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Korean Random


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Everything posted by horussjr

  1. That makes perfect sense! I was not aware of WG thinking of restyling. Thank you kind sir for shedding some light over this!
  2. This is exactly what I was asking for. Thank you for the clarification. I have seen it happening only for a little bit, and then gone :) I thought that is what the Awards means, thank you for clarifying. Do you know if xvm developers still want to make it a feature? Thanks dragon!
  3. Yes, i understood that. what does "players stats in awards" do? Also, it seems i am not insane and this is actually real: https://gitlab.com/xvm/xvm/-/commit/27855d066f6061e1ad2b60152147f68e5e15f09a And now the same code is commented out: https://gitlab.com/xvm/xvm/-/blob/master/src/xvm/xvm_lobby_ui/com/xvm/lobby/ui/battleresults/UI_CommonStats.as
  4. Hi, Thanks for coming back to me, a bit of a blunt attitude if you ask me, but i will try to explain why you are not right. Let's say I have not made myself clear, if anyone wanted to be helpful they could have said "mate, you don't make any sense, what do you mean". And I would have answered: On the modxvm website, where you set your preferences (this is what we are talking about) there is an option called Player stat in awards This makes me think that you could see the players' wn8 in the Battle Result window. "In some games (some updates ago) I have seen players wn8 in the Battle Results window (very inconsistent though) but this doesn't happen at all now." I do not have a screenshot of player wn8 in battle results, because it only happened in a maximum of 3 battles, randomly, without changing any settings, and has not happened ever since. So in Battle results, on the team tab, for both teams, next to the player name, the players' wn8 would show. If this is meant to happen, can someone tell me why it is not happening for me? If this is not meant to happen, can someone tell me what that "Players stat in awars" is meant to do? Thank you
  5. Hi, I can see on the website an option called Player stat in awards? In some games (some updates ago) I have seen players wn8 in the Battle Results window (very inconsistent though) but this doesn't happen at all now. Can someone explain how this is meant to work? Thanks
  6. My god this forum is so helpful.... Almost like if you don't speak russian no one cares about your question... Thanks guys!
  7. Hi, I can see on the website an option called Player stat in awards? In some games (some updates ago) I have seen players wn8 in the Battle Results window (very inconsistent though) but this doesn't happen at all now. Can someone explain how this is meant to work? Thanks
  8. No one knows what is the correct value to use there? Or if this is indeed a bug?
  9. Hi, I am using a custom wn8 scale (wotlabs 10 colours) and i have added it into colors.xc as such: "wn8": [ { "value": 301, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_bad" } }, // 0 - 300 - very bad (better than 0% of players) { "value": 450, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.bad" } }, // 300 - 449 - bad (better than 6% of players) { "value": 650, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.below_average" } }, // 450 - 649 - below average (better than 20% of players) { "value": 900, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.average" } }, // 650 - 899 - average (better than 40% of players) { "value": 1200, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.above_average" } }, // 900 - 1199 - above average (better than 63% of players) { "value": 1600, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.good" } }, // 1200 - 1599 - good (better than 82% of players) { "value": 2000, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_good" } }, // 1600 - 1999 - very good (better than 95% of players) { "value": 2450, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.great" } }, // 2000 - 2449 - great (better than 99% of players) { "value": 2900, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.unicum" } }, // 2450 - 2899 - unicum (better than 99.9% of players) { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.super_unicum" } } // 2900 - * - super unicum (better than 99.99% of players) ], However this does not get applied in Statistics widget, Players Panel or Statistic Form. Winrate works fine: "winrate": [ { "value": 47, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_bad" } }, // -46% - very bad (better than 0% of players) { "value": 48, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.bad" } }, // 46% to 47% - bad (better than 6% of players) { "value": 49, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.below_average" } }, // 47 to 48%% - below average (better than 20% of players) { "value": 50, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.average" } }, // 48% to 49% - average (better than 40% of players) { "value": 52, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.above_average" } }, // 50% to 51% - above average (better than 63% of players) { "value": 54, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.good" } }, // 52% to 53% - good (better than 82% of players) { "value": 56, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_good" } }, // 54% to 55% - very good (better than 95% of players) { "value": 60, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.great" } }, // 56% to 59% - great (better than 99% of players) { "value": 65, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.unicum" } }, // 60% to 64% - unicum (better than 99.9% of players) { "value": 101, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.super_unicum" } } // +65% - super unicum (better than 99.9% of players) ], And here is the colour definition: "colorRatingNew": { "very_bad": "0x930D0D", // very bad dark red "bad": "0xF11919", // bad red "below_average": "0xFF8A00", // below average orange "average": "0xE6DF27", // average yellow "above_average": "0x77E812", // above average green "good": "0x459300", // good dark green "very_good": "0x2AE4FF", // very good blue "great": "0x00A0B8", // great dark blue "unicum": "0xC64CFF", // unicum violet "super_unicum": "0x8225AD" // super_unicum dark violet }, I have tried instead of "wn8" to do "r" and that didn't work either - as per macros.txt file - {{r}} │ X │ X │ X │ X │ X │ X │ player's rating (type of rating can be selected in the personal cabinet: https://modxvm.com/) Any ideas what i need to define for these colours to be applied to my rating (which is set to wn8 in personal cabinet) Many thanks, horussjr
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