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Korean Random


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Everything posted by CBARoughneck

  1. i know they arent related lol, so xvm does 3 days at a time then and does a avg of them 3 days?
  2. no what time does xvm update stats everyday does it log from 6am to 6pm or 12 to 12 etc etc see how my sig shows 1 day stats 72.2 win rate for the day avg dmg is 1318 etc for 1 day, this is what i want to know because its not even close to my stat log in garage
  3. does xvm log stats from midnight to midnight, im trying to get the idea on when stats are logged and reported cause Im working on raising wn8 but its not matching my charts im keeping so i want to know when it resets.
  4. ok maybe thats my problem im using 3162 build, on CM test 9.3 thanks night dragon update all working now THANK YOU!!
  5. installed but im not showing the stats in the carousel like your screen shots show, everything works but no stats what version are you using for the stats to show up or what carousel cfg are you using? awesome work
  6. location is in the cfg folder you are using keho, keho2 or my vertical one. C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\configs open hotkeys.xc "hotkeys": { // keycodes below // onHold: false - take action by key click. true - while key is remains pressed. // change the key code thats in orange list of the codes is below "minimapZoom": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29, "onHold": true }, "minimapAltMode": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29 }, "playersPanelAltMode": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29 } } } /* from keys.py: """ This module contains definitions of all keycodes known to the client. They are set to the values as in the C++ files. """ MODIFIER_SHIFT = 1 MODIFIER_CTRL = 2 MODIFIER_ALT = 4 KEY_NOT_FOUND = 0 KEY_NONE = 0 KEY_NULL = 0 KEY_ESCAPE = 1 KEY_1 = 2 KEY_2 = 3 KEY_3 = 4 KEY_4 = 5 KEY_5 = 6 KEY_6 = 7 KEY_7 = 8 KEY_8 = 9 KEY_9 = 10 KEY_0 = 11 KEY_MINUS = 12 KEY_EQUALS = 13 KEY_BACKSPACE = 14 KEY_TAB = 15 KEY_Q = 16 KEY_W = 17 KEY_E = 18 KEY_R = 19 KEY_T = 20 KEY_Y = 21 KEY_U = 22 KEY_I = 23 KEY_O = 24 KEY_P = 25 KEY_LBRACKET = 26 KEY_RBRACKET = 27 KEY_RETURN = 28 KEY_LCONTROL = 29 KEY_A = 30 KEY_S = 31 KEY_D = 32 KEY_F = 33 KEY_G = 34 KEY_H = 35 KEY_J = 36 KEY_K = 37 KEY_L = 38 KEY_SEMICOLON = 39 KEY_APOSTROPHE = 40 KEY_GRAVE = 41 KEY_LSHIFT = 42 KEY_BACKSLASH = 43 KEY_Z = 44 KEY_X = 45 KEY_C = 46 KEY_V = 47 KEY_B = 48 KEY_N = 49 KEY_M = 50 KEY_COMMA = 51 KEY_PERIOD = 52 KEY_SLASH = 53 KEY_RSHIFT = 54 KEY_NUMPADSTAR = 55 KEY_LALT = 56 KEY_SPACE = 57 KEY_CAPSLOCK = 58 KEY_F1 = 59 KEY_F2 = 60 KEY_F3 = 61 KEY_F4 = 62 KEY_F5 = 63 KEY_F6 = 64 KEY_F7 = 65 KEY_F8 = 66 KEY_F9 = 67 KEY_F10 = 68 KEY_NUMLOCK = 69 KEY_SCROLL = 70 KEY_NUMPAD7 = 71 KEY_NUMPAD8 = 72 KEY_NUMPAD9 = 73 KEY_NUMPADMINUS = 74 