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Everything posted by Bazooka

  1. Lesta changed something on the minimap, and this change broke the drawing in XVM.
  2. @Виктор 345556 I don't know who this is, but if he's not purple, then he's not in the top 0.1% of players. It's just statistics.
  3. Everyone here has described different problems without even realizing it. You included. That's why you should always attach logs.
  4. No, macros are not supported in the game's standard markers. You need to use either the game's markers or XVM markers. The latter are much more flexible. If you need XVM markers to look like the standard ones, it can be done, but you'll have to work on the config.
  5. You don't need to install any fonts for the standard XVM config to work. All the necessary fonts are built into XVM, including ZurichCondMono. If you're having problems, check the logs. Is Windows Firewall enabled? If not, try enabling it. There's a bug in Windows that prevents fonts from loading correctly when the firewall is disabled.
  6. @萌宠天下 dude, stop following me into every thread with your messages. I'm tired of having to ask the moderators to move your posts to the correct topic.. You're making a mess of the forum, and it's not okay. Post in the relevant topics, not just anywhere. I already told you I can't help you. Read the guides and figure it out on your own.
  7. Windows+Shift+S opens the screenshot tool. It has an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) button, which lets you copy text from any image. Alternatively, you could just take a screenshot of the chat and send it to Gemini and ask it to translate:
  8. It's not working on Lesta yet. We'll have to wait for it to be fixed.
  9. Whenever the game gets updated, you have to update the mod. That's just always been the way it is.
  10. These aren't for you. They're for the developers so they can investigate and fix the bug.
  11. XMQP is Advanced Communication: As far as I know, it only doesn't work on the minimap, everything else is fine. They are aware of this bug.
  12. You're probably referring to the leaked, old BigWorld engine, but I meant the actual server code of the game itself. All your other points are based on your existing knowledge of these technologies, so it's not challenging for you. But I'm replying to someone who clearly doesn't understand what they're doing, so what's easy for you might not be easy for them If you disagree, offer well-reasoned, specific solutions. Simply showing up to say "you're wrong, and you're just ChatGPT" is toxic and unhelpful. There's no need to call my answer "ChatGPT" just because I formatted it with lists and bolded text to make it easier to read. That doesn't contribute to the discussion. On the contrary, it derails it into a pointless tangent.
  13. @萌宠天下 I can't help you with that. You need to read the Wwise guide yourself and figure out how to work with it: And stop deleting the screenshots from your posts. Maybe someone in the know could read them and help, but you keep deleting the screenshots, and the posts become even more confusing without them. You're just reducing your chances of getting help by doing that.
  14. I'm not sure about the first one, but the latter two use three.js.
  15. @kardan https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/84605-сильная-разница-в-wn8/
  16. What are the best ways to farm credits (silver) in World of Tanks right now? Share your thoughts and experiences
  17. The simplest option is to use Three.js. A more complicated option is to use Babylon.js. An even more complex option is to use some kind of solution based on WASM. I recommend looking at (inspect with dev tools) how this is implemented on websites like https://gamemodels3d.com/games/worldoftanks/vehicles/c18 and https://armor.wotinspector.com/en/mirtankov/13825-62/. The former uses Three.js, and the latter uses something intricate based on WASM, compiled from C++ using Emscripten. If you just need to rotate tank models, there's no need for such a complex solution. The choice of format depends on what you want to display. In general, glTF is a very good choice.
  18. "Official tank programmers" Haha, they don't make mods . Mods are made by regular people in their spare time, not by employees of WoT on salaries I'll say it again, show a video of your problem.
  19. Yes, I tried it, and everything downloads perfectly. The installer is in the first row of the table, and the archive is in the second row. Show me a video of your problem.
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