWanderers config
  9. Lol...my mistake. I did clear the cache, but made a mistake preparing the mod folder structure for ModEnabler. I have been coding for too long today I guess. In my desperation I even cleared the caches inside %appdata%\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\. xD All is well. Sorry to distract you guys. ;)
  10. Is there a problem with the 8.8.12 version? It seems not to work for me. o.O Even when put alone and with unchanged config without any other mods, service channel is just empty. python.log shows no errors.
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