KEY_NUMPAD4 = 75 KEY_NUMPAD5 = 76 KEY_NUMPAD6 = 77 KEY_ADD = 78 KEY_NUMPAD1 = 79 KEY_NUMPAD2 = 80 KEY_NUMPAD3 = 81 KEY_NUMPAD0 = 82 KEY_NUMPADPERIOD = 83 KEY_OEM_102 = 86 KEY_F11 = 87 KEY_F12 = 88 KEY_F13 = 100 KEY_F14 = 101 KEY_F15 = 102 KEY_KANA = 112 KEY_ABNT_C1 = 115 KEY_CONVERT = 121 KEY_NOCONVERT = 123 KEY_YEN = 125 KEY_ABNT_C2 = 126 KEY_NUMPADEQUALS = 141 KEY_PREVTRACK = 144 KEY_AT = 145 KEY_COLON = 146 KEY_UNDERLINE = 147 KEY_KANJI = 148 KEY_STOP = 149 KEY_AX = 150 KEY_UNLABELED = 151 KEY_NEXTTRACK = 153 KEY_NUMPADENTER = 156 KEY_RCONTROL = 157 KEY_MUTE = 160 KEY_CALCULATOR = 161 KEY_PLAYPAUSE = 162 KEY_MEDIASTOP = 164 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN = 174 KEY_VOLUMEUP = 176 KEY_WEBHOME = 178 KEY_NUMPADCOMMA = 179 KEY_NUMPADSLASH = 181 KEY_SYSRQ = 183 KEY_RALT = 184 KEY_PAUSE = 197 KEY_HOME = 199 KEY_UPARROW = 200 KEY_PGUP = 201 KEY_LEFTARROW = 203 KEY_RIGHTARROW = 205 KEY_END = 207 KEY_DOWNARROW = 208 KEY_PGDN = 209 KEY_INSERT = 210 KEY_DELETE = 211 KEY_LWIN = 219 KEY_RWIN = 220 KEY_APPS = 221 KEY_POWER = 222 KEY_SLEEP = 223 KEY_WAKE = 227 KEY_WEBSEARCH = 229 KEY_WEBFAVORITES = 230 KEY_WEBREFRESH = 231 KEY_WEBSTOP = 232 KEY_WEBFORWARD = 233 KEY_WEBBACK = 234 KEY_MYCOMPUTER = 235 KEY_MAIL = 236 KEY_MEDIASELECT = 237 KEY_IME_CHAR = 255 KEY_MOUSE0 = 256 KEY_LEFTMOUSE = 256 KEY_MOUSE1 = 257 KEY_RIGHTMOUSE = 257 KEY_MOUSE2 = 258 KEY_MIDDLEMOUSE = 258 KEY_MOUSE3 = 259 KEY_MOUSE4 = 260 KEY_MOUSE5 = 261 KEY_MOUSE6 = 262 KEY_MOUSE7 = 263 KEY_JOY0 = 272 KEY_JOY1 = 273 KEY_JOY2 = 274 KEY_JOY3 = 275 KEY_JOY4 = 276 KEY_JOY5 = 277 KEY_JOY6 = 278 KEY_JOY7 = 279 KEY_JOY8 = 280 KEY_JOY9 = 281 KEY_JOY10 = 282 KEY_JOY11 = 283 KEY_JOY12 = 284 KEY_JOY13 = 285 KEY_JOY14 = 286 KEY_JOY15 = 287 KEY_JOY16 = 288 KEY_JOY17 = 289 KEY_JOY18 = 290 KEY_JOY19 = 291 KEY_JOY20 = 292 KEY_JOY21 = 293 KEY_JOY22 = 294 KEY_JOY23 = 295 KEY_JOY24 = 296 KEY_JOY25 = 297 KEY_JOY26 = 298 KEY_JOY27 = 299 KEY_JOY28 = 300 KEY_JOY29 = 301 KEY_JOY30 = 302 KEY_JOY31 = 303 KEY_JOYDUP = 272 KEY_JOYDDOWN = 273 KEY_JOYDLEFT = 274 KEY_JOYDRIGHT = 275 KEY_JOYSTART = 276 KEY_JOYSELECT = 277 KEY_JOYBACK = 277 KEY_JOYALPUSH = 278 KEY_JOYARPUSH = 279 KEY_JOYCROSS = 280 KEY_JOYA = 280 KEY_JOYCIRCLE = 281 KEY_JOYB = 281 KEY_JOYSQUARE = 282 KEY_JOYX = 282 KEY_JOYTRIANGLE = 283 KEY_JOYY = 283 KEY_JOYL1 = 284 KEY_JOYBLACK = 284 KEY_JOYR1 = 285 KEY_JOYWHITE = 285 KEY_JOYL2 = 286 KEY_JOYLTRIGGER = 286 KEY_JOYR2 = 287 KEY_JOYRTRIGGER = 287 KEY_JOYAHARD = 288 KEY_JOYBHARD = 289 KEY_JOYXHARD = 290 KEY_JOYYHARD = 291 KEY_JOYBLACKHARD = 292 KEY_JOYWHITEHARD = 293 KEY_JOYLTRIGGERHARD = 294 KEY_JOYRTRIGGERHARD = 295 KEY_JOYALUP = 304 KEY_JOYALDOWN = 305 KEY_JOYALLEFT = 306 KEY_JOYALRIGHT = 307 KEY_JOYARUP = 308 KEY_JOYARDOWN = 309 KEY_JOYARLEFT = 310 KEY_JOYARRIGHT = 311 KEY_DEBUG = 312 KEY_LCDKB_LEFT = 320 KEY_LCDKB_RIGHT = 321 KEY_LCDKB_OK = 322 KEY_LCDKB_CANCEL = 323 KEY_LCDKB_UP = 324 KEY_LCDKB_DOWN = 325 KEY_LCDKB_MENU = 326 AXIS_LX = 0 AXIS_LY = 1 AXIS_RX = 2 AXIS_RY = 3
