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  1. I'm trying to colorize rating mark (left hp bar)... where before "color": "{{c:r|#999999}}" was, I change it for "color": "{{c:vwtr|#999999}}" I need to change this? "color": "{{py:xvm.color_rating('vwtr',{{vwtr}})|#999999}}",
  2. Is the wtr per vehicle... If I edit the color.xc, delete // from: // Custom dynamic colors by ratings. // If you want use your own color scales, // uncomment this block and replace "rating_name" to one of this values: "eff", "wn8", "wtr", "wgr" // Динамический цвет по указанному рейтингу. // Если вы хотите использовать свои собственные границы цветов вместо стандартных, // раскомментируйте блок и замените "rating_name" на одно из следующих значений: "eff", "wn8", "wtr", "wgr" //"rating_name": [ // { "value": 500, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, // 0 - 500 - very bad // { "value": 1000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, // 501 - 1000 - bad // { "value": 2000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, // 1001 - 2000 - normal // { "value": 3000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, // 2001 - 3000 - good // { "value": 5000, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // 3001 - 5000 - very good // { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } // 5001 - 99999 - unique //], And replace it with: "vwtr": [ { "value": 2718, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, { "value": 4334, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, { "value": 6180, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, { "value": 8179, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, { "value": 9564, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good" } }, { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } ], It shows in gray all marks. If I take and replace another color definition like tdb: "tdb": [ { "value": 499, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, { "value": 749, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, { "value": 999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, { "value": 1799, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, { "value": 2499, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } ], And replace it with: "tdb": [ { "value": 2718, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, { "value": 4334, "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad" } }, { "value": 6180, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal" } }, { "value": 8179, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good" } }, { "value": 9564, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good" } }, { "value": 99999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique" } } ], All tank marks shows in red... A tank with 1280 vwtr shows in red (thats correct), but a tank with 4030 vwtr shows in red too. What Im missing?
  3. How I put color based in VWTR? I tried editing color.xc, but after edit it shows gray, and if I take another color scale, and modified it for vwtr... it shows colors based on the not modified scale...
  4. Hi! I wanna set up XMV for see 2 squares markers (left bar hp) in the color xTE of thank (or wn8 for that tank) and wn8 of player. And set the battle loading with this parameters... Name (color wn8), Clan (color pp), Tank (color xTE or wn8 for that tank), nº of battles with that tank and winrate with that tank. How I do it? Thanks in advance.
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