  7. damn use chrome and translates everything for you, attitude like that doesnt get ya help thats for sure
  8. location is in the cfg folder you are using. C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\configs open hotkeys.xc "hotkeys": { // keycodes below // onHold: false - take action by key click. true - while key is remains pressed. // change the key code thats in orange list of the codes is below "minimapZoom": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29, "onHold": true }, "minimapAltMode": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29 }, "playersPanelAltMode": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29 } } } /* from keys.py: """ This module contains definitions of all keycodes known to the client. They are set to the values as in the C++ files. """ MODIFIER_SHIFT = 1 MODIFIER_CTRL = 2 MODIFIER_ALT = 4 KEY_NOT_FOUND = 0 KEY_NONE = 0 KEY_NULL = 0 KEY_ESCAPE = 1 KEY_1 = 2 KEY_2 = 3 KEY_3 = 4 KEY_4 = 5 KEY_5 = 6 KEY_6 = 7 KEY_7 = 8 KEY_8 = 9 KEY_9 = 10 KEY_0 = 11 KEY_MINUS = 12 KEY_EQUALS = 13 KEY_BACKSPACE = 14 KEY_TAB = 15 KEY_Q = 16 KEY_W = 17 KEY_E = 18 KEY_R = 19 KEY_T = 20 KEY_Y = 21 KEY_U = 22 KEY_I = 23 KEY_O = 24 KEY_P = 25 KEY_LBRACKET = 26 KEY_RBRACKET = 27 KEY_RETURN = 28 KEY_LCONTROL = 29 KEY_A = 30 KEY_S = 31 KEY_D = 32 KEY_F = 33 KEY_G = 34 KEY_H = 35 KEY_J = 36 KEY_K = 37 KEY_L = 38 KEY_SEMICOLON = 39 KEY_APOSTROPHE = 40 KEY_GRAVE = 41 KEY_LSHIFT = 42 KEY_BACKSLASH = 43 KEY_Z = 44 KEY_X = 45 KEY_C = 46 KEY_V = 47 KEY_B = 48 KEY_N = 49 KEY_M = 50 KEY_COMMA = 51 KEY_PERIOD = 52 KEY_SLASH = 53 KEY_RSHIFT = 54 KEY_NUMPADSTAR = 55 KEY_LALT = 56 KEY_SPACE = 57 KEY_CAPSLOCK = 58 KEY_F1 = 59 KEY_F2 = 60 KEY_F3 = 61 KEY_F4 = 62 KEY_F5 = 63 KEY_F6 = 64 KEY_F7 = 65 KEY_F8 = 66 KEY_F9 = 67 KEY_F10 = 68 KEY_NUMLOCK = 69 KEY_SCROLL = 70 KEY_NUMPAD7 = 71 KEY_NUMPAD8 = 72 KEY_NUMPAD9 = 73 KEY_NUMPADMINUS = 74 KEY_NUMPAD4 = 75 KEY_NUMPAD5 = 76 KEY_NUMPAD6 = 77 KEY_ADD = 78 KEY_NUMPAD1 = 79 KEY_NUMPAD2 = 80 KEY_NUMPAD3 = 81 KEY_NUMPAD0 = 82 KEY_NUMPADPERIOD = 83 KEY_OEM_102 = 86 KEY_F11 = 87 KEY_F12 = 88 KEY_F13 = 100 KEY_F14 = 101 KEY_F15 = 102 KEY_KANA = 112 KEY_ABNT_C1 = 115 KEY_CONVERT = 121 KEY_NOCONVERT = 123 KEY_YEN = 125 KEY_ABNT_C2 = 126 KEY_NUMPADEQUALS = 141 KEY_PREVTRACK = 144 KEY_AT = 145 KEY_COLON = 146 KEY_UNDERLINE = 147 KEY_KANJI = 148 KEY_STOP = 149 KEY_AX = 150 KEY_UNLABELED = 151 KEY_NEXTTRACK = 153 KEY_NUMPADENTER = 156 KEY_RCONTROL = 157 KEY_MUTE = 160 KEY_CALCULATOR = 161 KEY_PLAYPAUSE = 162 KEY_MEDIASTOP = 164 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN = 174 KEY_VOLUMEUP = 176 KEY_WEBHOME = 178 KEY_NUMPADCOMMA = 179 KEY_NUMPADSLASH = 181 KEY_SYSRQ = 183 KEY_RALT = 184 KEY_PAUSE = 197 KEY_HOME = 199 KEY_UPARROW = 200 KEY_PGUP = 201 KEY_LEFTARROW = 203 KEY_RIGHTARROW = 205 KEY_END = 207 KEY_DOWNARROW = 208 KEY_PGDN = 209 KEY_INSERT = 210 KEY_DELETE = 211 KEY_LWIN = 219 KEY_RWIN = 220 KEY_APPS = 221 KEY_POWER = 222 KEY_SLEEP = 223 KEY_WAKE = 227 KEY_WEBSEARCH = 229 KEY_WEBFAVORITES = 230 KEY_WEBREFRESH = 231 KEY_WEBSTOP = 232 KEY_WEBFORWARD = 233 KEY_WEBBACK = 234 KEY_MYCOMPUTER = 235 KEY_MAIL = 236 KEY_MEDIASELECT = 237 KEY_IME_CHAR = 255 KEY_MOUSE0 = 256 KEY_LEFTMOUSE = 256 KEY_MOUSE1 = 257 KEY_RIGHTMOUSE = 257 KEY_MOUSE2 = 258 KEY_MIDDLEMOUSE = 258 KEY_MOUSE3 = 259 KEY_MOUSE4 = 260 KEY_MOUSE5 = 261 KEY_MOUSE6 = 262 KEY_MOUSE7 = 263 KEY_JOY0 = 272 KEY_JOY1 = 273 KEY_JOY2 = 274 KEY_JOY3 = 275 KEY_JOY4 = 276 KEY_JOY5 = 277 KEY_JOY6 = 278 KEY_JOY7 = 279 KEY_JOY8 = 280 KEY_JOY9 = 281 KEY_JOY10 = 282 KEY_JOY11 = 283 KEY_JOY12 = 284 KEY_JOY13 = 285 KEY_JOY14 = 286 KEY_JOY15 = 287 KEY_JOY16 = 288 KEY_JOY17 = 289 KEY_JOY18 = 290 KEY_JOY19 = 291 KEY_JOY20 = 292 KEY_JOY21 = 293 KEY_JOY22 = 294 KEY_JOY23 = 295 KEY_JOY24 = 296 KEY_JOY25 = 297 KEY_JOY26 = 298 KEY_JOY27 = 299 KEY_JOY28 = 300 KEY_JOY29 = 301 KEY_JOY30 = 302 KEY_JOY31 = 303 KEY_JOYDUP = 272 KEY_JOYDDOWN = 273 KEY_JOYDLEFT = 274 KEY_JOYDRIGHT = 275 KEY_JOYSTART = 276 KEY_JOYSELECT = 277 KEY_JOYBACK = 277 KEY_JOYALPUSH = 278 KEY_JOYARPUSH = 279 KEY_JOYCROSS = 280 KEY_JOYA = 280 KEY_JOYCIRCLE = 281 KEY_JOYB = 281 KEY_JOYSQUARE = 282 KEY_JOYX = 282 KEY_JOYTRIANGLE = 283 KEY_JOYY = 283 KEY_JOYL1 = 284 KEY_JOYBLACK = 284 KEY_JOYR1 = 285 KEY_JOYWHITE = 285 KEY_JOYL2 = 286 KEY_JOYLTRIGGER = 286 KEY_JOYR2 = 287 KEY_JOYRTRIGGER = 287 KEY_JOYAHARD = 288 KEY_JOYBHARD = 289 KEY_JOYXHARD = 290 KEY_JOYYHARD = 291 KEY_JOYBLACKHARD = 292 KEY_JOYWHITEHARD = 293 KEY_JOYLTRIGGERHARD = 294 KEY_JOYRTRIGGERHARD = 295 KEY_JOYALUP = 304 KEY_JOYALDOWN = 305 KEY_JOYALLEFT = 306 KEY_JOYALRIGHT = 307 KEY_JOYARUP = 308 KEY_JOYARDOWN = 309 KEY_JOYARLEFT = 310 KEY_JOYARRIGHT = 311 KEY_DEBUG = 312 KEY_LCDKB_LEFT = 320 KEY_LCDKB_RIGHT = 321 KEY_LCDKB_OK = 322 KEY_LCDKB_CANCEL = 323 KEY_LCDKB_UP = 324 KEY_LCDKB_DOWN = 325 KEY_LCDKB_MENU = 326 AXIS_LX = 0 AXIS_LY = 1 AXIS_RX = 2 AXIS_RY = 3
  9. 9.3 cm 3034 tank carousel still not showing more than 1 row xvm.log carousel.xc hangar.xc
  10. tank carousel if set to more than 1 row doesnt show any tanks in garage like the screen shot posted above mine. this is on test server xvm.zip
  11. very good idea here, i have over 100 tanks in my garage and need filters for tier etc like he posted this is a huge plus with the mod.
  12. if you delete the appdata/roaming/wargaming folder it will work 1 battle after that blackscreen again i get it ever battle as well but right now i have almost all the flash files out except what i need for the hitlog and the rest of xvm and works fine. trying players panel next
  13. i have tried every nightly build, i uninstalled downloaded new and reinstalled on new harddrive, ran xvm by itself with no mods and after every battle i get black screen when going back to garage, If i take xvm everything works fine and all mods work fine. (except the view and mouse lock up bug) i am at a total loss, i can get the hit log working but i have to take most of the swf files taken out of the scaleform and no blackscreen xvm is the only thing causing it when its fully installed i74670 r280x brand new pc 3 weeks old 16gigs ram everything up to date
  14. yes you can add icon or images like in the players panel above the tanks open the iconset.xc and you will see where it goes
  15. from xvm log watching replay build 2945 013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:021] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:022] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:023] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:024] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:025] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:026] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:027] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:028] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:029] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:030] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:031] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:032] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:033] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. 2013-11-13 07:17:13: [X:034] TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. xvm.log
  16. how do you get the clan battle info tool working on NA server? i dont see any instructions on using it, thanks and great work like always
  17. only time i crash is when my team caps flag, test 2 nightly build 2925 with sirmax #3 application.swf that he posted other than that no crashes at all.
  18. sirmax i had 1 crash out of 20 battles tonight running your application.swf #3 with nightly build 2925 and it was on a win back to garage. running wot as admin, windows 7 pro 64 and alot of mods installed only thing is i had hardly any stats loading on battleloading screen is all i can handle 1 crash a night
  19. hey man had a question about your claninfo scripts in the scripts/mods folder what does this do and where do we see the info at? I loaded up didnt see any new tabs or info for clan info very nice work
  20. played all night on 2910 renamed application.swf to applicationtest.swf not 1 crash all night 27 battles.
  21. rename the application.swf in the flash folder to something and no crashes played all night not 1, but you will loose hanger xvm mods and battleloading stats which i can live with till a fix is made. stats work fine in game
  22. i think he wants to know after buying back ammo and repair cost if he makes any money for that battle is he green or red , i know wg shows this in details but use to be able to see it in the colored session stats
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